Won't date asian men b/c worried about their small penis?

I am an Asian female. Is it normal that I don't even give a chance or want to date an Asian man, because all I can think about is "Does he have a small penis?" Everytime I do meet a nice Chinese or Asian guy, all I have in my mind is "Is the myth true that he could have a very small dick?" That thought alone turns me off instantly and then I don't even want to go on a date with an Asian guy. Even if he has a nice personality or if he is the sweetest guy, I just can't get past the first date because I don't want my feelings to progress deeper and then find out many dates later that he has a small penis when we are ready for sex. So whenever I meet an Asian guy, I just can't even go past Date 1, because I don't want to end up being disappointed when we are in the bedroom a month or more later.

I can't just ask a Asian guy if I can make sure his penis is an average or above average size right away on the first date.... so I just don't bother dating Asian guys in general to avoid this problem. One of my Caucasian girl friends started dating a Chinese man for a month, and she really liked him. But when they had sex in the bedroom, she was very disappointed at how small his penis was (even when it was hard) and how badly he performed in bed. She broke it off with him soon, and it ended up hurting his feelings. I want to avoid hurting anyone's feelings. Is this normal to just avoid dating Asian guys because I don't want to find out he has a small dick?

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34% Normal
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Comments ( 37 )
  • randomjelly

    A smaller penis doesn't necessarily equal a bad lover...unless your vag has been pounded to the size of a manhole cover.

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  • missmeow

    What i would like to know is why are you such a bitch? And who told you big dicks equals better sex?

    I'm dating an Asian guy right now. And he has an above average one, which doesn't even matter to me. But honestly not all Asian guys are small lol. And you're a bitch for only worrying about sexual satisfaction. Go for the guy, not his junk.

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    • kelili

      I dated a chinese once and he had it real small.

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      • troyjay0731

        So, your conclusion is?

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    • omshantishanti

      Asking that question does not make her a bitch. Sex is an important part of any relationship and I think her question is valid. Personally, I know what I like and I prefer a man with a larger penis. I need to be sexually satisfied in a relationship, whether we are in love or lust. I don't know how anyone could stay in a relationship with someone they don't physically connect to.

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      • Dinkle

        Just curious if you started dating a guy that was really small would you rather he told you about his size or just leave it as a surprise when you first see it?

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      • librarygirl

        true words have been never said better. Sex IS an important part of the relationship, and knowing what you want does not make you a bitch. Men who go after that perfect doll face, tits and asses aren't jerks or assholes but women wanting a sizeable package for her pleasure are just whores? sounds like something typical asian fuckboys would say...whose mama told them they are precious just because they are born male and women who don't kneel at their feet are stupid westernised sluts. yh, I can really see here why none of my asian friends would date asian men

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        • troyjay0731

          Yes, respond assholish-ness with racism, that's gonna work fine...

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        • algorerhythm

          Unattractive older (40+) asian woman detected.

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      • algorerhythm

        The issue that there isn't penis size by race. It literally makes 0 sense to make it an issue for asian men but not white men, black men, or any other men.
        Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/comments/18gzib/false_asian_stereotypes/

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    • asianguyonline

      asian guy is so small like me!

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  • MercedesBenz

    Awesome. This saves us the time and trouble of trying to weed out the whores.

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  • help_is_here

    Wow that's really whore-ish of you. If you want a fucking horse dick then you should go to a damn farm

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    • spidermanisoverrated


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  • MiaMix

    I'm an Asian girl. Dated a 6ft 5 tall white guy that had a gigantic penis. Now I'm dating a 5ft 10 asian guy with a normal or maybe even smallish penis. I will tell you that I was skeptical too but seriously, with him, it's the best sex ever. He is so hard. I don't understand. It's like the larger one is just big, but the Asian guy is rock hard. It feels way better. Plus I think he's a lot sweeter in bed and always genuinely want to please me. My point is... Don't dismiss Asian guys just because of the size. They might be a better lover, you know.

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  • Chayce

    I am Asian and I am average, I'm sure most Asian guys are "average"... After all, it's called "average" for a reason...

    In a way I think its normal but in a way I don't think it is. I mean, some guys like large breasts, some like flat-chest, in that respect that's normal. On the other hand me I don't really care as long as I fall in love, and I would only date girls who I fall in love with. Maybe you don't, that's your preference not up to me to judge.

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  • mr.fartsmeller69

    kind of makes you a bitch in my opinion

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  • mrbrownfinger

    Let him put it in your ass and then say if it's small

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  • asswecan

    dont worry. you are not abnormal. you are just being a whore.

    welcome :)

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's not the size of the tool that counts, it's how its used.

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  • MissEmjae

    Good sex is not always about size

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  • dantheMUTT

    I've only dated/relationship with 3 females in my life (slept with a handful more), but the three I've had were an American born Korean, a Korean born Korean, and a blonde-haired blue-eyed white American.

    I know I don't have the largest sized sample for the groups, but, I haven't found any sexual advantage, solely based on race. Some are a little better or worse at certain things than the others, but nothing that made me say "I will never be with anyone other than race X, or, I'll won't bother with race Y anymore." The stereotype that Asians are the 'tightest' isn't the case, just as an example from my experience. There are variations in every ethnic group. My point is, those that have a preference based on a sexual stereotype, are retarded.

    I have a theory about racial partner preferrance: A person tends to find attraction in those that they are most frequently exposed to. For example, in school, between grades K-8, my school was primarily Mexican and White, so in grades 6, 7, and 8, my 'crushes' were exactly that, Mexican and White. Grades 9-12, and college, I was in a Magnet HS and a top ranked Science University, the majority races were 1st-Asian and 2nd-White. So, my preference shifted away from Mexican/Hispanic & White to Asian & White.

    I could be completely wrong about this, but it's just my observation. So, my advice to you is this: Don't judge a person's possible sexual abilities based on stereotypes. AND, even if the guy has a smaller-than-average penis, give him a few good attempts in the sack before you judge/dump him. I am a physically big guy, 6'1" tall and about 230lbs, but I am only about 6-6.5" and 'average' girth, but since I accept that I am not well-endowed, I have adapted and been able to quickly figure out my partner's body, and have been the only guy to make the latter two females orgasm and squirt (something that I have come to take pride in being able to do :)))

    Oh, one other piece of advice, if you do give a guy with an average or smaller-than-average penis a shot, try to find one that has an "oh well, I've got what I got" attitude about it, that kind of guy has overcome his insecurities, has more confidence, and can actually have the mindset needed to become a better lover, rather than worrying about his dick the whole time.

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  • youprobablydunnome

    You're being a complete idiot. This is why though.

    You are probably right in that Asians MIGHT have smaller than average penises as a whole. There's really not enough data to answer this conclusively, but it's probably fairly accurate than ON AVERAGE Asian men are packing a bit less. This doesn't mean every non Asian has 6" or more and every Asian man can't even top 5" though. Some studies have shown very little difference between the races, but it's probably more accurate to say Asian men are probably more around 0.5" smaller on average. Let that sink in. Half an inch. Not 3". Why do people think it's so different? Because of porn. Western porn picks guys with HUGE dicks. Asian porn picks whoever wants to do porn. If you compare the "average" Asian guy vs largest of the large, obviously the average Asian guy will look utterly tiny.

    Now you need to understand what "averages" mean. If the average Asian guy is 5'6" tall, would it be accurate to say "there is no such thing as a tall Asian man?" No. You're an idiot if you think that. There might be a smaller PERCENTAGE of Asian men over 6' tall vs PERCENTAGE of white men over 6' tall, but obviously there's plenty of Asians over 6' tall.

    Refusing to date an Asian guy because his penis MIGHT be smaller than you want is stupid for two reasons. The first is non Asians can also have small penises. Does that mean you refuse to date any men because ANY man can have a small penis? The second is any Asian guy has a possibility of having a big penis. It's probability. Perhaps white/black/hispanic men have a better chnace of having a big dick, but there's still a chance the Asian guy has one too.

    So what does this mean for you? If penis size is that important ask EVERY man you date how big his penis is before you date them OR (the more reasonable answer) just date them, and if you fool around and he's not big enough, then break up with him. It doesn't matter what race they are. I mean a white guy with a tiny dick should be a crappy for you as an Asian guy with a tiny dick.

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    • algorerhythm

      Asian guys are not smaller on average. Look at the studies. https://www.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/comments/18gzib/false_asian_stereotypes/

      What's 100% true about dicks is that FAT guys are smaller on average because their fat pad above the pubic bone hides their dicks. Otherwise, height, race, size of feet, etc are not at all even correlated to dick size.

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  • myamri

    To respond, im also a chinese girl, I did date some chinese boy, like 6. And yes... their penis was extremely small, i couldn't feel anything. max 10cm i think, or 12 i dont know.
    It's not all about size for sure, but if i cannot feel his penis at all, I will simply leave...

    I have female friend with chinese partner, they said they are ok with their size, but i dont really think they ever had great sex;)

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  • asianguyonline

    as an asian guy, I seriously get so turned on when an asian girl tells me she doesn't date asian guys because they look like girls or have small dicks... I don't kno the thought of a "tight" asian girl fucking a "big" (bigger than asian) dick is such a turn on.. IS this normal>>}????

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  • algorerhythm

    There is no evidence of penis size by race. Doctor measured studies show that there everyone is more or less the same. White guys that jack it to Japanese porn think that the Japanese guys on Japanese porn somehow represents all Asian males. That's both hilarious and sad at the same time. Guess what guys, they hired fat guys with small dicks because it would make the viewer feel more adequate.

    Another interesting thing is that the commenters here literally believe black guys in general have big dicks and asian guys small(er)? dicks despite there being no evidence for it.

    Here are links to the studies: https://www.reddit.com/r/asianamerican/comments/18gzib/false_asian_stereotypes/

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  • KoreanNYC82

    This question is AWESOME because it is so relevant to what I am going through right now. I'm 5'10", Korean-American, my dick is about just shy of 6 inches erect but I have pretty small hands so my dick looks pretty big when I hold it. I can double fist, just barely though.

    I primarily use Tinder for sex and I ALWAYS ask women who I match with if they want my dick pics. I immediately tell them I think I have a large cock and then offer to send pics to them. This is much better than "hi, how are you", "you're so hot". NO. I come out strong and say something cheesy like "Can you handle big dicks?" OR "Can I send you dick pics?"

    And every single time, they are responsive because I'm guessing most of them are slutty. And based on my dick pics, the women (mostly Asian, Latina and Black) always leave positive comments. I ended up hooking up with one the same day after she saw my dick. I had to take her out for drinks and whatnot, but she sucked my dick like a champ.

    The best was when this Latina girl who was like 23, was so shocked, but again I think it's because when I pull my dick out, it looks enormous cuz of my smallish hands.

    Helps that I am pretty good looking and make decent money.

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    • KoreanNYC82

      Sorry, went off tangent.

      OP - maybe you should try Tinder and just be direct and ask for dick pics. If you matched with me, you wouldn't have to because I'd send you like 50 dick pics.

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  • beatthebruins

    You are the product of a small penis in that case. Your daddy must have a small penis and he produced a bitch like yourself

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  • Tempest-au

    A woman acknowledges a preference for a "larger" man, and the general consensus is she is a whore. Seems like a lot of tiny dicked men have answered this post...

    If the OP wants to avoid Asian men because of a desire for a decent sex life, that is her right. Many men avoid older women, particularly women with children, because they (somewhat accurately) believe they have looser vaginas. Having a preference for larger breasts is not at all regarded as abnormal. Heck, even preferring the general physical appearance of one race over another isn't "weird".

    If the OP had have phrased this question as "IIN I'm Asian and I'm attracted to non-Asians" and not mentioned penis size, there would have been unilateral acceptance of her preference. The difference, she was honest and stated WHY she prefers non-Asians.

    All I can hope is that the people who made the really shitty comments about the OP have grown up a little in the intervening years since this question was first posed. Size may not matter to all women, but it matters to some. Wanting to be sexually satisfied by your partner isn't weird, it's healthy, and being honest about it should be totally acceptable.

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    • troyjay0731

      It's absolutely fine and good to desire a sexually satisfying life but the problem here is that the OP is basing her entire behavior (and is completely excluding a large group of people) based on a stereotype that may or may not be true.

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      • Tempest-au

        The race may not always go to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the wisest way to bet.

        Not all Asians are "small", and not all Africans are "big", but if you are making a wager...

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        • troyjay0731

          Yeah if you are making a bet, you would go for something that is at least "rumored" to be better.

          But here she is absolutely eliminating the possibility of giving the other guy a chance because of her crushing fear that a particular group of men may have a smaller johnson.

          Her case isn't as infuriating as it is just sad and unfortunate.

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  • mrjonjoe

    You're all a bunch of Asian ASS holes, what is wrong with her having her preference? Guys judge girls on appearance all the time, a lot more than the other way around.. That includes Asian men too. Fuck you ass holes, reading your butthurt comments pissed me off, and it's not a stigma nor a myth, it's fact. Watch some Asian men in porn, and that's the largest they have to offer, now watch other porn and you see a difference. Get over it.

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    • troyjay0731

      Yeah, and porn is such a good indicator of reality right? The fact of the matter is that there needs to be a consistent statistical study with enough sample size and equalized measurement methods in order to know the truth. And so far, such a study has not been conducted so no one can really know.

      Oh and by the way, replying demeaning comments above with "Fuck you ass holes" isn't exactly helping your case.

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    • librarygirl

      this is so true...amen

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