Wife keeps finding womens clothes
This is the weirdest fuckin thing. First time she found a girl's shirt in my gym bag. But that time there is a reason I was at the gym and I change out of my work clothes into gym clothes. And if I remember correctly there was a white shirt laying on the table in there when I went in and I wear a white undershirt under my work clothes so I accidentally picked it up off the table and stuffed it into my bag thinking it was my white undershirt.
Now yesterday my wife comes at me and says "so whos is this?" And shows me a black no boundaries brand thong. She says she unloaded the dryer and it was magically in there. And I have absolutely no fuckin clue where this thing came from. She obviously does not believe me because the shirt incident and I have not always been faithful but that was years ago. Now I have no clue where this thong came from and its causing issues. Wtf could have happened with that? Im just bewildered where this came from. I seriously have no involvement in where this came from I havent cheated in years and even then I never had sex eith another girl.