Would you be for or against electing a gay/homosexual president?

Just wondering if the persons sexuality would have anything to do with how they do their job running the country? Would you ever vote for a Gay President of the United States? Why or Why Not?

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Comments ( 23 )
  • Vvaas

    i dont give a fuck if they like dick or vag what matters is how well they run the country

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I voted for Obama in 2008

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    • Orphan


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  • Curiouskitten444

    If i agreed with their policies yes, but i wouldnt vote for them just because theyre gay, although it would be cool.

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    • LloydAsher

      It's like voting for hillary clinton because shes a woman.

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      • Hookerfall


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  • dude_Jones

    This post should be a multiple choice POLL.

    It will put radio buttons on your choices:

    ๐Ÿ”˜ Yes, homo presidents are okay.
    ๐Ÿ”˜ No, fuck that. Gay okay but no homo.

    Okay OP, go fix your post.

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    • Hookerfall


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  • Chap

    Yes, if they'd make a good president

    Sexual orientation doesn't affect that

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  • RoseIsabella


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  • olderdude-xx

    What is their character? What are their long held beliefs and the pattern of their actions?

    Their sexuality is irreverent, as long as they do not clearly practice sexual patterns of behavior that cause "ill repute."

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  • Somenormie

    As long as they aren't a dick as in personality wise.

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  • LloydAsher

    What the fuck are their qualifications!?

    You are the EXACT kind of dumb shit voter (assuming you made the post seriously) that elected biden in.

    Not because you liked his policies but because orange man bad.

    You vote FOR people not AGAINST them.

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    • dude_Jones

      Actually, Trump could have gotten in if Trump supporters like you registered with the democrats and voted for Bernie Sanders in the primaries. This would be a vote AGAINST Biden. Trump could have beaten Sanders easily.

      I have no sympathy for you. You voted FOR your candidate, when you should have voted AGAINST his opponent in the Democratic primaries. Too late now. The liberal shit show is off and running.

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  • Nope, do NOT want a faggot in power.

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    • Chap


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  • Orphan

    Of course. Heterosexuals are doing it fine, why not a homosexual.

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  • darefu

    I think there are other countries that have already achieved these 'firsts' that the USA is so hung up on.

    I don't think the US is ready for this yet, and it's not because of the majority of the people. It's because the US has a group of people and MEDIA that don't care about the qualifications of a person they just want to be involved in achieving or making a first.

    They just want a first "whatever" in "whatever" they can find that it hasn't happened before. Be it schools, businesses, sports, politics, or the locker room.

    Then the Media makes the achievement all about whatever the minority trait may be.

    They accomplished this even though they are ___ or because they are ____ . Anyone that has a negative comment about the person is instantly branded a hater. If they are terrible at doing whatever it is, it's because people 'haters' we're against them.

    Im sorry I fall in to a couple of those minority categories but see through the Media anointed. You can be a female, gay, black, bi, Asian, AND STILL SUCK at doing what you are doing. You can be good as well, but it's not about your color, sexual preference, or gender identity.

    The US is still a long way from ignoring these factors and making it about a person's qualifications and accomplishments. People get into schools, jobs, elected positions and even get away with crimes because of these factors. Some people use or abuse these traits and even learn to ride the wave to positions they would have never gotten by earning them.

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  • BleedingPain

    I could give 2 shits about the outer appearance of our china and russia appointed president. As long as they run the damn country.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Lol you think people are elected, thatโ€™s cute.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Depends is this gay person a liberal or a republican?

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      How dare you think logically

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint


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