Won't use dressing rooms because my feet smell

I have trouble trying on clothes in dressing rooms. I'm very afraid of the smell of my feet spreading throughout the area. I won't try on something unless it's a shirt.
Is it weird?

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44% Normal
Based on 48 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • sexysonofsam

    Use a product suck as "Mycota powder" it is an anti-fungul powder which obliterates smells. wearing clean socks each day will obviously also help!

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  • Miss.kNoWiTaLL

    if its a seriose condition go to the doctor if not ask for advice from close ones
    gud luck!!

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  • ebonysky

    Why does your feet smell? Are u washing them? Wearing odor eaters? Use powder in your shoes if your feet are extra sweaty. Go to a doctor if it is a fungus or discoloration in the skin

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  • Ew

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