Wich astrological sign was the person that was your best lover?
Pisces | 113 | |
Scorpio | 152 | |
Leo | 85 | |
Virgo | 74 | |
Aquarius | 62 | |
Capricorn | 54 | |
Sagittarius | 70 | |
Libra | 86 | |
Cancer | 65 | |
Gemini | 74 | |
Taurus | 78 | |
Aries | 77 |
Ask Your Question today
Pisces | 113 | |
Scorpio | 152 | |
Leo | 85 | |
Virgo | 74 | |
Aquarius | 62 | |
Capricorn | 54 | |
Sagittarius | 70 | |
Libra | 86 | |
Cancer | 65 | |
Gemini | 74 | |
Taurus | 78 | |
Aries | 77 |
I once got a private dance from a stripper named "Aries". She was fantastic.
Ive noticed that a lot of porn stars are pisces- that factoid is what spawned this poll!
Porn stars have more incentive to act like hunks of meat, like drug addiction and money to supply said drug addiction; so Pisces would make sense, lol.
Does a cold, bald, chemically scented cooch and banshee screaming make for good sex? No.
No, but the fact they arent sexually repressed like some people, sure does! Come on now, EVERYONE watches porn sometimes! Also- do you think EVERY porn star has a drug addiction?! Thats mighty stereotypical of you! (although, it has been portrayed that way in a lot of(non-porn) movies)
My main crush is someone that's Aries - they say that us two signs (I'm a Saggitarian) are very compatible ;D And then my second crush is a Libra
Woot! Woot! Ya, my birthday is coming. I don't like it! I hate even numbers, and I'm about to be one.
Hahaa! Yep my birthday is in like 2-3 weeks from now...I'll be an odd number! :D. Yeah there is something about being an even number thats kinda boring Loool :D
Me too! My birthday is comming, and I'm going to be an even number as well :)
I peeked at your profile. You'll be 20, brat! Hehehe -_- I'll be...........32. Waaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!! I don't wanna!!!!!!!! Hahaha I hate getting older. Its cool though, I'll live. I've been told I could pass for 22 :D I can live with that!
Don't worry, I won't be offended if you think I'm an old hag :) I'm still awesome!!!!!
How about who gives a shit? Hell, I don't even know my own star sign. And I'm not interested in finding out.
WHOO scorpio is the best(that's my sign) BUT I don't think this is accurate because my boyfriend's a capricorn and he's most definitely the best lover I've ever had!
im an Aquarius and the best lover i had was a Scorpio. they say these two signs would make a horrible match but i think it also depends on ur moon signs also
my moon sign is Libra and her moons sign was Aries. opposites but couldnt resist each other sorta like Bobby Brown(Aquarius) and Whitney Houston(Leo) and both their sun signs are opposites
Im a Libra and my best was with a Libra. I also had a scorpio and it was horrible and a Gem wich was good but not fantastic. So i guess stick with my sign and im good :D
I'm a Sagitarius and this Virgo I was with was wild. She is like unbelievably beautiful in an elegant way, and sexy at the same time, but extremely shy so she could come off as prude to some, but I could sense that she had more to offer- she just needed someone to make her feel comfortable. I was that guy and HOLY SHIT! She was super flexible and like sexual napalm it was INSANE! I was convinced I loved her for the longest time and we barely even had a conversation ahha
He was a tarus and he tarus in deep haha biggest dick ever!!! But the cancer was sexy n the scorpio was passionet the gimini was awkward when he said " this is his lightsabor n he was gonna lay me " and now im married to a libra who has a low labido for this bunny
haha a scoripo ;). I'm a Gemini and sign-wise we don't have much in common ACCEPT the sexual stuff.
I'm an Aquarius and I'm usually attracted to Leos and Cancers, Leos being the better lovers. Cancers are not careful with hearts.
I'm a Libra and my best matches are Aquarius, and Gemini. However I've always had a thing for Leo's ;)
what is it about leos that's attractive? Just curious.
my answer was leo as well but, I've never specifically sought one.
I don't know. I just like that Leos are self-confident and as a lover they aren't shy, they don't hold back and they know what they want. Everything that makes things difficult in a relationship, makes a Leo a good lover.
The more you show a Leo you're into them, the more they'll show you back, but it gets tiring complimenting them all the time and giving all of your attention to them.
Leos are playful and usually want something new.
I don't place any stock in this sort of thing, but if I were, I'd go for Pisces, Cancer, and Leos.
I'm a taurus and he's a virgo...but virgo doesn't describe him at all lol. Aw well, it works.
I have no idea how people put any stock in astrology.
I'm an ENFP. My best shag was with an INTP. At least THOSE are based on something factual.
Virgos: You will face a difficult decision in the upcoming week. Be strong and follow your heart, but don't completely shut out logic when making your choice. Finding a balance between the two is key!
^ utter bullshit, but it's better than half of what I read about this stuff...
The moon not only has an effect on the tides of oceans, but essentially determines them. Human beings are 70% water, the most "water-y" part of us being our brains.
The sun provides vitamins that effect how our neurons communicate and connect.
Mars effects the iron in our blood. (Also, most people finding success in the military have Mars in the 10th house).
Besides these, each planet and entity in our galaxy has a gravitational field that is reliant on the field of every other entity in order to remain balanced. Not to mention astrology has been studied for thousands of years, in every culture (each culture weirdly corresponding and coming to similar conclusions as the next), before any enlightened figure of today's major religions walked this planet. It has been recognized as an official science by the country of India.
If you still "have no idea" why people place any stock in astrology, re-think the superficially scientific nature of MBTI. Carl Jung, you see, was an astrologer as well as a psychologist, and the personality types Myers & Briggs used to create the test on zodiacal archetypes.
Here's an old-ass website with astrological statistics based off of encyclopedias. The findings are very interesting, especially given that they are only checking the sun sign and no other influence in any of these individual's charts: http://www.lexiline.com/lexiline/lexi136.htm
What does the gravitational balance of celestial bodies have to do with human being's personalities?
We have to be the most outrageously arrogant and self-centered beings in the universe, I'll put money on it.
It is our experiences, our cognitive ability, our environments that shape and define our personalities. Not the time of year that we are born. You will not find statistical evidence to prove personality traits are more prevalent in people born at one time of year over another. People have tried! The only way to do so is to generalize a trait to the point where it's universal, and then slap it on someone. "Taurus' are quick to anger" <-- EVERYBODY is quick to anger at some point in time. There's more credibility to the idea that being Irish leads one to high temperament, due to not only genetics but cultural influences as well.
Some aspects of astrology are worth studying, but attributing a person's personality (or sexual / romantic compatibility) to whether or not they popped out of the womb at a certain time of year is absolutely preposterous. How many "exceptions to the rule" are among your friends? More than roughly 90% of my friends and family possess SOME traits attributed with their sign, and other traits are radically inaccurate. If I go through the list of every single sign in the zodiac, and compare it to someone I know, it's the same thing. There are some things that are spot on, and others that are dead wrong.
With the MBTI personality test and observing people I know, I can at least make ACCURATE guesses as to traits they will possess. An ENFP is likely to be similar to me. Another person with the same sign as me is not. Plain and simple, nothing has refuted this in all my experiences in life.
If I could experience a single ounce of CONSISTENCY with astrological signs indicating people's personalities, I would believe. I have not, nor have I ever seen any data that supports it. The chart you listed shows numbers well within the acceptable range for random dispersal.
Sure, zodiac signs show us universal traits and let us explore them, that's cool. In fact it's wonderful to promote introspection and self awareness. As for any statistically plausible and consistently accurate traits? They're just not there. Your average lawyer or star kid on the debate team can show you how to manipulate data to implicate a certain thing.
I'm not trying to be overly aggressive or hostile towards astrology, I just find it interesting people put stock in something proven by modern science to be incorrect. But then again, there are still devoutly religious people...
Mick Jagger said it best: Old habits die hard.