Without religion.

I was just hoping for some comments from some people on what would you think it would be like in the world with no religion I personally think it might be better but i'm only a 14 year old I don't understand everything yet. Please post.

- Gaara

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Comments ( 112 )
  • Shavemeslowly

    People would find something else to discriminate, segragate, and stereoype by.

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    • otakufreak40

      We already do.

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    Let me just tell you all, GOD IS FAKE!!!!

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    • maila2916

      AMEN TO THAT!!

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  • slackjawedyokel

    youre damn right the world would be better without religion.more people have been killed in the name of religion down thru the ages then for any other reason.look at all the religions today causing trouble---muslims,christians,catholics,protestants,jew,
    etc.even in our own country some fuckup like Bush can use his religion as an excuse to invade and kill other people.

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    • PixelatedAsian

      Check facts, out of all the recorded wars in history only 7% or something has been caused by religions and in most of these wars, religion has been used to hide the true reason of war cos it's a powerful motivator, ex:- greed, true right to throne etc. Atheism isn't saint either, attrocities by stalin, mao etc. As for world without religion don't know how that would end, obviously no wars will be fought in name of religion but wars will happen in the name of greed or control or something else. Also this depends on people individually but sometimes a person may stop from doing something atrocoius cause he fears someone supreme(God) will punish his deeds, if no God then he'd have nothing to fear other than law. So both have it's advantage and disadvantage.

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    • illbreakyerrface

      how does a religion question turn into something political??

      why don't you better educate yourself before you go bad mouthing presidents--george bush ain't the only fuck up in history

      you know what: those sons-of-bitches came into our country and killed thousands of people and you think america should just sit back and take it

      you think we should just act as cowards

      HELL NO

      I agree the war has been going on too long but he's our president and I support him

      so fuck off

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      • Shavemeslowly

        "you know what: those sons-of-b**ches came into our country and killed thousands of people and you think america should just sit back and take it

        you think we should just act as cowards"

        If that is a valid justification, why is it that IRAQ was targeted mainly, and not afghanastan? revenge anyone?

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      • billjr

        I want to fill ypur hole with cock

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      • I like you! You have a brain!

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    Yes. I think if we could just somehow forget religion. And instead teach science as a religion, or something in that ballpark (NOT SCIENTOLOGY). We will have overcome one of the most putrid and dividing things we have ever made. I believe that alone would bring the human race closer. It would signal a huge awakening of consciousness. There is so much more mystery to the world than what science can explain, it would be great to see 6-9 Billion people working together in unison to forward science. Have you ever noticed that religion has never solved a problem, whereas Science is the reason we are talking to each other right now?!

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    • RB190

      Well you can't exactly teach science as religion, it would turn into a scientology like thing.

      I believe Morgan Freeman did a documentary on this, he concluded the genes that make us religious are also the ones that allow us to form working societies and use deduction for improvement.

      in a sense, if we were not looking for GOD we would never discover science.

      He concluded that any sentient alien species worth anything would also have organized religion, but no comment on whether Religion would continue to exist in the future or if there truly is some behind the scenes universal opera going on, by which I mean is there a God and have religious inspiration and messages/laws/rules been sent to every alien species? that's stuff we'll find out in the future.

      It'd be interesting to compare our faiths with those of the aliens, and see if there are any similarities.

      on earth all religions say:
      You have a soul, GOD made everything, Earth life is illusionary(there is more beyond this universe), we can attain freedom and continue existence elsewhere, follow moral law or you won't get closer to your maker.

      if these basic truths apply to their faiths as well then we may have uncovered something big.

      Sure their moral code may differ from ours, but if they have the same beliefs about the soul and death and there being more to the afterlife then we might have some proof about there being more to this existence than mere existence and death.

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  • geekpost

    I think some religions serves as good moral guidelines

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  • im-a-necro

    So much shit is kicked around in the press when a couple of shitty american college kids die in virginia college shoot out, who gives a flying fuck!!!! more than that many people die a day in iraq, so fuck america, and quite frankly id like to see how americans acted with the war taken over to america on their soil, go suck your presidents cock those of you who support him cuz its about as close as him actually giving anything back to the state as you'll get. Twats

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    • The_Enigma

      I fucking love you....

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    • flyingnostalgia

      i so agree with you!

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  • Be_weird_with_me

    Personally i'm not religious, but in a way i think it's a good thing, i mean it gives some people morals, but then it makes some people complete dicks.

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  • maila2916

    "Imagine there's no heaven
    It's easy if you try
    No hell below us
    Above us only sky
    Imagine all the people
    Living for today...

    Imagine there's no countries
    It isn't hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace...

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will be as one"

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    • RB190

      If there is no purpose to living, why continue any longer?

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  • Schythl

    A world without religion. A man can dream...

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  • ladyoftheworld

    Many people find relgion comforting, many elderly and lonely people and it is a good help to them. I think we are right to have religion, its how you follow it is the question. No one has to follow it if they dont want, you have a choice and you also have a choice on how to live your life. If people want to worship god, let them do it as long as they are not hurting others.

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    • I don't find it comforting, I find it annoying. Plus I agree with the original poster.

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      • ladyoftheworld

        like i said everyone has a choice and their own point of view on this, whatever is best for you, you are free to choose

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        • yep

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    it would be a lot more peaceful, and it would be ultimately more peaceful if cultures and race went back to where they came from *cough* MUSLIM'S*

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  • GrixPwnage

    Religion sucks. NEVER, EVER be religious.

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    • I have only ONE word for you...STUPID!!!

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  • gangbang420

    I think world would be better without religions because see most wars started because of religions.

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    • RB190

      but scientific inquiry started from the same source, If man never asked 'why?' we would still have wars on resources and national/clan pride (religion whenever involved in a war has been seen as a clan by its followers, an us vs them thing.)

      the wars would have still happened and without any universal moral law disapproving of murder or upholding moral law, they would have been bloodier and far more horrific.

      though religious groups can fall into the Us vs. Them mentality just like any two 2 groups of soccer fans, a fear of being judged and damned by a force far larger than the universe, keeps everyone in check.

      otherwise agreed upon morality would be realistic(realism): I can do whatever I want, and as long as no one can stop me I'm right.

      religious morals, no matter how random, give enforced guidelines that you just can't break.

      finders keepers doesn't apply stealing is wrong.
      if you canget away with kidnapping and raping someones spouse doesn't give you the moral right to do so.

      you can't promise something and then break your word.
      you may not kill another human no matter how angry they make you.

      laws like these would mean nothing if the only punishments were man made, if humans are going to persecute you based on these laws, then as a fellow human you can amass enough power to turn the tables.
      but you can't do anything against God.

      as a result religion keeps societies from going "purge" level crazy. they also force people to question dogma, their faiths and the stuff around them.

      they also inculcate values likerespecting one's elders and protecting the weak.

      they also provide people with purpose, a goal to strive towards.

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  • mm6969

    Religion let's you down

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  • Cheet0

    Religions are just a reason for people to hate on others, especially those who have different beliefs

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  • JesusButtFuckingChrist

    Religion is one of the few things i just can't justify. There are several reasons but I guess my main adversion to religion is that its just a social control mechanisim hinged on villifying natural urges, feelings and behavior that would, without the ovebearing presence of dogma, be practically harmless. Religion abuses one of the most sacred and unique qualities of the human experience, free thought. Instead it tries to manipulate cultures through a social code that has brought about a large amount of prejudice and violence, especially in areas where extremisim is apparent. For people who are religious but do not proselytize vehemently (gasp! I've found a few.) I find that I can communicate on a rational level with them, even have great discussions and reach compromise. For those of the more boisterous variety, conversing with them always alludes to an aspect of spirituality. They are like the gates of heaven lofty and high on self righteous ideas but hard to reach. Hard to communicate with, hard to establish a sense of humanity in. Of course these are just anecdotes but I'd be open to reading others experiences. I myself identify as antitheistic meaning that yes, I do believe a world without religion would be a better place.

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  • walkingdildo

    Religion, or beliefs in higher powers, are massively complex. They cannot simply be dismissed as 'good' or 'bad', even on an individual system basis. Between the 8th - 13th centuries, Islam was probably the most influential and productive religion in the world. The Islamic Golden Age brought us new and advanced mathematics, maps of the stars (a third of star names beginning with a are Arabic in origin, and that's a lot), the first steps of the scientific method, corrections of false ancient European ideas of nature, the list goes on. Furthermore, they protected and respected Jews, certainly left them be. Come the Crusades, the Christians ruined everything. They persecuted Jews like it was going out of fashion. Islam also replaced the far worse Semitic polytheism.

    I'm anything but a Muslim, but credit where credit's due. My point is, nothing is black and white and many here are right when they say religion is rarely a cause for war, when it's used as a justification, it's often just a front. Most of the world is religious, and most of the world is just getting on with their life putting food on their kids' plates.

    Religion has probably resulted in the vast majority the world's tourism.

    I myself am an ancestor venerator. I refuse the label 'pagan' on the basis that a) pagan was used by Christians in the Roman domination of Europe and b) pagan does not conjur up positive stereotypes.

    I am technically not religious as I do not worship a higher power.

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  • Vegetable

    "Wanting to believe in religion is like wanting to move to North Korea" -Penn Jillette

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  • Realityforyou

    Keep seeking young one. Things made by man have a purpose. No religion is pure but the light in you.
    Rev. D.

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  • Alice97

    Without God, there are no moral absolutes.
    Without moral absolutes, my answer may or may not be right.
    Which basically means there isn't a true answer for your question, since we can't know what truth is and everything is relative.

    In short: Your question is pointless without God.

    Just my opinion.

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    if there was no religion people would find something else to fight about evan if there was only one religion one skin color and everyone was the same there wouldn't be much difference its in our nature

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  • revecroyant

    nothing does less than rant about yourdoing something when your not.

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  • revecroyant


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  • kspell

    Religion gives people something to hope for. Personally, I'm a christian. Maybe God isn't real, and maybe that after we all die, and we will, we don't go to heaven or hell. Maybe we will just be floating min a black eternity. But this thought, the thought of nothingness forever, scares people, and religion provides something that science can't. Hope. After all, better safe than sorry. All I know for sure is that I'm not going to hell because of my own uncertainty in God. Don't know about you guys, but I think the world would be overtaken by fear without religion. No religion(science) in itself, is a religion. So really, you can never have a world without religion.

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    • dytrog

      Without religion mankind would do much the same as they are. Fighting over land, oil, anything that would make them top dog. But with God some of us have hope no mater what the evil of the world does to us.

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  • Dastosh

    I have 2 words to say: FUCK RELIGIONS

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  • Crewge

    There would be less craziness and bullshit in the world

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    • Dastosh


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  • iheartu2013

    Fellow Christians,
    Please be how Jesus asks us to be. Turn the other cheek andLove thy neighbor. God gave us s new message for a reason You are saved, now it is my and your job to help more people come to the truth. Putting someone down only causes others to be defensive, and that will not save them. Follow God, don't fall back into sin. I am nowhere near perfect, but I try to be kind. Your words matter!
    A concerned Christian

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    • maila2916

      See, your the kind of Christian that all christians should be. If all Christians were like this than there wouldn't be a problem. Religion is like a penis. Its good to have one and be proud of it but when you start waving it in my face, then that's when we have a problem.

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  • TecaT.

    World would be fucked up with or without it.

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  • chezycheze

    I think that people need to share their religions in a caring and considerate way. This is what I hope and pray for. I want for each individual in the world to be able to honestly and comfortably share beliefs. From personal experience, it's a beautiful thing to honestly and comfortably discuss beliefs with others.

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  • AnusFaceKitty

    no religion looks like no God or sumthing...no unity will happen it can be...and demons will go out all the way..

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  • welkinson

    There would be more suicides because lots of people have it against their religion to commit suicide.

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    • maila2916

      So what? Less people, more space.

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      • welkinson

        I also think people would get along better without religion.

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        • maila2916

          There's always going to be some evil corrupt sonovabitch who'll use other means to control the people. Humans can never just get along. We always have to fight with each other over something. If not religion, than something else.

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  • theologian

    HopelessRomanticUNO, I 100% disagree with the Muslim thing: it's an extremist religion, so turn to Christian, Platonist or Jew for any justice, dotty! However, you're easy to like, but your so-called "true religion" isn't a peace against the terrorists, it is the terrorists, and 9/11 should wake you up praying that you're still alive, I follow a peaceful religion, of higher reality, and a cute creature you call earth, does Platonism ring a bell?

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    • maila2916

      9/11 was planned by the US. Osama bin Laden was a former Cia agent.

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  • theologian

    vegan, this is an unusual philosophy. Religion is by far the silliest thing, and some are quite stupid. I wouldn't agree on having no religion, without religion you can't worship a god in your own way with great pride, parading your religion like you're so majestic, this is why I follow religion. It makes people think you're great, courageous, mystical, and I'm a mystic myself, without religion there will be no way of life and no purpose. I'd rather eat the humble foods than have no diet to stick to, and rather reject pleasure than forget heart and soul, and rather use the intellect than follow a religion that's subjective. I feel much happier with body and soul than flesh and bones, secularisation is in my opinion the lowest form of living.

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  • vegan

    I think we would be so much better without religion. I have a Dawkinsian approach to this issue.

    The bad effects of religion widely overrule its benefits, in my opinion.

    And I find the idea of people actually needing some intentionality for their lives, not being able to cope with their lives without some supernatural supervisor, really depressing.

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    • kspell

      Well I find the idea of floating in nothingness for all of eternity after I die depressing

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  • deepthought33

    Religion was our science, and even though we've far surpassed the need for religion to give us "logical" (as in, what we USED to think as logical) answers we have still held onto it for many other reasons. It is a part of our evolution and our story and even though it annoys and hurts many people it is still evolving. Who knows how big (or small) of a hold it will have on humankind a thousand years from now...if we make it that far.

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  • Dan-the-Van-Vanson

    there would be alot less war

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  • for a sure thing there would be less war lol

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  • ZOR69

    Reminds me of that old song by John Lennon, "Imagine". I guess religion does sort of help fuck up the world, and add to all our divisions. But for many, it gives life some meaning. I don't think it is going to be eliminated from the human psyche any time soon, if ever. Just not likely. So get used to it and/or ignore it, if you don't like it.

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  • lovemuffin

    A world without religion could possibly be attained but a world without God could never be achieved. God created this world and He continues to sustain it.
    I am very sad to see so many people who profess to be God believers making unkind comments toward others. That is not God's way.If God condemned people who didn't know the things he knew, all would be condemned. God is a loving, just God and although we cannot always understand how He opperates he is 100%% good. Read and search the Bible ask God for wisdom and seek out the answer to this question yourself. You are intelligent and God will help you.

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  • Arcenaux

    Atheism cures religious terrorism

    Although i'd go moar the agnost way but i doubt something bad would happen if everyone is athieist

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    • maila2916

      That's exactly what everyone says about their religion. If we were all Christians or Muslims, there would be no difference.

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  • HopelessRomanticUNO

    become a muslim :)

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    • and go to hell...(just finishing your sentence for you...)

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  • I have pretty mixed feelings on this topic. Mankind has a spiritual side, a superstitious side and a manipulative predatory side that is capable of great evil and injustice. I'm sure whether religion is an excuse for the latter, or an enabler.

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  • awatcher

    Sometimes religion has prevented people from staring wars. It helps to keep people from having wanton sex all day and to keep people feed and sheltered. Some religions are innocous, some like some fundies can be dangerous. Some EU nations reguate them because of this.

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  • midgetWHAT

    ok, no a world without religion will be horrific, it all some people believe in. you have herd this sh*t from someone else and have chosen to believe it. Its not Religion that causes conflict its people. I am an agonist but i still believe that god helps some who choose.

    If religion wasn't there, they would just fight for something else its a factor not a cause

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  • Lambent

    A world without religion would be pretty much the same as it is now. People will just find another reason to hate, kill, take, discriminate, etc. I suppose we might be a bit better off without religious extremists? But religion itself is neither a good thing or a bad thing. It depends on how an individual takes it.

    Islamic extremists like slaughtering "infidels". Buddhists follow a code of peace. Religion can be a powerful factor in ones' morals (and even temperament). It's good if you use religion as a purpose to keep living or a way to release sadness and negative emotions but going so far as to kill others because they don't believe in what you believe is ridiculous.

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  • Tiigon

    I'm an atheist, as I find it impossible to believe that someone called "God" would control the whole universe, or even create it.

    I'm not saying that I would hate religions - I don't hate them, just don't believe anything about them. Why should I? They don't make any sense.

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    • kspell

      I find it I impossible that people can believe on the big bang. Tell me please, how can everything come from nothing? Athiests say that atoms can neither be created or destroyed, which makes no sense if you support the big bang theory

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    • asdfghjkl;

      To Tiigon,
      I'd like you to know, first of all, that this whole message wasn't written by a person. A bunch of bouncy balls fell on a keyboard, and they bounced around, banging randomly on the keys. And, by complete conicidence, they banged out this whole message: everything you see in this message was written by a bunch of bouncy balls, banging randomly on the keys.

      OK, now seriously, youd didn't believe anything written there right? Why didn't you believe it? because it's just too unlikely for something as complex as a message which makes sense, and which is actually in the context of this discussion, to be randomly banged out by a bunch of bouncy balls.

      So think about it, if you don't believe that something as "complex" as this message was written randomly, how can you believe that something as complex as the world could randomly become what it is today, without any guiding hand?

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      • kspell

        That was amazing.

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    • Nor do you, make sense I mean, you make no sense at all, but at least you are not totally stupid like some other people here...at least you are using your brain to write, it may be a brain that misunderstands God, but at least it's a brain!

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      • flumflum98

        ok amazedathowstupidpeopleare;

        you just love to call people names. you can't even control yourself if you tried. you are so self-rightious. Your fanatic upbringing musta really fuckedja up. ah theenk we all be glad when ya geetja azz otta heer. Har har har!!!

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      • matthias353

        you really don't like atheist, do you? xd

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  • JayBachatero

    I think we would be way better w/o religion. Read "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. Pretty good book.

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    • YOU are delusional!!! What a MORON, and so is the author of your book!

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  • snufflebunny

    I think it would probably be better, actually.

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  • ven067

    Religion is what is really running the world. Churches take in billions of dollars yearly. They preach fairy tales to people for their money. The world would be a better place without it but it would be a poorer one...lol

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  • blueoryou

    People would have to depend on themselves instead of some other being.

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  • bluezebra

    I agree the world might be better without religion (I'm around the same age), or if we could all agree on One religion, but then again i have no religion, and i am currently running on about 10 hours of sleep (well, jeesh, that sounds good!).....over the course of about a week or a bit more, so i honestly have started to lose grip on common logic and stuff, i just want to sleep!

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  • Bazaza

    Im not sure but that whole middle east bussiness would have never happened any of it the crusades isreall iraq plus norther ireland, indonesia, the 2008 election, alot of stupid shit wouldnt have happend actually i think it would be paradise

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    • Ummmm, no, not paradise, but hell, literally, hell on earth, you are an idiot! See, there I go again, calling stupid people "stupid" I can't help it!!! I NEVER tell a lie! I have to be honest, and that means telling it like it is...stupid and all!!!

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  • dijonay79

    i think if there wasnt religeon most people wouldnt know what to do with themselves.

    They would feel lost.

    People like the comfort of knowing theres someone watching over them, someone they can prey too and ask for help when things get tough.

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  • JonnyLeBleu

    watch episode "Go God Go" is episode 1012 of souhpark,

    even if there would be no religion the human race will find a way to kill each other.

    and all this blind scientist and religious thinking they know somethings ... prepotence!

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  • elite6884

    i only believe in christianity becouse it is the only thing that is true and when the day of reckonning comes i will pray that you have came to believe in jesus christ my savoir no not just my savior but everyones savior and if i can ask of you but one thing on this sunday morning go to a baptist church and i will pray that you will be enlightened by our Lord

    Jesus Christ

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    • maila2916

      You made it look like it was signed by Jesus Christ himself.

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    • You are totally right, I hope that these people find our Jesus too, you just have a nicer way to say it than I do, I am so tired of stupid people...forgive me for that, I'll try harder to not call stupid people "stupid", even though that's what they are....stupid!!!

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  • pringlehopper

    Religion was created to tell us how we were created, but now that we have a more logical and have evidence to back it up why do our species believe in something that has no proof? a quote from Adolf Hitler could actually help answer that "What luck for rulers that men do not think" that was actually talking about ruling them but the principle is the same, we do not think, we get god drilled into us when we are babies so we don't question it as much as we should.

    "I believe today that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator" - Adolf Hitler (Im on a Hitler quote sight right now so I'm gunna use a few) this shows that wars are started and justified by saying that it is what god wants.

    %%u201CMake the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it%%u201D - Adolf Hitler, this one works very well actually. If you tell someone that god(s) created us all from birth for as long as it takes and they will believe it. Simple idea but very large, God creating all of us, a creator is very simple to think of.

    Well that does it for the Hitler quotes.

    For those of you that has heard the paradox of god that I stated several times on other stories(wildchild did tell me the paradox btw, gotta give him the credit) and decided to change the definition of god to get around the paradox then think of this, if god did not want someone to die why would he allow it? he can change the future without ever letting man know it was him so if he knows that someone dying is a bad thing then he can stop it easily, if he did want them to die then it is OK because it is god have to do wat he wants, so with that logic all the murders in all the wars and just random psychos killing others were just fulfilling gods will, which is a god thing right? which means we should not mourn the dead we should celebrate that they are finally dead and that god hated them so they deserved to die, plus if you ever kill anyone its gods will. See the major flaw there? BTW the way to get around that one and that is god doesn't give a fuck about us and just sits back and relaxes while we slaughter each other in many gruesome ways. Do either of those possibilities sound like someone you should worship?

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    • pringlehopper

      if u culdnt make sense of that then sorry, im tired I cant even keep my thoughts straight and I cant be bothered to read it again to see if it makes sense or not

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    • Wow you are quite possibly the most stupid person to ever be created, ya, I said created! Adolf Hitler??? You are quoting him to try to make your point, and yet, in your quotes you actually are showing that the very thing that you are trying to convince us is wrong, is actually right! You are just stupid!

      To answer your question about God letting someone die, we are given "free will" meaning that we are not robots, we can think on our own! God wants us to decide to love Him, and He wants us to decide to love our fellow human beings, He doesn't want us to be programmed. That also explains murders and the other things you are ranting and raving about. It's called a "choice", we are not supposed to be programmed!!!

      Also, YES, we are not to grieve when someone dies, well, someone that has faith in God that is, someone who doesn't have faith should be mourned, because they are in hell and will be there for eternity, but someone who has faith should not be grieved over, but instead we should rejoice that they are in Heaven!

      Now, as far as God not giving a f##k about us, you are totally wrong there! You are just so simple minded that you cannot understand a Higher Being, you are so stupid that you have to believe that we have proof that we were not created by a god, but instead we evolved from green sludge. God does care, He cares more than any person on this planet does about us! He even cares about you, and I can honestly say that I don't give a f##k about you, but He does. He loves you, why I don't know, because He is God, that's the ONLY reason why He cares about you. Anyone else would think that you are just an idiot that deserves to be killed before you go out and hurt someone innocent with your stupidity!!! Lucky for you, God has mercy on stupid people like you, so perhaps you should find God and let Him give you some of His wisdom, because I can honestly say, that you have no wisdom at all, you are a total idiot.

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      • deepthought33

        Ouch. I don't even have words for all the hatred I've read in your words. All though I was raised Christian my spirituality lies somewhere outside of that now, but I thought the final goal on Earth (no, I don't mean the final goal of getting to heaven) was to learn unconditional love. Wasn't that what Jesus' message was?
        I would suspect that you may regret those outbursts now so I'm not gonna lay it on you hard lol. I'm just sad that you represented your religion in such a way.

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  • maylkintobnover

    There would be no doubt LESS wars. Less hate and discrimination against one another. Less tensions between people of different religions, ect..but people would still find conflict in other ways...there would be less of it no doubt. No Protestant/Catholic wars of religion, Israel/Palestine conflict, No Yugoslav Wars, No Jihad, No Iraq, and so on and so forth..we could go all day..but who are we kidding?

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  • JonnyLeBleu

    i don't follow a religion since your age :) , i have my faith , not biased on religion. church is much more about socializt

    but the world would be the same without any religion, the humankind will find another thing to fight about.

    there's one only hope for humanity - education.

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  • badpunsterribletaith

    Catholic school for 12 years taught me I have faith but no religion. Religion is just a business. I don't believe God to be this man figure, I believe "God" is all inside of us, and I use prayer as an outlet of self-realization. I love talking about this shit when I'm drunk or getting to know people better. It's amazing how many people these days feel the same way about my beliefs...

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  • gamerx365

    without religion, people have no fear of punishment for what they do in their lives. I personally think religions are made up to stop war and shit and I'm not religious, but if I had to pick a religion I'd go with Wicca because it requires nothing. I love being lazy.

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    • pringlehopper

      Religion starts wars and murder though.

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  • girlygirlz

    Ripping flesh and brains I come at night

    I am created by all that is evil

    Satanic lust humans must die

    Feasting on flesh and the blood of others

    I will slay you then go for another

    Rip out her eyes I reach for her soul

    I fuck her dead and tear out her hole

    Mutilation killing to live

    You are my victim on flesh I feed

    10,000 corpses in my path

    And I will get the blood I need

    A thousand bodies blood flowing fast

    Half your face rotting away

    Infectious disease decayed to the bone

    Rigor mortis sets in I eat as I lay

    Nuns in the church find one kneeling

    Look at the cross with God she is dealing

    I will kill her her holy lie

    Right in front of God this nun must die

    I approach her now where do I start

    Fucked on the altar I rip her apart

    I eat her brains now she's dead

    I fuck her again and smash her head

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  • TheTrueWord

    Religion was inevitable and very helpful early in humanitys history. It gave people rules to follow before people understood how to explain the WHY behind the rules. The smarter people in the society knew that pork sometimes made people sick, so they just told everyone "God says don't eat pork". They didn't know why pork was bad, but they knew it would help people for them to think this was a very important rule. The same thing applies for every other helpful rule that came from religion. It was a useful way to control people without having to explain yourself. There isn't much left for religion. Almost everything has been explained that religion previously addressed. There is still benefits from it, but as with everything it also has negatives. As the number of benefits drop, the negatives become more annoying and eventually there won't be any reason to keep it around. It won't be pretty, and it may take a long time, but religion will cease to exist. Look at countries like Japan. In most areas of Japan, if you say that you believe in God, people look at you as if you just said you believe in the Tooth Fairy. And they've got almost no crime... Norway is the most atheist country on the planet and the UN just ranked it as the happiest place on earth to live.

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    • badpunsterribletaith

      TrueWord just wrote some good shit. Religion is for the past.

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  • PsychoDJ

    Just 1 more thing.There is Christianity and Radical Christianity.There is Islam and Radical Islam.Many forms of Buddhism,Hinduism,Judiasim,Pagenism.If you can think it up,believe me its out there somewhere.Think about the crusades, the inquisition, the witch hunts,The army of god,The Christian and Islamic Martyrs.The list goes on and on.Jonestown, Branch Davidians,UFO Hale Bopp Comet cults.Tension will always exist,we just need to learn to live with each other.

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  • PsychoDJ

    Religion is a very touchy subject in my book.The world we all live in is a very large and diverse place.The majority of the cultures feel the need to have spiritual beliefs of some sort.It is also up to the individual to choose whats best for them.Personally,I never judge anyone for their beliefs.That is up to them and their higher power,whatever it may be.People who have no beliefs are also justified in feeling that way.It is 100%% up to them.As for wars being caused by religion,yes many have been.Also a lot are still going on.I just hope that someday everyone would respect everone elses feelings.It may sound like a dream but at least its not a nightmare.

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  • OuCh_ThAt_HuRt

    The laws all over he world generally center around a religion. If there is no belief in a higher over the world would really be screwed. But, then you look at these idiots that we have that call them selves Muslims and you would wonder anyway. More Wars have been started because of religion than any other reason.

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    • RB190

      I agree, those guys should not be allowed to call them selves Muslims if they do stuff like that, infact no one should be given the right sully a faith's name by claiming membership in any faith.

      if you do a crime , instant excommunication.

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  • illbreakyerrface

    no bc if we invaded afghanastan first, it would've given iraq an oppurtunity to attack us

    which they would

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  • MightOfTheMass

    If there was no Great White Rodent to worship, life would NOT be better. The Great White Rodent's followers benefit in numerous ways by following the lord, our Rodent.

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    • please enlighten me on the "Great White rodent"

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  • Footfan90

    yeah. saw that Richard Dawkins guy, he puts up a pretty good argument for it. doubt its ever gonna happen though, it's faith, u can't just make it go away

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    • Ellenna

      Yes you can, with education in logic, science and clear thinking

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