Would europeans accept

This is a question if you lived in a country in the EU. If they decided to make a president of the EU with the same authority as say the US president has over our union would you support that kind of authority over your country?

In layman's terms would you accept a powerful EU government/president.

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6% Normal
Based on 16 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • Rocketrain

    President of europe?
    That's like president of Africa or Asia?

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  • Meatballsandwich

    No. Fuck the EU!

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  • darefu

    No, it would be way to corrupt. The same way the union made sense years ago for the USA it might for the EU.

    When you have a group of small states that have a hard time doing much financially or resource wise on their own but have some common interests, it makes sense to pool together.

    However, independence must be kept and only power over those common interests should be given any control to the United government.
    If any of the states become too power hungry and/or see themselves more important than others you start having control and power issues.

    More money and more people in one area have a tendency to make that area feel more important. In contrast a state that's mainly agriculture has less people and normally less money, but control the majority of food supply.
    The USA has allowed it's government to grow to big and dabble into every states business.
    Same would/is happening in the EU, either UK or France would think they should control or have majority opinion. Given a president position with the power of USA president things would get even more corrupt than they already are.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Yup, Financially its good for poorer states but those states usually have a different way of dealing with things but then the federal governmrnt forces those states to do things how they believe things should be done. The federal government wasnt supposed to be so powerful.

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  • Ummitsstillme

    Alot of healthy Europe's favorites are getting ruined by bad cultures from the middle east and the russia.

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  • bigbudchonger

    I think it's shifting that way. I'm in the UK and obviously we wouldn't though.

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    • I was happy for the UK to see brexit happen. Theres definitely benefits to a union but it can suck also.

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      • LloydAsher

        The benefits being less likely to go to war with the other union states. The downsides are sharing a currency and civilians having free flow between you.

        I wouldn't want to be apart of the EU. Too little autonomy, you guys are seperate countries after all. Not another USA, definitely don't have the military to even be on par with America.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Bro "civilians having free flow between you". I feel that. My hometown was overun by rich california and Yankee libs. My family shouldnt have settled so close to an airport.

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  • Elroy7141

    You Americans know Europe’s not one country right?

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