Will this person have a good future?

He is over 30 and does not have a job. He's struggling to pay rent. He refuses to work at the understaffed stores and fast food places all over town. He looks down on people that work those jobs. He also looks down on rich people and think rich people are obligated to share. His parents constantly send him money. They are elderly and still working so they can give him money. He has no plan for when his parents die and he has nothing to inherit. It seems like he wants to live like a kid. He constantly buys collectable figures and toys with the money he gets, sometimes instead of paying rent. The entire house is filled with junk. His landlord was chatting with my father the other day and the landlord plans on taking him to court to evict him. The guy once threatened my elderly mother and accused her of stealing a package he ordered. He got even more upset and threatening when she refused to accept his mental illness as an excuse when he apologized. Good riddance to him!

Yes 2
No 13
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Comments ( 9 )
  • sweetone89

    Hopefully, everyone has a good future...

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Once life hits him like a brick house he will have the choice to learn from his mistakes and change or continue his behavior and harm himself. If he continues he will eventually end up homeless.

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  • ospry

    Mental illness can be extremely disruptive to your life but it shouldn't be used as an excuse for being an asshole or being lazy. Anyone who does that is practically waving a red flag to the world that they refuse to accept responsibility for anything

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  • jackstormwater

    Sounds like he doesn’t have a very good present, let alone future. Things (and people) can change, but there’s nothing in the trajectory that is looking good for this man in the years to come.

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  • kelili

    No one knows. Maybe he'll change once his parents are no longer there and he has no one to look up to or maybe he won't. Maybe he'll end up on the streets or maybe he'll marry rich and will never have to worry.

    No one knows. But the probability of him being in shit in some years are high if he doesn't change something.

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  • olderdude-xx

    He will have as good of a future as he is willing to make for himself. He may also have a completely different opinion on what a good future looks like for them.

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  • bbrown95

    I know someone a lot like this and fear for their future, honestly (and it's extremely worrying that they seem unconcerned about it and don't see a need to do anything different). I would say it doesn't look good as it is, unless he is willing to make changes. Just the fact that his parents are enabling this behavior and he is taking advantage of them makes the situation even worse. I know people in their 40's with their parents still paying for everything, and still working well into their senior years to support them. They never learn and keep blowing through money on stupid things, because they don't have to suffer any consequences from it. There is always someone there to bail them out of their messes. These people will have a very rude awakening once their parents can no longer support them and they have to manage on their own.

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  • Tinybird

    Why does everyone hate people who want to live like kids?

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    • Ellenna

      "Everyone"? OK if they're not doing it at someone else's expense

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