Would a sociopath admit he's a sociopath?

Yes 163
No 293
Yes, but only very rarely 394
Don't Know 276
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Comments ( 23 )
  • dappled

    A sociopath doesn't understand that they are a sociopath. Even if they did, they wouldn't see anything wrong with it and just imagine the medical community had come up with a name for a condition that doesn't really exist and that these people are just jealous of their natural ability to manipulate. If you confront them and tell them they might be a sociopath, they'd be thrown off for a little while as they work out how to turn the situation back to their advantage (there's no obvious route of exploiting this). But they wouldn't brood on it. Or, at least, my little sociopath never did.

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    • Shackleford96

      You had a pet sociopath?

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      • dappled

        Kind of. I went out with a sociopath who had a pet me.

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        • Shackleford96

          Ah, ok. That's a little different... :)

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    • NothingxCrazy

      My bf admits he is a sociopath but he had a psych evaluation after some felonies and that's how he found out. He doesn't think how he acts is wrong but KNOWS it is because it's not how other people are. So you can admit it but not understand or think you have to change how you act.
      Not that you CAN really change something like that..

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      • dappled

        I guess there could be levels of sociopathy. The girl I went out with didn't recognise that other people weren't like her, and wouldn't have cared anyway. All that mattered was how much mileage she could get out of a target. She literally didn't understand the idea of doing something without personal gain. It never crossed her mind that people around her were doing this exact thing all the time. She just thought she was using her powers to control people. And at times, she was.

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        • Imta9772

          I don't believe anybody acts outside of self interest. Ultimately, my choices are out of self interest. And I believe everyone else's are as well. It's human nature. I'm just willing to accept it, and I'm not really bothered by it. "Normal" ppl seem to be in denial, or they're to afraid to accept themselves. Guilt & empathy are facades.

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        • NothingxCrazy

          My bf can control it for the most part. He used to be like your ex. He used everyone and didn't have friends unless he could gain something. He still has no friends but he has me and doesn't just to get something other than comfort and I guess, friendship.

          But he hereditarily has it. His dad was the same. So it wasn't developed like most people which might make his traits of it a bit different.

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  • Gena45

    Sociopaths are usually well aware of their condition. They might not consider themselves a sociopath, but they know what they do is wrong. They know right from wrong, they just choose to go with wrong, because in their mind, people are just there for them to use them, then get rid of them. They justify everything they do because they think of people like we think of toilet paper. It's there, we use it, and once it's served it's purpose, we get rid of it. Sorry for the toilet paper thing, I didn't know how else to put it. So anyway, to answer your question, no. They won't for two reasons: First, admitting it would make people harder to manipulate, and a sociopath would never take the chance of not getting what they want. And second, they don't perceive themselves as mentally ill. They think they are just better than everyone, the world isn't good enough for them, and that's just the way life is.

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  • psm45

    ask the republican party and see if they'll admit it.

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    • NothingxCrazy

      Harhar. Good one.

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  • It's quite irritating how much the word gets thrown around. I have been called a sociopath before (I know I'm not, it irritated me because people like to throw the word around at anyone that doesn't care about most situations. I'm sure alot of the people on this site have been called a sociopath atleast once or twice in their life.

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    • Imta9772

      Hey...someone's getting all defensive lol Socio...!!! :D. Jk

      But seriously, yes the word is trown around a lot. And I have been called a sociopath. I admit to the parts of human nature most ppl deny, and don't feel bad about it. It makes them uncomfortable. I also see work, school, and other social situations as a game.

      My bf is bothered by authority bc he feels he's better. I don't mind working the pyramid from any level, and I love being underestimated bc it gives me more room to work and play lol. It's exciting thinking about it lol

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  • zenji

    If admitting he was a sociopath would reduce a jail sentence, then I'd say 'yes'.

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  • Riddler

    Yes I think they would. You might think what they are doing is wrong but they might not think so. If you asked them about something they might give you an answer in THEIR reasoning. The crazy person does not always understand they are crazy or how what they do is wrong.

    If you ask a hallucinating person why did you punch the wall and they say "I saw it move" than to them they were doing something rational. However the issue with that they have a rational reaction to something which is not truly there. Now you did not see it move but in this persons head it was a rational reaction based on how they are perceiving it.

    Though even if you explained why you think the behavior is wrong or not they might not understand or simply might not care. Though really you can pick out anything someone does is wrong. You can yell at someone who did not cry at a movie say what an evil person they are and how they should be punished. So how do you differentiate between someone being intolorent and if you truly have an issue?

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    If they understand that they are one. Which I doubt one really would.

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  • I wear peoples heads for hates and dance around naked to opera whilst covered in their blood.

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  • kismetie

    you know . . . I have no clue. Maybe it depends on the sociopath? Oh wait no! What about psychopaths???

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  • in my experience they know they are different and they know what they do is wrong that's why they hide it. ah the performance when they are found out. sneaky

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  • Darkoil

    I once came in after a night out and thought it would be funny to pour brown laxative powder into the massive bag of coffee in the cupboard, everyone in my family had the shits for weeks.

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  • No. Sociopaths (as I've understood them) lack introspection meaning that they can't view their actions with any kind of impartiality and examine whether what they did was right or wrong making it impossible for them to ever consider the possibility of them being sick.

    In essence they're demi-humans. Life unfit for life.

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  • a socipath might but usually they don't think they need help because they are mentally ill...

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  • chicken471bologna

    Most sociopaths have no idea they are sociopaths.

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