Will i do well in college?

I'm currently a senior in high school and I have a sinking feeling that I'll do very poorly in college. People have always said that you'll do well in college if you're ambitious and driven to do work - that is not me. I have a GPA that's hovering above a 3.0, but I wouldn't exactly describe myself as a dedicated student. I do all my homework, but I never put much time or effort into it - I just finish it as fast as possible so I can get on to doing what I want. In terms of tests, I don't usually study, unless it's finals, but I usually do pretty well on tests anyway because of my good memory and innate intelligence. The only time I ever get a bad grade on a test or in a class is if I don't understand the material right from the start - the classes I understand and enjoy I always do really well in.

I know all this stuff sounds really negative like it's guaranteed that I'll flunk out of college, but there are a few things that give me a glimmer of hope. For one thing, I NEVER procrastinate - if I'm told I have to do something, I always feel like I have to get it done as soon as possible and as fast as possible. Also, there are some subjects that genuinely interest me, such as Writing, English, History, and Geography - in those classes, I don't mind doing all the work. For instance, in the Creative Writing class I just took, I got an A+ because I went above and beyond and truly cared about doing my assignments. Do you think I'll do well in college?

Yes, you'll do great! 6
You'll probably do pretty well. 8
You'll get by (barely). 2
No, you're probably not gonna make it. 2
How'd you even get into college? 2
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Comments ( 6 )
  • MangoTango

    You sound to me like you have high probability of doing great in college if all you are concerned about is netting a good GPA.

    High school and college are different in that you manage your own time/schedule in college. Quite frankly, the freedom in college is delightful! Its easier than you imagine. You see you have MUCH more personal control in college.

    You can WIN a high GPA by playing college like a game. Be picky with your schedule. Research to create a manageable class load (don't be tempted to over-schedule! 15 hours is enough!). Do not always trust college advisers. Use your own brain for class scheduling!!! Get info about potential professors. All that matters is that score on the transcript (if success is your sole interest). Get things like a syllabus of each potential class BEFORE you sign up for it. How to get them? Typically, you can find them online. Prof's post them. Find out when your final exams are so you can schedule classes to get them timed just right. Pick classes based on scheduling in each syllabus. If you space exams/deadlines right, it makes everything easier. Don't do say, Microbiology + lab + Precalculus back to back! Umm, no! If these classes = your strengths though? No problem. Schedule at your convenience. Try to get the classes on different days of the week. Use ratemyprofessors.com, but take it with a huge grain of salt. Oh yes, consider learning about class petitioning. This lets you use one class as a requirement filler. I think most schools do this.

    Honestly? If you do half way okay on the SAT/ACT, that's a better measure of your strengths/weaknesses than your high school GPA. Weaknesses, once identified, can easily be rectified. No problems! College is NOT as hard as people claim it to be. Ha, noooo, noooo, noooo. Myth! You might even find it EASIER than high school.

    I often crammed for exams. I procrastinated like everybody does, lol. I graduated with honors as a double major. The thing with college? There's really a formula to everything there. There's an academic writing style. You template your papers to that MLA/APA style. Its really quite easy!

    Taking notes is the key! Pay attention in class and you cut your workload in half! I'm a bad note taker. I tend to write/type everything down. It worked for me. Seriously,some professors are RANDOM with exams material. This will be a breeze if you remind yourself to be INTERESTED in the lectures. Get an audio recorder for lectures (or if your laptop will capture audio, do it). Its like cheating. :-) You can review it if necessary. Basically, become an expert note taker. Class notes = your cheat sheets.

    I forewarn you that group studying can be bad, lol. It ends up a chat fest. Keep them focused, lol! They are great for breaking up work. I found that if you have a class with 500+ students, if the professor gives you a review sheet? Hello? Everyone can answer one question PERFECTLY and it can be assembled as a review sheet. Awesome.

    College is great for freedom. Its easier than the real world. I mean, you essentially have a kind of open schedule to manipulate so you can have work time + free time. Totally doable.

    While you are there, you are to be building a resume trail. Its easy. Just do a lot of activities that make you look good on paper. :-) Net connections with influential people like your professors, other leaders. That will all help you in the future.

    IMO, have a clear major in mind NOW, not later. College is insanely expensive (unaffordable)nowadays (the cost is so inflated that it is what we call a higher education BUBBLE - be seriously stingy about loans!! Avoid them if at all possible! Learn what the heck the the interest rates may be! Try like heck to net scholarships! Its work but hunt them down/fill out all applications for them). Colleges love indecisive students because they stay longer, thus make the college more money. This is an investment that needs to net a good R.O.I. (return on investment) for YOU following graduation. I am so serious about that! :-)

    The rest? Have fun! Every day, have fun! Its so easy. A college campus is like an entertainment mecca with resort-style options at your disposal. It's awesome. I could go back to college, lol, now that I think about it. Everything is convenient. There's always a huge recreation center which is pure fun. You get to meet so many fresh faces. I, myself loved meeting international students. I volunteered + worked in my school's international/exchange student office. Fun! I did an exchange program to France (studied architecture/culture in the Loire Valley). I double majored in Classics + Geography :-) I have no idea what you're interested in. I totally rec' a focus on learning knowledge about East Asia. That's where the global shift is focusing towards.

    Okay, I hope some of this was useful to you.

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  • lc1988

    From what you've said, I think you'll do well. Keep in mind though that you WILL have to take classes that have nothing to do with your major and although they will be uninteresting, the important thing is to just keep your head up and do the best you can. I was a science major but was required to take some electives I was not a fan of...microeconomics, philosophy, sociology to name a couple. The way my university was...you had to pick out of so many electives and just had to take whatever was open at the time.
    I don't mind english...I got A's but I already knew how to write and don't need to perfect MLA format for science journals. I actually did take creative writing too but only because I was failing a class and took the 8 week creative writing so I'd still have the required amount of credits.
    That's another thing...if you know you're going to fail a class, GET OUT. Try it again another semester if it's a requirement.
    As far as not understanding the material right away...every professor should have office hours which are set for you to individually get help. I'd urge you to take advantage of this if you feel like you're falling behind. I was always too embarrassed to ask questions in class so I loved the individual help (when I actually admitted to myself that I needed it ha)

    The first two years you should be able to skate by. The MOST important thing is to attend every class. Always be there and you'll be amazed at how much you absorb and retain for tests. The material shouldn't be that complicated but the 3rd and 4th year will take a bit more effort as you'll be taking the upper level classes for your major.

    Lastly, make sure you major in something that you love and that you'll be able to use when you graduate. It's frustrating to see some of my friends still in college (7 years and going) or graduated and not being able to find a job. Hell, it took me 2 years to find a job but I'm happy.
    Good Luck and sorry for the novel!

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    It honestly depends on the degree you're going for.
    Some degrees are harder than others because of the classes you're required to take.

    Personally, I find science and math classes to be more difficult than anything else. Everything else just requires memorization or something.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    stay away from the bad influences what says yalls life hasta be an animal house or cheech & chong rerun cause yalls in college

    yalls there to learn and fuckin payin dearly to be so, remember that shit

    pick a major whatll provide a return on yalls investment too

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  • thegypsysailor

    You only get out of life what you put into it.
    If you are as lazy and uninterested as you make yourself sound, I think college is the least of your worries about your future.
    You are still young enough to change your attitude and put some real effort into getting what you want from life. Bad study habits are only a precursor of bad work habits and a difficult life.
    Time to choose your future.

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  • dom180

    Your motivation can change a lot. At college a lot of what you do can change. Especially because at college you'll be doing a subject you love, or at least one you chose to do, you ought to be more motivated.

    Of course I can't tell you whether or not you'll do well, but nothing you've said has given me cause to believe you'll do badly. If anything you sound a bit like me, and I generally get good grades.

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