Wondering if my daily rutine is considered "normal"

6:30. My Alarm clock rings. Snooze button gets wacked
7:15. I actually wake up.
7:40. Leave for work.
8:00. Arrive At work, and sit at my desk.
8:15. I actually start to work.
8:45. Coffee time! Oh and time for some internet surfing before my daily meeting.
9:00. Time for my daily meeting. I get to zone out for half an hour while it's not my turn to talk about my project.
9:30. Back to work. Lol J.K. time for bathroom break. 15 min one because I have a phone with video games on it and there is no corporate policy about time spent in the bathroom.
11:00. Rally the lunch crew. Wing Stop, FTW.
11:45. Head to lunch.
1:00. Back from lunch. Sleep off the Wings for an hour.
2:00. Actually really work. The vast majority of my work gets done during this time. Headphones on, all distractions removed; its time to write some computer code.
5:00. How much did I get done? If it's enough, I'm going to mess around for an hour. Need more work? Fine.
6:00. Done with work for the day.
6:20. Home at last. Dinner is started, usually something authentic and delicious, maybe even healthy. No microwave for me.
7:00. Time to relax. Video games, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime. I do not have a Television, which is saving me about $80 per month. Man I'm smart.
1:00. Bed time. I'm probably going to be tired tomorrow because I stayed up too late. Oh well, tomorrow night I'll just go to bed early.

Voting Results
85% Normal
Based on 26 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • anti-hero

    If you worked for me I'd fire you.

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    • Terrik1337

      Full disclosure: I actually get all of my work done. In some cases I'm under budget and ahead of schedule. My boss is really happy with me, though she probably doesn't know about my routine lol.

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      • anti-hero

        You are paid salary and not hourly and your boss likes you? If so explain to her what you just told me and see about having to come in less hours.

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        • Terrik1337

          The primary metric for measuring performance at my company is hours worked. If you notice the total number of hours I spend at work, it's 10 hours per day. That is well within acceptable (the average is 9) so all of the higher ups like to see that on my report. As for the amount of work done, I get as much done as my coworkers but none of my projects ever have any problems; I never break builds or let deadlines slip and I never have users complaining about my work. If my boss knew about what I just told you she would just give me more work, which would mean I would get more done then my coworkers, but then she would end up yelling at me for breaking builds and creating bugs. I'm not saying what I do is right, I'm saying there is a reason for it.

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          • anti-hero

            See your higher ups are old school. If you were my employee I would allow you to leave once you finished an acceptable amount of work that day. Or offer you more work for additional pay. Is there a chance for a promotion? If not I would consider looking into a company with a more progressive management style. Clearly your time is being wasted. With a looser schedule you could get a proper amount of sleep and be even more productive. Any chance of being able to telecommute?

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            • Terrik1337

              No chance of telecommuting, and your right the company is very old school. In my field companies that offer telecommuting and let you leave once your work is done tend to load lots of work on top of you to keep you busy. My hours are not awful for my line of work, but the company itself has a lot of BS. At my previous company I did approximately the same amount of work, but I was only had to work 8 hours per day. On the other hand it was in a bunker in an air force base in the middle of no where and the daily commute ranged from 40min in the summer to 1 1/2 hours in the winter, both ways. My current commute is 15-20min depending on traffic. Everywhere there is a trade off, and right now I'm O.K. where I am. I might need a change in a few years though.

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    Live off 5 hours of sleep for 365 days a year. Eventually you will die. Lol normal tho cos that's what I do too

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    • Terrik1337

      Obviously I sleep in on weekends and holidays. All the same, you are correct that it is bad.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If there's one thing that I hate to do at work, it's nothing!
    I've never understood how people can spend 8 hours or so doing a couple hours work. I always figured they were a little simpleminded and didn't mind being bored out of their skull most of their life. I found that true with the military, as well. "Hurry up and slow down."
    I'm happy that you have things working so well for you, but I'd die if I lived like that.

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  • GG19

    Mostly normal but no microwave how?

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    • Terrik1337

      I own one, I just don't use it. Hmm. That's not really true. Last time I used it was to heat rice vinegar so the salt and sugar would dissolve. I was making sushi.

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      • GG19

        I love sushi and squid ink spegeti it tasts salty with no real salt its supper good ig your a health person like me my.(mostly But i LOVE FAST FOOD)

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        • Terrik1337

          Awesome. I've been meaning to try squid ink spaghetti, I just don't know where to get the ink. I have a recipe for regular spaghetti noodles which I assume I could adapt to squid ink. This might be a good project take up.

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          • Leonard_Hatred

            You can use the ink from the black printer cartridge on an inkjet printer

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          • GG19

            I get mine off-line I can look foe the name of the brand if you like.

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