Would you change religion non religion for a loved one?

Would you ever switch beliefs to accommodate a person you love or are with?

Depends on the beliefs system and morals 8
Depends how much I love them 4
If they love me they would except it all 33
No they must quit theirs 21
I would except theirs if it did not include hurting kids or females 9
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Comments ( 33 )
  • anti-hero

    No, that is not possible. You could pretend to do it, but it would be fake and pointless.

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    • Perfect 10!

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      • anti-hero

        Sweet, now someone will thumb it down to be a prick.

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        • charli.m

          Sorry :( I'll just leave...

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          • anti-hero


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  • dinz

    No and I expect my partner to not bend over backwards for me.

    A fundamental aspect of Relationships is learning to compromise. Personally religion is not a stumbling block for me but I know it can be something for others that is nonnegotiable.

    Let's say, I decided to follow a faith because someone who loves me asked me to follow. And I decided to just do it to please her. It contradicts the idea of faith because faith is something you believe in, not because someone told you to follow it.

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    • michaels4p5

      see thats what i like those are good words man.

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    • Great answer!

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  • kelili

    I don't know. I don't follow any churches and I've never faced problem like this one. What I'm sure of is that nobody can make me beelieve ib any other God than the God of Abraham and of Moses and the father of Jesus Christ.

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  • bananaface

    Is it even possible to just switch your beliefs like that? I believe in what feels right to me, and to say I believe in something else would be pretence. So I couldn't "switch beliefs to accommodate a person" in the sense that I genuinely change what I believe. I'm open to different ideas, though. But that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to believe in them. Some stuff out there sounds completely absurd.

    To be honest, I'm not religious and I feel very uncomfortable pretending to be something I'm not. I don't usually mind what others believe in, and religion has never been an issue for me yet, so unless it really goes against my morals, I don't care. I don't see a reason why I'd need to change my beliefs. The only thing I can think of is converting to another religion so that we could get married or something like that, in which case perhaps. Although, I don't want to get married now:P. I really don't know much about all this religion stuff. So, I'm not sure!

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    • Good answer! I was meaning if you got married or in a relationship. So you would only give up your beliefs if you are getting married? Since some people make that a must.

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      • bananaface

        Thanks:)! Assuming they accepted my beliefs and didn't demand that I genuinely change them, because that might not be possible. I could pretend, if they were fine with that, and it was actually necessary for marriage (assuming that's what we wanted, like I said, I don't want to get married right now). Although, ideally, religion wouldn't be an issue. It hasn't been before, so I'm not sure why it would be in the future, and if it were, whether it would mean the relationship couldn't work.

        As for their morals, which I tend to separate from religion anyway, if they completely clash with mine, then I doubt I'd be in a relationship with them that would be worth it, if I were even in one with them in the first place. So if I love them, I assume that they'd have morals I find tolerable, no?:P That's the main thing for me.

        This question is sort of confusing me:P. My answer completely depends on stuff like whether the change has to be genuine, why I have to change and all sorts of stuff.

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  • No, I never would. It would bother me if they expected, or even hoped, I would. Also, depending on what their beliefs actually were, there's a pretty good chance I wouldn't even pursue a relationship with them. Personally, I find any sort of *strong* faith in religion, a bit of a turn-off. Of course, I would never expect them to change their beliefs to suit me - I don't believe it's fair to have such expectations.

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  • michaels4p5

    Nope i wouldn't change im not into religion stuff because alot of it is fake is my beliefs another thing i'd never be with someone whose into religion stuff they are to picky and pushy.

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  • BTW I don't push my beliefs on people

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  • I don't believe in religion. I believe in salvation. Many people are offended and I have to accept that. It is part of life. I just want my loved ones to be saved. enimies too

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Yeah my experience was more like the second, said she was in the relationship to open my eyes as she didn't want me to go to hell

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    • You mean she only dated you to convert you? So she lied to you? That is really messed up.

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      • kingofcarrotflowers

        Yeah saw it as her duty to god. I honestly couldn't believe it, the first person I actually really cared about and then she tells me that. It might not be fair but since then I've found people pushy with their religion intolerable

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        • Converting someone to a religion is a noble enough quest since they think they are helping. However I do not think most religions would approve of. To do something like that is dishonest and cruel. I am sorry this happened to you.

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          • kingofcarrotflowers


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  • NeuroNeptunian

    No, this happened to me once and I couldn't. The guy I was with was a (yes, everyone knows but still) Rastafarian Atheist and he tried to prod at me any chance he could to get me to change my mind about being a Christian.

    I can't not believe in a God, no matter how many people try to shove the logic/reason argument up my ass with a pitchfork. It's a good argument, and I totally agree with you on all points, but I just can't help what I feel and believe. Even if and when I didn't have a religious structure to mold my faith into, I was at the very least, a deist and on a really bad day, an agnostic.

    I could be with an atheist or someone of a different religion, you don't have to come to church with me, but don't criticize me and do what my ex did. Don't start in on how it's ironic that Christians believe this yet do this, don't give me hell about what I do or don't do for this institution, if you can respect me, I can respect you.

    The problem is that sometimes it's hard to find someone who can respect your faith. Even some really cool, awesome people will be unable to live with something they don't agree with so much.

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    • You can not prove or disprove these kind of things. A truly open mind is open to all possibilities. Anyone who says that all must know it is fake is ignorant and vice versa. Being close minded is not a trait people should try and encourage. People said the world was flat till someone thought maybe it was not. People could not fly till we made the airplane. If people really thought like this in the beginning we would not have anything we have to day. Nothing is for sure and we always have more to discover. People who think they know it all know nothing.

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  • chicken471bologna

    NO! I expect my partners to believe whatever in I tell her.

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  • o_0

    religion.... the belief I am having since born and something I am relating to everything and everyone in my life since always.. my life ,my thoughts my soul is just molded accordingly . How is it even possible to change it for a person.. okay ,if you even say that a person who I love at the deepest of my heart but still how it can happen when I have loved someone more than him someone since I am born thats my God...
    and lets suppose if i do then what is the guarantee that i would positively take it forward for my whole life when i couldn't even continue a belief..

    secondly , i would say does changing religion really helps..? if the person truly loves you then why is it even necessary for him to consider our religion.. anyone's religion is his belief his analysis something he is definite upon why does it matter for anyone else.. though i know that in many religions it is ( as in mine)

    but if you can change one thing FOR HIM then any other time you would even change HIM for another thing , no guarantee you see.. :)

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    No. This happened before and I refused

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    • This happened to me a few times. One gently persuaded me and I almost wanted to since I cared for them that much. They never held that in huge importance though. They were already friends with me before they asked. Others said I must worship what they do or they would not even think of a relationship. It ticked me off the second time.

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  • shuggy-chan

    No, I'm to stubborn and too burned out on organized religion, my belief in god is in my own interpretation and no one can change how I interpret my beliefs then me

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  • dirtybirdy

    No way. I'm not religious and I'll stay that way. I have no problem with religious people as long as they keep me out of it.

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  • Maya05

    You can't just change your fundamental belief of our known world. It doesn't work that easily. Even if you could, your partner should accept your own beliefs as you should accept their's.

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  • Bubbles-for-life


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  • Gumball

    Somedays, I think that religion should not be a problematic matter when it comes to love. If you change your religion or if the person asked you, it's like saying that this has to come first before we can be together regardless of what you believe in beforehand. It's like accomodating it within the terms and conditions of one's relationship. That suggests that that notion still comes first. It benefits one person more than the other.

    I think that profound love enables each individual's beliefs to blend together. Plain and simple as that. There has to be no transitional change just a balanced understanding. It's selfish to ask someone to give up their views in life unless they really see fit without the influence of their partner. Whether their beliefs are polar opposites, if they want to be with each other they will be with each other. I don't want to coerce someone to change their beliefs for the sake of staying together, that faith has to grow within.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Fakkin hulls.

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