Would you consider me a sexist?

I’ll start this by saying that I have no problem with women’s rights and stuff, I don’t really relate so I don’t think about it much. But I gotta be honest, there’s a lot of behaviors I find really annoying, and most people I know who exhibit them are female. For example, most girls I know talk a lot, and also very loudly. When I bring this up people tell me they know guys who are louder, but in my experience it’s been mostly girls. I remember one class I had in high school where there was a free time for us to talk, and these two girls were always super loud and talkative and I really had to restrain myself from shouting SHUT UP! At them! Throughout my life I can literally only think of TWO girls who weren’t complete chatterboxes. (Coincidentally they were both named Rachel. I guess that’s irrelevant but I thought it was interesting).

But my life has been almost always dominated by girls. My dad died when I was a baby, and I have no brothers. After a while it gets tiring being the only type of person in a group of people. My sisters are always complaining about not finding a boyfriend, and honestly hearing them talk about their standards I think “god, it’s no wonder! You’re expecting way too much!”

And that’s another thing. Believe me, it’s usually WAY easier for woman to attract a man than the other way around. I’ve had girls literally react with disgust at being teased about liking me. They always got so offended when someone even remotely implied they were unattractive, but had no problems reacting to guys in that way.

And that’s something else that annoys me. Girls always seemed to get away with everything. Throughout my school life there were lots of generalizations against both genders from each side, and whenever a girl did it the teachers would usually ignore it (some would even join in). But dear GOD, if a boy ever generalized girls, he would get SERIOUS backlash from everyone! There seriously was this crazy feminist girl who said we didn’t need men to reproduce (I don’t remember her exact reasoning for this) and no one got mad at her!

I guess I’m just in a ranty mood. I don’t hate an entire gender, but sometimes I can’t help thinking “girls” in a really annoyed tone in my head whenever a girl is annoying me. I don’t say these things out loud (as like I said before, I would get immediate backlash from people if I did, yet if a girl did the very same thing it would go ignored). I’m only sharing my own experiences, maybe things are different for the rest of you. I’m sorry if this came off as offensive (probably more childish tbh, but it’s just how I feel).

Yes 13
No 11
Idk 6
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Comments ( 24 )
  • Tealights

    We're all a little sexist.

    I don't know how to explain it. Society seems to make most women think of themselves as sexy walking trophies or at least aim to become one and be the envy and desire of many. Which makes little sense to me because beauty fades with time, why focus on it on so hard. I'm not about it, and that's the issue I have with most girls in my age group. Especially if that mentality got them pregnant young, then I'm suddenly weird for not having children yet.

    I seem to relate more with men when it comes to interest, but because I'm female it's always awkward. That's really my only complaint about men; you guys think about sex too much. It makes becoming friends with yall difficult, because I'm just seen as a potential fuck/girlfriend/side-chick or you guys get scared I might be a #metoo trap.

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  • palehorse

    meh I'm a girl and I agree with a lot of the things you said. I wouldn't generalize it to all girls, though, just a certain... breed.

    What really bothers me is the scream-laughing. When they're talking in a group and suddenly someone makes an unfunny joke and it's just this chorus of dying hyenas shrieking in my ear. Oh my god.

    I understand your pain, bro.

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  • SwickDinging

    Some of the generalisations you've made here are so unique to your own experience that I'm not sure how relevant they are to women in general. Although I'm sure you know that.

    I would say that men and women are treated very differently in society in many ways. Sometimes it works in one gender's favour, and sometimes the other. I think absolute equality will never happen. I don't think I'd want to live in absolute equality anyway. Men and women are different in some ways and that's ok.

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    • Ellenna

      Are you seriously suggesting there can never be equality between groups that are different? Equality between races is obviously not on either?

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      • SwickDinging

        Yes, I am saying that regarding men and women. The theory doesn't really apply to people of different races because there you are just talking about a difference in skin colour, I don't believe that there are any other dramatic differences. It's not as if one race is able to grow and feed babies but another is able to provide the seed that starts the process, and one can never take on the quality of the other.

        Unless you're suggesting that there are differences between races that are as pronounced as the differences between men and women? I would like to hear what you think those are.

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        • Ellenna

          So biology is destiny in your view? The fact that one gender is capable of being a mother and the other of being a father means the genders can never be equal?

          Equality isn't about being the same, it's about equality of opportunity and absence of discrimination.

          And no I don't believe there are differences between races other than those which are culturally determined: there's only one "race" anyway, the human race.

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  • tobey-kitty

    I’m a girl and I kind of agree with you, not all of us are annoying but most girls are straight up bitches whether to your face or not most are bitches

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  • litelander8

    You could just come out of the closet.

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  • bigbudchonga

    I don't think you're sexist, but I do think you probably need some male role models.

    "There seriously was this crazy feminist girl who said we didn’t need men to reproduce (I don’t remember her exact reasoning for this) and no one got mad at her!" Most people realize the feminists are nuts dude. I wouldn't get too upset about it, nor think that every woman thinks like that. It's a select few.

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  • brutus

    Tldr, but 90 percent of women are mental, that is a true fact.

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    • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

      No, you just can't get laid. Guy's like me that have pussy thrown at them daily dont think this way.

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      • brutus


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        • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

          IM A PIMP

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  • Jdlc

    I have been pushed aside by girls I like my whole life. They can have any guy they want and all I get most often is my hand to have any sex.I wasn't one of the BAD BOYS they seem to like so I have spent most of my life alone.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    No, a lot of the girls you described I would consider as sexist though.

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  • Ummitsstillme


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  • Gabloo

    I dont think I would consider you sexist only because I'm a girl and I totally agree with everything g you have said. Idk mabey that's just because I'm not like thoes other girls. They just annoy me so much. And like you said,you dont bring it up because other people will think you are being sexist. Which I guess technically we are but it's not so much that we dont give each individual a chance to prove themself otherwise. Anyway to put it shortly yes but it's ok in my book. And mabey I'm a bad person for saying that. 😂😂😂 Also I think it's more of an enviromantal and sociological thing. It only happens that way because they were raised that way

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  • LloydAsher

    You are crying that you were starved of the proper social learning of how male and females work... evolutionary males want to have as many partners as possible so they can spread thier genetics.
    Females also want to spread their genetics but being pregnant and having a child severely weakens them so they have to be picky in order to survive. Now add a few thousand years of culture and you got the current plight of most males. My tip get female friends (the chatterboxes work quite well) and move up in thier hierarchy to become a mate.

    You ain't sexist but you sure as shit dont want to think out why things are how they are.

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    • Gabloo

      Dude chill.

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    • KenziePineappleCrayon

      Bruh, chill

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      • LloydAsher


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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    Its the high pitch voices that are so annoying. When my wife gets with her sister it makes my ears ring.

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    • Gabloo

      God I hate that. My mom and my grandma do that.

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  • No, I don't think so. I'd be surprised if inwardly, most people didn't have peeves like this.

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