Wife being a turd

She has to deck everything out in the girly shit knowing we both are gonna use it. Like her car has a big pink plate on the front. Then the keys to that car is filled with pink shit and pepper spray canisters. She ordered a pink holyster for our gun. I told her to buy new little hand weights she buys pink ones. Everything she gets is girly knowing I am going to have to use it. I get having girly shit but why cant things be universial if I'm gonna use it

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Comments ( 14 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Is your little penis going to shrivel into dust if you touch something pink and shiny?

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    • Is there anything at all that you consider immaculating?

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  • olderdude-xx

    Happy Wife ==> Happy Life.

    Of course she wants girly stuff for herself. Most woman do.

    Totally normal. Your reaction and not understanding some basic truths about Ladies is the issue here (and I'm a mid 60's guy who learned this stuff long ago).

    Also, the very 1st words out of your mouth for any issue needs to be: "I'm sorry" or some variation of that up to "I was wrong." This is true no matter the cause of the issue.

    Trust me on this... Now what I am sorry about or wrong about might not be the same thing that my GF's and now Wife think I'm sorry or wrong about. But, the vast majority of Woman need to hear it...

    Otherwise, I predict you will be sleeping on the couch a lot (or a spare bedroom, etc); and the marriage will not last.

    So, stop being a turd yourself and man up to treating your wife properly.

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  • Mini69

    You should be careful. Your dick and balls might fall off if you keep touching all that pink stuff. You might even grow some tits!

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Don't use the pink ones and get your own in a different color. Though to be honest, the pink stuff really isn't a big deal. It's just a color. This so sounds like one of those first world problems.

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    • I have to go through security clearances daily and empty my pockets and its embarrassing to have abunch of hello kitty shit on me. I guess women dont get it.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Well if you are carrying your wife's purse with you to work it will raise questions.

        Things in a man's pocket. Car & House/Apartment keys, change, perhaps a small pocket knife, handkerchief, wallet, perhaps some other cash in other pockets, perhaps breath freshener.

        Are you carrying a pink with glitter pocket knife or wallet, or a girly handkerchief?

        You can certainly get those in more plain designs.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    The pepperspray canisters are something everyone should have. As for the pink; maybe stop associating pink with girly.

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    • Not just pink but glitter and all kinds of shit. Her keys are like 5 pounds of absolute junk. Has a makeup mirror and everything.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        if its an old style starter/ ignition key for the car havin a buncha weight hangin off the key will fuck up the starter switch

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  • hobomaddy

    YOU'RE being the turd, if she's buying it then she can buy whatever the hell she wants.

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    • Even if the purpose in buying it is for both of us to use?

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  • darefu

    Buy your own stuff, or buy the things you're going to share yourself instead of waiting for her to buy them. A key for a car is not that expensive and you should have two anyways.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Yeah, this is a bit unfair.

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