Why you prefer small boobs, but not really?

This question is mostly for guys. Please be 100% honest.some info: I have smaller boobs. Mostly like a B, and i'm really insacure about it. My bf always said he likes this "hand size" and he hates bigger ones/fake ones. I find out he watched girls with like a D or bigger. I feel more horrible, and insacure,and i avoid everything sexual bc i feel he lied to me, and that he secretly hates my size. So please, be honest. Why do guys says they hate bigger ones,and like/want smaller ones, than go beat the meat to big ones?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Ligeia

    Your BF watches porn and you're most concerned about your boob size. Lol cuck mentality.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I’m asexual so take this with a pinch of salt but people can be attracted to multiple body types. It’s a bit odd that he lied that he finds large boobs disgusting but perhaps he just wanted to try and make you feel better?

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  • ospry

    I'm definitely an outlier here, but the reason I prefer small boobs is because I was sexually assaulted by a woman with big breasts. I associate big boobs with her now and I'm borderline disgusted by anything larger than a B cup

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    • Wow3986

      Women can't rape. Also this comment proves that you hate women so much you body shame them. Shame on you ospry, shame on you.

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  • jethro

    I think small breasts are sexy. Besides they will still look sexy when you get older. Big boobs don't age well.

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  • kikilizzo

    I may be a woman but I find small boobs attractive on other women (I am ace but bi so that is like purely aesthetic attraction but still). I have small boobs myself and I have never given any thought to it because I never even think about the fact that I have tits tbh but it's great because with small tits you don't need to wear a bra and you do not get back pain and tops fit you better. What's there to complain about? Who cares what your man thinks! He's clearly attracted to you as otherwise he wouldn't be with you. Porn doesn't always reflect what one is attracted to in real life, heck I watch that shit sometimes and I am not attracted to anyone that way in real life lol.

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  • JustAHuman

    I think most guys like bigger boobs. But I myself love smaller ones. And when I look at porn, I seek girls with smaller boobs.

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  • litelander8

    As a female, please don’t judge people by the porn they watch. Lol. I personally like my fantasy staying a fantasy. I like my partner sexually, exactly how he is.

    But your feelings are valid. I just would try not to dwell. Plus live little tiddies are way better than any tiddies on a screen.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Smaller boobs make a girl look more athletic to me. It makes her stomach look flatter and she looks less fat. It also draws more attention to her hips and ass.

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