Why were there so many great videogames released in 2004?
Why the hell did SO MANY amazing games release during that particular year?
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Why the hell did SO MANY amazing games release during that particular year?
Some of my all-time favourites being: Crash Twinsanity, Spyro: A Hero's Tail, Sonic Heroes and Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
Why do you need new games? Games attained perfection in 2004. It's a scientific fact.
That is because in the 2000's game companies knew what the end-users ( customers ) want as well as releasing it on the popular consoles back then.
It was the year of the begining of big picture of video games.
I think 2002-05 . nfs underground, san andreas,COD. Owwwww....
currently playing Star Ocean 3: Till the end of time, which was released about that year. Gonna be avoiding everything for a while.
Where I grew up a bunch of Californians and Northeners moved in and it kinda lost its soul. Its like a northern city now where it use to be more laid back and rural. Most people that live there arent even from the state
I've heard from countless of angry texans that fleeing californians are ruining their cities, particularly Austin.
one thing we got in common with Texas is we dont have a state income tax. My parents also made the mistake of moviing into a small town 15 minutes from an airport and 25 minutes from downtown. The Californians came in with big money and bought the houses. Locals cant compete with them lots of the time they buy houses with cash and theyre rich af. They move there because theyre business ppl and its by the airport. But one thing thats good is my parents bought a house there for 70,000 in 93 now its worth over 500,000.