Woman with hairy nipples
I'm a woman, and I have hair around my nipples. Is it normal?
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I'm a woman, and I have hair around my nipples. Is it normal?
my fiance has hairy nipples, and frankly I think it's fucking sexy. It's her, you know? She doesn't need to change. I like her boobs because they're attached to her, and they don't need to live up to some fake playboy ideal.
well, i'm really not confident with my body to begin with. i'm freakishly white, tiny skinny, small chested and i have an alright butt but because i can't tan, i never wear a bathing suit to avoid getting sunburn. so i have freckles every where but my torso..but out of all that, its the odd disgusting hair that grows around the outside of my nipples i hate the most. my boyfriend says he doesn't mind anything that i think is wrong with me. he always says i'm beautiful but i hate it. all this talk about how women should be proud of their image is an optimistic thing, but lets be real.. we may feel pretty in that one dress, and find that one man to convinces us everyday that we are goddesses, but when you get home and your alone looking in that mirror, you just feel like the guy from the goonies. it may be normal, but i cant help but feel like i'm cursed.
HOLY FUCK. Freakishly white, and freckles everywhere. Ginger powers. I'm jelly.
As a guy, I have always been turned on by female nipple hair. I think it's the most erotic and intimate turn on. I think mainly because your breasts are covered up and it's a secret only you and your partner know about. Leave them as is
I did electrolysis on my nipple hair and it was the BEST CHOICE I'VE EVER MADE. I had such thick dark hair around my nipples that it made me self conscious every time I had sex because I'd think, "Oh wait, did I pluck recently?" Sometimes I shaved the area just because it was quicker, and even got razor burn there. It's weird because the hair on the rest of my chest and stomach is blond and downy, but right around the nipples it was coarse and dark. Anyway, I got about 6 sessions of electrolysis. IT WAS WORTH IT. I have since gotten laser hair removal on my bikini line (which also used to spill down my legs), and that was even better than electrolysis because it was so quick. I honestly recommend it. It is worth the money. Seriously. It permanently removes the hair. Some of the hairs will come back, but only one or two here and there, and they will be lighter and wispier than before and easy to get rid of.
It may not mean much to you, but I am a man who is looking to spend my life with a woman who matches your description. You sound beautiful. Thanks.
Women, don't listen to the b.s. from these idiots. Real men love you just the way you came. If you have hairy nipples, so be it; and we'll enjoy it. All the waxing and plucking is for the girly men who can't handle real women!
"Many women have some hairs around the nipple (on the areola). This is perfectly normal because there are hair follicles in the areola. There is no need to 'treat' the hair, but if you absolutely don't like them, cut them off with scissors - don't 'pluck' them with force because that can damage the hair follicles.
However, if the hairs are so many that they mimic the male hair pattern on chest or if they keep growing in larger and larger quantities, that may mean that the body has higher levels of androgens (male hormones) than normal. If a woman has excessive hair growing in typical male hair pattern, the symptom is called hirsutism.
One common cause for such hirsutism is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). However, don't use the mere existence of hair as a "diagnosis" for that but consider all the other factors and possible symptoms as well.
It is possible to use laser hair removal treatment on areolas." - 007b.com
I have about 3 or 4 hairs on each areola. I know I am not supposed to pluck them, but I do. Nobody else has ever even noticed them, and if they did, it obviously never bothered them.
Don't listen to these idiots who say it isn't normal just because they don't have it themselves or haven't seen it.
My ex has some hairs around her nipples: Only a couple, but long and dark ones.
I remember sucking them on the day we had our first remdezvous *SNEEZE*, and trying to get the hair that I thought had fallen from her head down her top... only to find it was attached!
I can assure you that there are men who prefer their women to be natural and free of nasty prickly stubble. Don't pluck, shave, or wax and simply find someone who appreciates you the way you are!
I have about 50 of them and I used to pull them out all the time but since guys are all assholes it's not worth it to pluck them so I don't care anymore and if a guy isn't okay with it he can jerk off. The only one I would pluck them for is a baby if I had one. Guys will always be douche bags no matter how pretty you try to make yourself for them.
I AGREE: Women, don't listen to the b.s. from these idiots. Real men love you just the way you came. If you have hairy nipples, so be it; and we'll enjoy it. All the waxing and plucking is for the girly men who can't handle real women! Some of us love ARM HAIR the most. Like me :) Shh. i love women just the way they are. Raw and fresh is delish.
you should be thankful you only got hair around your nipples, ive got it around my testicles
Sure. A little hair on the nipples is no big deal. Forget the few jerks who tell you to wax. Fine if you want to wax, but there are people who have much better things to worry about than whether you keep a few body hairs or not and will like you just fine for your other qualities.
I was a Frat Boy and Male Slut in college and slept with way more women than I deserved. At least over 50 in count.(that average has come down since then,way down!). My point is: In my own "clinical" trials- about 37%% of women have hairy nipples. Some around the areole, some in the nipple proper. At the time I asked my mom about it(pre-internet), and she said "What kind of freaks do you go out with, anyway?"(great mom!). Don't feel freakish, it's normal. There is no rhyme or reason to it, True Blonde or Brunette, they both have them, although brunettes seem to have thicker hair diameters, and quantity
I just made the sign of the cross, and kept going. I guess because of my suave verbosity, and a little alchohol, their passions made them forget they did not shave that day. That made it even hotter for me and I went forward with my party plan anyway.
Ladies-see you at the bar!
It's normal, as is excessive hair in some females. It's an imbalance in testosterone levels.
It's not that hard. They make me sad. If I take a shower, i never thought of plucking them so I just shave them really carefully. Though there are only like two or four hairs. If it really bothers you (like me) get rid of them. Though be careful not ta hard your tit tissue or anything.
okay, it is normal to have a small amount of hair around that area but its easy to get rid of if you dont want it there. just ask your other half and see what he prefers. simple!
its somewhat normal. I had hairy nipples when I was going through puberty. You probably have high testosterone. Maybe some birth control pills, or hormone therapy. Ask your doctor.
Glad to hear I'm not the only one....I'm half Puerto Rican, so I think the 'hariness' comes from that side...sucks!!!! But just pluck em out, and by the way....why the hell are there so many guys claiming to know about this, like because they slept with a bunch of ladies, that means they know? whatever, dudes...no one knows about mine, especially the guys I sleep with.
I noticed that when I changed birth control pills I got one or two stray hairs around my nips, and the peach fuzz under my belly button got ever-so-slightly darker. Are you on birth control pills by an chance?
I have this problem, since you mentioned birth control and I'm on a proestrogen only pill, is this the kind your are on aswell?
hey girls am a medecine student and we studied this fenomenon, it's very normal for a woman to have hair around her nippmes and it's due to some masculin hormons contained on blood and the more thoes hormones increses the more a woman has masculin signes like mustache for instance and it's the way with man too cuz they sometimes feels like their chest is hurting and it gets bigger..i just wanna say stay away from hormonal pills especialy for girls to get big boobs cuz it causes beast cancer
Are you for real? Your a medical student and your dont know how to spell almost every word you have written - hope I dont end up needing your help one day.
Just FYI its medicine, phenomenon, nipples, masculine, hormones, those, increases, signs, moustache, especially - Seriously?
eeeewwwwww! gross! dont get sad though, lots of man like that but not I...
Men, you know nothing about us women's boobs, as much as you'd like to think you do. Please, don't ever again tell a women that it's ugly and she should shave it. Please, if you expect us to shave our tits, go shave your balls. Yeah- ouch. It hurts for us too! We go through a hella load of pain to make you assholes happy, shaving and waxing all those pretty little things that you crave on our bodies. Hello!!! We are the ones that give birth (OUCH), shave almost all our private parts (ouch), have these big lumps of flesh bulging out of our torso (uncomfortable to sleep with!), shred the insides of our womb and proceed to vomit them out of our vaginas at inappropriate times (welcome back, tummy cramps, back pains, headaches, etc) and guess what? It's all for you! And the wide population of you so don't deserve it! Seriously, before you ever criticise and and talk shit about the way a woman's body looks
Please do the following:
Shit out a melon, eg; giving birth on a minor scale
Strap some meat paddies to your chest, and then try and sleep with them (we have that, plus pain)
Shave your testicles, tummy, NIPPLES, armpits, face, legs and arms. Basically, only leave hair on your face.
Then, imagine having an ongoing stream wet dreams made of blood for a week or more, every 28 days, for most of your life. And then having to shove a piece cotton up your penis hole, and keep it in there for most of the day, or cover your penis up with a pad and then go to the toilet and change it every two to three hours
0_0... that's fucking gross. get rid of them instead of having this long topic about it -it'll take you like 5 min.
If I'd meet a girl and the second she takes of her bra i see something like that I'd literally run away no matter how drunk i am.