Why would cigarettes make my hands shake?

i've been smoking cigarettes like crazy for the past 8 years but ran out of money lately and havent had one in a couple days but now im so anxious. my hands are so much steadier though it doesn't make any sense does anybody know if regular nicotine cigarettes can make hands shaky all these years?

yes i'll explain 10
no i'll explain 2
i don't know 21
i don't care 10
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Comments ( 8 )

    My stepfather smoked for 40 yrs. and his hands shook like crazy. His lungs failed and spent the last 7 yrs. on 24 hr. oxygen and died last summer. Don't start again.

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  • GrayHulk99

    and it doesn't mix well with other drugs.

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  • 4_esme_4

    Yes, you rely on cigarettes and are having a panic attack. Quit

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  • Ellenna

    It would be great if you could not let yourself start again now you've stopped, but you may need some help with that - gum or patches or spray for a while, because if you were smoking enough to give you shaky hands you would have a fairly strong addiction to nicotine.

    I smoked for 50 years, stopped lots of times but always started again until about 5 years ago, but it was too late to prevent me from developing emphysema, which is a slow and nasty way to die, believe me. Smoking does long term damage to your body which doesn't show up for a long time.

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    • yeah,but i crave one right now and already probably will get cancer anyway because i smoked heavily since i was 17 and im 25 now. i'm just so anxious for no reason.

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      • Ellenna

        So why increase your odds by starting again? That's the addiction speaking, not your rational brain, and you're anxious because you're in withdrawal from a very strong addictive substance.

        Smoking causes a lot of other fatal illnesses apart from lung cancer: COPD/emphysema which I have; bladder cancer; heart disease and heaps of others. One in two smokers, that's half, will die of a smoking related condition. Plus, you're burning up lots of your own money to profit the government via tax and evil multinational companies.

        Please don't think I'm judging you: I'm not, just telling you what I wish someone had said to me decades ago. Maybe if they had I wouldn't have kept fooling myself that I could keep putting off giving up and not suffer any health effects.

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  • Lifeistooshorttotakeseriously

    Nicotine is a powerful stimulant. If you are smoking like a chimney you are jacked all day any wonder your hands shake.

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  • Steve2!

    It is without a doubt the effects of the chemicals which you ingest through cigarettes destroying and eroding your central nervous system. Quite frankly, you deserve it for being stupid enough to smoke.

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