World of warcraft.

So the other day on my 61 hunter a 67 feral dr00d came up and attacked me and killed me. I was all like "NO." so I rezzed and got him down to 33%% before he killed me. Then he brought along a 63 huntard friend because I had time to heal and flare the second time, so I would win.


Voting Results
31% Normal
Based on 109 votes (34 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • Avant-Garde

    I don't understand. See, I don't play that game. Your question might be better suited on some type of gaming forum.

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  • I've been playing WoW for 6 years, basically since it came out. I used to be chubby and nerdy. Then, I hit puberty. Now, not only am I top of the AP classes, I'm also the girl every guy wants to date. I could literally get any guy I want. There are some uber douchefaggots that play World of Warcraft and they mostly habit the PvP realms. I suggest you switch to a RP realm or Normal realm if you would like some adult conversation and avoid those damn Alli gankers.

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  • what?

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  • Hahaha...oh yeah I know exactly what you mean......


    Get off those shitty games, they are a waste of time and your life!

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  • lionvswolf

    gz on your hunter. now go outside and find yourself some pussy/dick OH YEA ^^

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  • wuddeva

    One of the comments reminded me of this girl in my class who believes that online gaming substitutes for human interaction. So long as you see this as a game, and not a way to live your life, it's normal. If you are asking about the strategy you used being normal, I doubt that many people, including myself, understand any of what you said.

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  • anonymouschick

    It depends if you're on the horde or alliance.
    Alliance douches usually pull that crap.

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  • Dan-the-Van-Vanson


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  • Ur a faggot

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  • Your_Neighbor

    Omg World of Warcraft?? Dude, that is seriously a nerd game! get a life!

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  • jean

    Dude dont play videogames I never play videogames I hate them(not the arcades but I dont go there for like 2 years) That wont get you anything. None of my friends ever got laid for being in 100 level. Get a gf, play an instrument & stop jacking off in your room!

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  • It's amazing the stupidity of the people who go with the flow and lose their brains.
    If you dont like them you dont have to play them, but if you insist that all people with healthy hobbies are some sort of no life moron here's a hint: You have a hobby, no matter who you are. Do you read? Do you play sports? Do you like movies? If you like any of these then you should understand what fun hobbies can be. Don't be an idiot. Of course like all hobbies people can get addicted. I happen to like video games and have not once seen a decent argument for why video games are so retarted. If you still are biased against them after reading this, you are not normal in accordance to this sites name ;)
    Go pick on someone with a real problem, such as i dont know, biased trolling?

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  • FlowerOfHope

    Solution: quit playing that sh*tty game. it's a serious waste of time and money.

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  • Logstuffer

    I had a friend that started playing thart game and now he is a fat ass doosh bag but posting articles about telling people to stop wasting their life on the internet games on the INTERNET is riddled with dooshbaginess. Commenting on this page is less productive than WOW.

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  • YingYang

    I played WoW a total of 5 minutes. Not impressed at all.

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  • Andruth

    I didn't mean they were being biased about the game. It's the fact that bazookatruth thinks that every person who plays it is a "total shitbag".

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  • Andruth

    Wow, thanks for the crappy comments guys. Way to be biased.

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    • You're Welcome! :P

      Dude, seriously, if you're just sitting there playing those stupid video games all day, eyes glued to the screen...You gotta stop man. You're wasting your life.

      And yes it is normal however, considering most people are practically in love with these kind of games these days.

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  • Exactly, listen to Bazookatruth, seen that happen to some people in my school. Its retarded.

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  • bazookatruth

    I don't play WoW, but I have a friend who's obsessed with it and the game turned him into a savage queer so now I believe anyone who plays that shit is a total shitbag.

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