Would it be awkward to give my niece this advice? should i?

Today is my niece's 12th birthday and she is about to hit puberty. Something the women in my family are really stuck on (myself excluded) are cleaning themselves with douches and vaginal soaps, which are *not* recommended and outdated concepts. I don't want my niece to have to learn the hard way like I did I only really need to use warm water down there, but it's quite a bit of an awkward conversation to bring up.

"Hey, Love! Sit down while your favorite Auntie tells you all about vagina cleansing. What do you mean you would rather do literally anything else on your birthday?"

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Lusty-Argonian

    Kinda like a guy having to tell a kid how to clean hos foreskin. Better to bite the bullet and get it done

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    • ospry

      For some reason I wasn't thinking of an uncle-nephew relationship, but just some rando like the grocery store bagger pulling a kid aside to teach him the ins and outs of proper foreskin management

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      • Lusty-Argonian

        That would be so random and awkward lol

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  • Orphan

    Just tell her vaginal douches are bad for the pussy. It disimbalances your ph and ups your chances of getting a yeast infection. Or at least irritation and itchiness. If you get irritation and itchiness, take a long warm bath with lots of vinegar like 2-3 times a day until it disappears.
    Change your pad before 24hrs. And change your tampons before 8hrs.

    And on a gross note:
    The vulva doesn't even need to be washed. I swear. But we all wash it anyway

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  • oldgoat65

    That book will probably be banned in the future. Better buy a copy soon

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  • SkullsNRoses

    It’s definitely better to let her know- are there pamphlets you could give her to help the process?

    I don’t see why you would need to tell her this on her birthday though.

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    • Lol I was more making a joke at the end. But yeah, the post does kind of seem like I'm trying to talk to her on her birthday specifically.

      I'm sure there is stuff like that. I know American Girl sells books about puberty but I'm not sure if there's specifically a part about cleaning down there. I wouldn't see why *not*, but of course with my luck that would be the one thing it wouldn't cover.

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  • Tommythecaty


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  • Tinybird

    This reminds me of something that happened when I was a kid. One day my aunt was driving me to my nan's house, when she suddenly asked me, "have you started your period yet?" I hadn't. But I was embarrassed to suddenly be asked that question out of nowhere.

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