Worried about my cats

I have two cats, one who has had experience with a dog one smaller cat who doesn't.
My mum told me yesterday that we'll be looking after two Labradors for two weeks, I like the idea but not when we have cats, the dogs have no experience with cats so they could kill them for all we know, we won't be able to leave them alone in the house for a second so I've already cancelled plans on days others are working.

My main concern is that cats are very territorial, the house is their safe area, suddenly adding two large strange dogs will make them scared of their own home, I'm afraid that they might go off and not come back seeing as every time they come back two dogs will be in their safe zone.
Has anyone had any experience introducing dogs to cats who could give some advice, both me and my brother have given our opinion that we think it's unfair on the cats and we're a little worried about them but it's been met with raised voices then blanking us for the rest of the day so it's going to happen and we're just unsure of how to make this as stressfree for our cats as possible

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Comments ( 6 )
  • noid

    Don't give the dogs the run of the whole house at first. Give the cats some space of their own in the house. Move the dogs elsewhere at times so the cats can move around and not be trapped in one room.

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    • Owly

      Another thing-use baby gates (grab a few at goodwill or borrow some) and give the cats the litter box room, the food room, and the room they're usually sleeping in as 'safe' rooms. Most labs without training can't clear a baby gate-just check the gate can't be barrelled through. We used this to introduce first the two cats to my untested Lapphund, then to allow the cats safety after introducing the Beagle. It all ended well. They're friends now. (Well, the one cat hates the Beagle.... but they do get along usually.)

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    • noid

      Also there is helpful info online you can google. I've seen it before.

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  • (s)aint

    Hmm, create high platforms that the cats can retreat too when the dogs arrive. It's important that the cats feel safe and can escape both for their own sake and for the dogs because you do NOT want to get a cat angry/scared.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    keep the dogs and cats separateas much as you can. If the weather is nice keep the dogs outside a lot. Its only temporary so theres no need for them to "meet".
    Labradors are usually nice dogs and would not likely attack a cat but you just never know...be safe.

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  • handsignals

    1st world problems.

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