Women do not speak to me (im a woman)
Ive never had a woman friend. Not once in my life and i'm in my late 20s. I'm on the autism spectrum which in public shows by me not talking to people. I am really bad at processing things and a social situation is highly stressful with a lot to take in at once. I have a new job and I have now requested to not have lunch. I cant both eat and listen to various conversations at once and sounds of people eating are gross and distracting. I do not work many hours anyways because of all the input I cannot process everyday. When I get home I cant even watch a show because i'd have to process that. I cannot speak to my family. I'm drained. I don't know how I will ever be able to have a social life of any kind if I have a job but I want to work so I am doing my best.
If I dont work I truly have nothing. I would never leave the house.
Now I wonder why other women never speak to me. Online men always seek contact and all my social media followers are men. I used to go on tinder and date men before as a way to get social interaction. Some became friends but no one stuck around more than 2 years and I didnt care. I've quit tinder because the knowledge that all men I meet on there has sex on their brains is something that I cannot cope with. I dont want men to notice me and experience attraction towards me.
At work we're only women and they seem to like me and accept me but they never talk to me. At former jobs ive had there has sometimes been someone who's tried to get to know me but it's always been men. I don't know wether they were enaging in friendship or wanted more so I kept a bit of a distance. Women has never tried. I really like women. I want women to like me and pay attention to me.
I'm not some cringe who claims to be different from other women. I am like most women. I do not enjoy being friends with men and only have been due to a lack of options. It is boring and they never want to talk trash or go shopping unless they need something boringly specific for their home like a lamp. 🥱 It is not my thing.