With whom are you?

I think we should get rid of NATO. Solve the problem. There is no huge alliance against other countries such as USA, UK, Canada, Australia, etc. But only against Russia. Why? This is unfair This must make them upset

And why would Russia want an enemy at the border? Their demand is that Ukraine doesn't join NATO. It is true that Russia has no right to dictate what Ukraine should do. But also, to is also true that they have the right to do everything they can to protect themselves. People think every country is safe except Russia. This is racism. Russia has no other option. What if the west attacks Russia from Ukraine after Ukraine joins NATO? The enemies will easily get inside Russia and destroy the country.

Also, no one is talking about how the Russian soldiers had to give their lives. We all know they didn't want this. Theirs not to make reply. Theirs not to reason why. Theirs but to do and die.

Russia doesn't want to expand the country. They just want to keep enemies away from the border. If Ukraine doesn't join NATO, then the problem is solved.

And we should also remember how Ukraine and Russia were together as the USSR. They are very closely related. Many Russians have Ukrainian family members. Cossacks and Russians have been together for years. Now suddenly Russia sees that their old friend is joining the enemy and has the key to invade Russia. This must make them sad and angry.

Also, after Stalin died Russia wanted to make peace. Even wanted to join NATO (they didn't even imagine there'd be a whole alliance against them) It was the west who didn't want to cooperate. And why do you want to eliminate communism? Vietnam is communist and fine, for example. It's their country, their choice.

Someone is saying that Russia should stop acting like they are the strongest people in the world. They never do anything like that. It's how the west portrays them in media. This is why whenever the west hears Russia, they think like that.

And I am not against Ukraine. I am against the existence of a racist thing called NATO

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Comments ( 40 )
  • megadriver

    NATO exists to keep Russia and other communist countries in check. Many European countries can't fend for themselves and/ or don't have enough resources to fend for themselves, so they join NATO to have some security. Or a lot of security, because of the high count of NATO members. It's gotten to the point, where if someone attacks a member, everyone will have to defend them at all costs. NATO can not afford to lose an ally. It's also a reason why getting into NATO is becoming harder.

    I'm with NATO, against all potential attackers!

    If WW3 breaks out, I will serve and I will give 'em hell!

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    • KholatKhult

      Checks and balances Mega. NATO must be kept in check as well, surely you don’t believe in giving absolute world power to a niche club where you must pay to get in.
      Balance of power.
      And don’t be mistaken, NATO is just United States & Company, your country doesn’t even pay the share they agreed to, you will not be protected.

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      • Ummitsstillme

        Khoatkhult, Russia is the agressive one. Before 2022 and Putin's war, no one actually gave a fuck. Now NATO is a big deal.

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        • KholatKhult

          In the invasion of Ukraine yes Russia is the aggressor. But my point is that there needs to be a check on NATO and Europe and the United States. NATO has masses of blood on their hands, look at the Middle East.
          Look at the genicides of indigenous people in America. America in its entirety is a conquered and occupied nation. The “war on communism” that had Americans trashing villages and destroying civilians, the atrocities of the Cold War, all of the propaganda during the Red Scare. The occupation of numerous countries, making “terratories” and bloodthirstiness of American citizens when they hear about Muslims, etc.

          You want this nation to have complete and unchecked power ?

          Look at the shit Britain has pulled in its entire existence, colonization and conquering and pillaging and genocide.
          And fucking Germany. 10 years after WWII Germany joins NATO, you expect anyone to believe for a second that Nazism was gone entirely in 10 years ? Bullshit.

          There NEEDS to be a balance of power. You people are not god, you are not moral puritans.

          The West does not want good for Russia, for China, for multiple nations. Our children’s schools have bomb shelters for a reason

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          • MonteMetcalfe

            So when do you predict the NATO nations will fight each other over who will claim Russia for themselves?

            My guess is Luxembourg will try to claim it. I heard they just bought a dog and need a bigger yard.

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            • KholatKhult

              Are you unaware of the colonizations and occupancies, ‘territories’ claimed currently, and ongoing projects of conquest, done by NATO nations ?
              What percentage of the world speaks NATO nation languages ? Such as English and Spanish. What percentage of the world has seen ethnic devastation under the gaze of “Westernization” ?

              “NATO isn’t doing any conquering in the modern day !” they’ve literally occupied the entire world already, and “silently” support current conquests.

              America has 800 military base “little americas” in over 70 different countries. Russia has 21 bases. Yet we are the invasive aggressive one ? NATO runs around disarming and destroying defense forces in smaller countries who can’t afford to pay the NATO fee. The British has deployed a chokehold on practically every country it “discovers”.

              NATO forgave Nazi Germany in 10 years for the millions upon millions of murders, innocents and military.
              Based on proportionate damage, how long until Europe looks at Russia with the same “forgiving” kindness ?

              To act like it is silly to worry about the devastating unchecked and unbalanced powers of a alliance of nations who have historically been the most genocidal and conquesting group the world has ever seen is insane to me.
              Tally the death count done by the countries within NATO, and please reevaluate your devotion.

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          • Ummitsstillme

            Are you trying to justify modern Russian bomardment of Ukrain? Are you comparing the states killing the nativeas with disease 400 years ago?

            Stupid, the west only worries about Putin. Stupid, NATO and Ukraine are only wanting to defend from your Russian aggressor.

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            • KholatKhult

              That’s all you got out of what I said ? Are you slow ?

              If the West only worried about Putin it would’ve created NATO in 2000

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      • LloydAsher

        Yeah it's a pay system? You want in you have to PAY. That's why trump busted their balls over leaving nato. Not because he was going to but to make the countries that didnt pay their fair share pay.

        Would you perfer nato to be 100% usa funded? No? Well that's why other members need to chip in. If they are lacking in economy, chip in soldiers.

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        • KholatKhult

          When you create a pay system you give complete power to the wealthy, giving incentive to be as corrupt and money hungry as possible. NATO is a plutocracy that has the most powerful, aggressive, and invasive, influence in the entire world.

          NO country or nation should be left in complete and total power completely unchecked. NATO is a puppet of the United States who pays multiples and multiples higher than any other nation, do you really believe that NATO listens to a country like Bulgaria as equally as they listen to the US ?

          The United States should leave NATO. Russia poses no threat to you.
          Why would the US spend trillions to be offensive against a country that has no intention of being a threat to them ?
          There is either some insanely shady dealing, or the US is being punked to pay the military bills of countries that offer their citizens more benefits than the US does.

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    • SweetNLite

      You say, it's gotten to the point, where if someone attacks a member, everyone will have to defend them at all costs. Yes, that's the point. It's always been the point. It was created to defend against the spread of communism. Russia is not a communist country; the Soviet Union was. I have a couple of questions. Which NATO countries have been attacked? Which countries has NATO attacked?

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  • Boojum

    Typical Russian paranoia and usual Russian-centric worldview at work here. (So, I maybe it's, "Hello again, KholatKhult!". Or perhaps it's a case of, "Hello, Tucker Carlson fan!")

    It is true that NATO was set up primarily to counter the (very real) threat posed by the USSR to western European democracies after WWII.

    However, the principle of collective defence never applied solely to any particular country. Say, for example, that some psychopathic nutter gained power in Belgium, and he stirred the whole population up into a nationalistic frenzy and a collective state of delusion where all Belgians believed the "natural" borders of Belgium in pre-Roman times included parts of The Netherlands, Germany and France. If Belgium attacked one or more of those countries in attempt to annex parts of them, then the provisions of NATO's Article 5 would be triggered, Belgium would be expelled from NATO, and all the other member states would be obliged to come to the aid of the countries which had been attacked.

    Of course, it's highly unlikely that Belgium would do that, and it's just as implausible that any other NATO country would attack another NATO country. That's because those countries are all stable democracies where relatively sane, rational people are in charge, and it's the general ethos in those countries that a lot more positive can be achieved by cooperation and dialogue rather that slaughtering other people and blowing their shit up.

    It's really not NATO's fault that the Russian people as a whole seem to be addicted to having autocratic leaders who constantly crap on them, rob from them and believe that Russia must be at the centre of the whole damn cosmos. If the Russian people ever grow the fuck up, realise that they don't really need or want an all-powerful daddy figure in charge in the Kremlin, and work towards developing a healthy democratic form of government where the priority is on making life better for the Russian people rather than international dick-waving, then I imagine that the significance of NATO will slowly fade away.

    One of the supreme ironies of Putin's attack on Ukraine is that he's suddenly reminded European politicians and ordinary people that NATO does indeed serve a useful purpose, and it's a really good idea for European countries to spend a couple percent of their GDP on defence when there's still an unpredictable, expansionist psychopath with delusions of grandeur living in the neighbourhood.

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    • KholatKhult

      I didn’t make this post

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    • Ummitsstillme

      Exactly! If anything has been shown, it is that we need way more NATO.

      Do you think a century of atheism makes the Russian people cold and desirable of a dictator, or do you think the dictators and marxism for 100 years makes the Russians that way?

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      • Boojum

        The USSR never actually banned religion as such. While the state did try to reduce its influence, it never went away. Putin himself was secretly baptised as a child, and if you can bear to look closely at those ridiculous bare-chested photos of him, you'll see he's always wearing a large cross and, no matter what macho activity he's involved in, the cross is somehow always carefully positioned between his elderly man-boobs.

        From various accounts, it's clear that Putin does consider himself a Christian, and it's not just a performative thing that he does to gain public support. It's also well known that the Russian Orthodox church works hand-in-glove with Putin, that the church is a significant Putin cheerleader, and it has an important role in Putin's world-view. From what he and Patriarch Kirill have said about Russia's attack on Ukraine, it's clear that they view it as something of a crusade to bring the depraved, Western-corrupted Ukrainians back to the true Slavic faith or some such religious mumbo jumbo.

        I'm not an expert on Russian history, but I suspect the attitudes we see today in Russia are largely due to the fact that the country went from a system of absolute monarchy (complete with despotic, incredibly wealthy aristocrats who exercised enormous power over vast areas and huge numbers of feudal serfs) to a system where the Russian people were tightly controlled by a little clique of despots who were accountable to the people only in theory.

        When we're not bitching about how messed up politics is and how useless our politicians are, we in the West tend to take for granted the democratic systems we live in. It's easy to forget those systems of government didn't appear by magic. They evolved from absolute monarchies in a process of usually gradual and occasionally rapid, violent change over a period of several centuries. That simply never happened in Russia, and those who are currently gripping the reins of power in Russia are strongly opposed to it ever happening because that could bring to light all their crimes and screw up their plans to continue to pillage the country for their personal gain.

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        • Ummitsstillme

          Putin only wears the cross because exactly why you previousky said, it is theatre, he is a through and through Soviet Athiest.

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      • KholatKhult

        Atheism ? ! M-m-m-Marxism ? !
        That must be what made Russians evil ! With their big pointy teeth and glowing red eyes and sharp claws !

        Oh god ! McCarthy was right !!

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        • LloydAsher

          Marxism? Yes. Atheism? Naw only China turns it into a evil concept.

          Yeah you turn communist your peoples way of life suddenly gets way worse.

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    • dude_Jones

      Well a psychopath, yes. But we have both fundamental and immediate causes working together here. Fundamentally, Putin sees his southern neighbors as occupying ancient Russian land established during the Ottoman Empire.

      The immediate cause is Russian counter-intelligence reporting that covert CIA operatives have spent 10 years training Ukrainian military trainers on how to teach the public to cut supply lines with home made weaponry.

      You would think Putin would be less emotional and make necessary improvements to Russian counter-measures. But, his irrational paranoia kicked in. Putin will just destroy civilian targets, get bored with the situation and go home after a year and a half. This is the same shit as Beirut and Afghanistan.

      Sun Tsu, the military mastermind behind Gengis Khan’s successes would be utterly disgusted with Putin’s lack of strategic thinking. I am equally disgusted as well.

      By the way, although the Ukrainian government is becoming more libertarian, my humble opinion is that top Ukrainian officials are still too corrupt to be considered for NATO membership.

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  • Grunewald

    I'm with the people. Russian, Ukrainian, whoever they are.

    Maybe there'll be a Brutus among them if we search hard enough.

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  • kikilizzo

    We need NATO. But right now I hope my country doesnt join because there is no need to piss off Putin more.
    Ukraine is a peaceful country. Putin has always been the person he is... which is someone who wants to control everything and everyone. The media is heavily controlled and people who talk trash on Russia or Putin may be at risk of "disappearing". I don't think anyone would want to challenge Russia. It's a huge country so it would be stupid.
    It's just Putin being paranoid and crazy. He thinks that everyone is against him. Typical mental illness paranoia and black and white thinking. That dude is not well.
    He is indeed forcing young russian soldiers to shoot down and bomb their brothers and sisters in ukraine, which is horrible. Young boys who do not want to do what they are being forced to do.
    Yeah personally I think Ukraine should say no to NATO right now as well, though at this point I doubt that would help. Putin has made promises already that he broke, he doesn't value honesty and never has. Even if Ukraine doesnt join NATO the war might still go on because Putin feels like it.

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    • Boojum

      It's possible that Putin is "crazy" in a clinical sense, but I doubt it.

      There are plenty of signs that his view of reality is adrift from the historical and current facts, but we're all guilty of that to some extent. And as the old line goes, it's not paranoia if there really are lots of people out to get you. Through Putin's entire life, there have always been people who wanted to get him in one way or another, and he's spent his whole political life getting rid of his enemies - often in permanent ways. So it's not irrational for him to feel paranoid.

      National security agencies might have a fairly clear idea of what exactly is going on inside Putin's clique of gangsters, thugs and enablers, but it's difficult for us in the general public to know. For what it's worth, there have been a couple of stories that came out recently which are interesting.

      The first is that Putin has fired and replaced something like 1,000 of the lowly flunkies who come into regular contact with him and his family. These were personal staff such as cooks, kitchen staff, waiters, housekeepers, and so on. For what it's worth, I've also read that Putin now has a food-taster. Given the well-known history of Putin ordering that his political enemies be assassinated by things like nerve agents and Polonium, this isn't shocking, but it could indicate that he's very aware that he's skating close to the edge of oblivion.

      The other story is that Putin has had some of the senior people in the intelligence services arrested (quite possibly on bogus charges, as is the norm in Russia) and put in home detention. Apparently, these were the people who assured him that Ukraine would collapse in a matter of hours if Russia invaded. Who knows if they were incompetent and failed to correctly read the general mood and grasp the military capabilities of Ukraine, or if Putin was so fixated on taking over Ukraine that he bullied them into telling him what he wanted to hear. In any case, it seems that in Putin's mind, they're responsible for his totally stupid decision to attack.

      There have been stories about other members of Putin's gang of crooks not being seen recently. Nobody would be shocked if there have been a number of completely unexpected heart attacks, accidental falls down elevator shafts and inexplicable suicides amongst that group in recent days.

      Possibly the best we can hope for at this point is that Putin decides that he can trust absolutely nobody, and he starts trying to micromanage everything. Once autocratic systems reach that state, things inevitably start to fall apart, and it's common for a group of seriously disgruntled underlings to decide that their interests would be best served if the boss was eliminated.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    Go slap yourself in the side of the head with a herring.

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  • Somenormie

    I'm with nobody.

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  • raisinbran

    This isn't college football.

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