Worry about losing virginity

I think its time for me to lose it.I am already old to have waited so many years. The guy im with doesnt mind me feeling worried. He doesnt know im a virgin though. He said if I am worried about him being pushy with me I can make the first move instead. Do most guys care if you are making out and it starts leading to sex but you change your mind? Say if it hurts and you want to stop or slow down. I have the impression most men do not care and likes to commit sexual assualt. That is why I have considered dating women instead.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • KholatKhult

    Remember, in many cultures people do not “lose their virginity” until after marriage, there is no universal timeline to follow and there has never been, no matter what “modern” trend is going on in your part of the world.

    What your partner said was good, letting the more ‘nervous’ party lead the controls is always smart. You will be very happy that you took things at your pace, and that you waited until you were ready.

    Some men may care. Avoid them completely.
    “Blue balls” don’t exist, it’s just frustrated dudes being obnoxious and trying to guilt trip. If they’re so pissed about an interrupted nut they can go jack off like every other dude has done since the beginning of time.

    Any man that /you would be compatible with/ should respect if you decide to stop at any point no matter how “far” things have started. If a dude seems pushy, leave him. Let a woman who is more ‘confident’ sexually handle those types.

    This is not a jab at you, it is a reality that some people have different levels of comfort when it comes to sex. You should be with a respectful man that is responsive to partners that are more nervous, these men do exist

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    • SkullsNRoses

      This, this, a thousand times this.

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