Would a pornstar career get boring?

I love sex and was thinking that if I had a nice body and a big penis I’d be a pornstar but then having sex day in and day out in front of the cameras must get old and then there’s the risk I’d catch a disease and die young like poor ol’ John Holmes. If I did, my name would be Iva Digbick.

No, I’d love it. 0
Maybe after a while. 4
Yeah, it’s a decadent job. 2
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Lusty-Argonian

    Something I've thought about doing many times. I've come to the conclusion I could only do porn that doesn't match my sexuality to try snd preserve what I can about the stuff I do enjoy. But then it's just another job if I'm doing stuff I don't enjoy with such a low chance of getting rich what's the point? I don't give a crap about fame. Making the entire thing pointless.

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    • Yeah I doubt any if them get rich with the shady characters who produce them who probably keep most of the money.

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      • Lusty-Argonian

        Well the porn itself pays ok but the fame you get from it you can use to get rich. Thats rhe catch. You have to market yourself pretty well if you get popular

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  • Holzman_67

    This might shed some light on it.


    I’ve had friends in the sex industry and what I think most of them say is that it takes the intimacy and magic out of private sex with your partner, a bit like a chef who then has to make food for themself at home.

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    • Cool vid. Thanks

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