Would girls be willing to date effeminite men?

I'm basically nonbinary by this point but I don't do the pronoun game bullshit. I'm perfectly fine whether you see me as a boy or a girl; I just don't like being very masculine. I want to dress how I want, to keep my nails filed, my body shaved, and my hair long. I'm not on HRT and I do exercise to stay slim. I also don't have dysphoria I just feel happier when I'm girly.

Yes 4
No 8
Depends on the personality 11
Yes(not a girl but answering anyways) 6
No(not a girl but answering anyways) 1
Depends on the personality(not a girl but answering anyways) 3
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Comments ( 25 )
  • RoseIsabella

    It would depend upon a myriad of various factors.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    There's a video I saw online of a guy who is straight but acts very stereotypically gay and he's in love with a very butch bisexual woman who likes to carry him around.

    It was really cute and funny. Idk if I can post video links though.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      It's called "He's Feminine and I'm Masculine" by Truly on YouTube

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    • being carried like that would be dreamy

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  • farkelu

    Femboys can be really hot but after 21 or 22 that's just weird. Go big or go homo.

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    • nsc-131

      femboys arent hot they are just weird

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  • kikilizzo

    As long as he's not a cumbrained troon.

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    • I love cuddling it's easily one of my favorite things to do with a person besides just talk; I like cuddling better than sex

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Not if he crossdresses

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    • oof Any reasons for that?

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      • Lusty-Argonian

        Just a huge turn off for me. I dont care if someone does it I have no beef with it. But it immediately removes them as a potential mate for me mentally. Just a massive turn off I guess. Funny thing is its mainly crossdressers that approach me. They think im a domme which i guess is fair im somewhat tomboyish and domineering but yea absolutely zero interest in it

        I remember one guy being like hey wana see mw in this thong?? And all I could think was no I rally freaking don't

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        • Fair enough I guess. He has very poor taste in clothes if he's asking about thongs instead of ballroom dresses.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I find them creepy and disgusting personally, I want a masculine guy who could just snap and kill me at any point

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    • Oh shit it just hit me that you were actually saying you wanted a boy who can protect you lol. I'm not a frail being; an entirely feminine frame just leaves you cold and unable to defend yourself so I do weight-lift but I just don't go for as much upper body bulk as you would see in normal men. I do a lot of toning and the like to keep slim without bulking up too much.

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      • Although if you find girly boys gross that's not going to change much.

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    • you know what I can respect that lmao

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  • Holzman_67

    There’s a place in Northern Transylvania where the girls would be all over you. Watch out for vampires, though.

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  • Anonnet

    Hard to say. From the way you described yourself, you sound like you would look gay from any distance. No, I don't think most women would go for that. Pretty sure most women wouldn't go for that. There's a big difference between "effeminate" and "long hair, any clothes, might get some implants idk".

    I'm a guy, though, so I wouldn't necessarily know.

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    • how many boys will I guess is the question then? I have a very hard time liking boys in more than a friendship way eh kind of feels weird to ask but I'm still curious. I don't know life never seems to go how you plan. So far the answer seems to be "most" but that's out of a pool of 8.

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  • LloydAsher

    Seeing how feminine males weren't bred out in the first generation, I'd say theres a good chance at a partner. Or the mutation is varied enough that in the booming population of regular people it doesnt matter.

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  • litelander8

    Are you still gonna kill bugs?

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    • I actually find spiders kind of cute so they're no issue for me. I catch and release or squish depending on the location.

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      • litelander8

        I don’t kill spiders unless they’re super sketchy looking.

        But yes. You sound like an agreeable partner.

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  • Although it's still a little more complicated than just being a girly boy even if the result is basically the same. Sometimes I feel like I might want breasts but I can't ever decide/commit due to some past trauma so I've just given up on choosing and I'd let whoever I end up with decide that. I'm definitely not of the traditional trans mindset(I still enjoy being a boy even if I'm not comfortable being buff and hairy) but I'm not entirely cis brained either.

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  • That probably fits the description. It's also not offensive; I referred to myself as a boy in the question which is what I default to.
    (Although sometimes being called a girl makes me blush.)

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