Women of iin, what period symptoms do you experience?

I Just sant to know what others experience, as 1-2 days before and first day during my period I get all hormonally imbalanced and my emotions are all wack. I get really angry at a simple hello, but also wake up crying for no reason. I also crave chocolate the whole week before.

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Comments ( 18 )
  • SwickDinging

    You asked younger women and I'm a bit older.

    Just wanted to say that although I had a really hard time with periods when I was younger, I found they got much better as I got older.

    You're likely to find that they gradually become lighter and less painful. You will also find that if you are experiencing an unbearable level of pain or bleeding that you are taken more seriously as you get older, so doctors are more inclined to actually listen to you and offer solutions.

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    • I guess I just meant women who still have periods, but thanks for the input

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      • SwickDinging

        I do still have periods. I'm not that old yet lol.

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        • Guess I should have left out the “younger” in the title 😅

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  • DeletThis

    The usual, irritability, heightened emotions, and a tension headache. Sometimes nausea (& a couple times vomiting) from the head tension. Pretty much feels like a hangover. But if I exercise hard and drink enough water beforehand it becomes a lot lighter and with no cramps whatsoever, which is cool.

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  • Schizotravestie

    until I was 25 I stayed between 2 days and up to 5 days lying down. I had to be very careful because during my period of menstruation I could easily catch colds, flu, tonsillitis.
    today it is much better. I still can't walk, vomit, cold sweats and headaches but it's just a day and only 2-3 times a year. on the other hand, every month I still go down to 10 or 9 tention.
    on the other hand for a few months, 1 week before I am very depressed and angry. it stops on the first day of menstruation.
    I believe it's called Premenstrual Dypshoric Syndrome. I'm going to talk to a psychologist about it next week.

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  • Sanara

    For some reason I tend to eat more than normal the day before my period, even without really keeping track on it. Other than that its of course bleeding and some pain, but it's usually not that bad (some cases it is). I sweat more during my period. I feel more energetic. Never felt in a bad mood/angry because of my period. By the way I found out you get less pain and bleeding if you eat a bit less than normal during the first 2 days of your period (still eat until satisfied at least twice each day, but maybe going hungry a little while before)

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'd get cramps that were so bad I'd puke. After I got on some contraceptives, that symptom went away after a while. I don't even get a period anymore and I don't miss it at all. XD

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  • LOLFanProductions

    Mine are pure HELL

    -cramps the moment ovulation starts
    -cluster headaches
    -tight back
    -hot flashes
    -pms (pre menstrual)
    -higher amounts of feeling frisky
    -heavy duty bloating
    -"period poops"
    -pms (post menstrual)

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    • Yuck! Sorry

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  • mouldiwarp

    I’m lucky, my period is 5 days long and all I have are mild cramps for the first 2 days. Occasionally, I’m more likely to cry a little before and on the first day of my period.

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    • I envy your 5 days

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  • GeekyGold

    My skin always breaks out a week before. Then on the very start, day 1 of my period, I get cramps. Sometimes they happen before I bleed, but it’s always at the start. Then the next few days I’m bloated, get constipated, and have a normal medium flow. That’s it. But every once in a while something different happens, like once I got emotional. Which is something that never happens. And another time I actually had the runs. Which is another thing that never happens but it happened. It’s like my body thinks to change it up a bit every once is a while to make me suffer more.

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  • ellnell

    For me it's at it's worst the first day I bleed, I am in so much pain then often that I am just in bed crying can't eat can't sleep can't move.
    Before that my boobs just get very sore, I tend to get sad easier and be a lot more easily annoyed so i'm in a bad mood the whole time. Occasionally I get cravings too, usually for something sweet like donuts or chocolate.

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  • Grunewald

    I don't get my PMS quite that badly but I spend much of the day before in tears, get cramps something awful at around Day 2 and bloat up. Day 2 is generally the worst for me. And some months on my heaviest days I wake up in the morning, glance down at my bedsheets and it looks like there's been a murder. The amount of red blood cells lost over about 15 years and not replenished, had me anaemic, though a course of iron pills sorted that out. I'll probably have to take iron again one day.

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    • Schizotravestie

      yes if that tires you you should take iron at the end of winter. I don't lose a lot of blood, but I lack iron. I can tell if I'm sweating when I'm cold.

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  • BlueAlice

    Those sound like "normal" symptoms of PMS to me. What I mean is that - although they're unpleasant - they're not uncommon. Some people are more sensitive to their own hormones than other people. I get PMDD

    Please look into this quiz:

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    • They are very normal, and piss me the fuck off that they are. Why were men blessed with being able to “hit it and quit it” 😭

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