Would this irritate you?

Here's the picture.

I stop off near my workplace to go the ATM to take out some cash which is at the entrance of a mall (has not opened yet as it is early in the morning).

The is a man standing at the doors of the mall who I presume is waiting for the mall to open.

I use the ATM, spits the card out and take my cash. Just at that momemnet the guy said in to what sounded like to me a dissapointed tone "God damnit! see it works for you and not me!".

Finally the doors to the mall open and he speaks to a security guard to explain his dilema. I turn and say "bad luck I guess" and walk away.

It pissed me off.. why didn't he at least warn me prior to me attempting to use the ATM instead of standing there like a dork waiting for my card to get sucked into the machine.

I just thought if it were me I would warn people as I wait out of plain old courtesy.

Would this have irritated you? Let me know your thoughts below.

No, not the slightest.. 17
Well...maybe for a brief second.. 17
Yes, I thought about it the rest of the day.. 2
It would irritate me, but I wouldn't say anything.. 28
It would irritate me and I would have said something.. 12
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Terence_the_viking

    I would have laughed and pointed at him then SHO RYU KEN him.

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    • diaperwolf21

      Give a shoryuken to the chin!!!! then a metsu hadoken to the crotch.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I would have assumed that there was a bank error that effected his account separate from the ATM or he just didn't have any money. The man would not have irritated me in the slightest. However being at the mall itself would have.

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  • The homeless are always trying some sort of new angles.

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  • pixie_dust

    You should have yelled, "stop thief!!" "He hung out by the atm and said he had a gun!"

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  • diaperwolf21

    People like are often scam artists. Trying to skim some cash from innocent people

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