Would you consider visiting the moon?

When space tourism becomes a thing in the future.

Yeah 15
No 8
Dunno 3
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Comments ( 16 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Why stop at the moon?...

    There is a whole solar system, galaxy, and universe to explore...

    I'd do it all if I could... and its OK if I die while exploring like that.

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    • I'd be glad to just witness a Mars landing in my lifetime. That would be epic.

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      • Curiouskitten444


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    • Curiouskitten444


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  • Dot123

    one of these days Alice, bang! zoom! straight to the moon!

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  • Billy247newaccount_35467829

    Fuck the moon.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Yeah, thatd be sick to look back at earth. It would be a beautiful sight, and the experience of travelling to the moon would be epic, though i have vertigo and would probably puke in my suit. Im so into astronomy though so id put myself through it.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    If someone bought me a ticket sure but im wasting money like that for it

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  • Somenormie

    The moon isn't that great.

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    • LloydAsher

      I heard a story from a recent astronaut and when the first saw the earth from space his literal first thought was "huh neat" it's not that mind shattering as it turns out.

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  • Holzman_67

    Iā€™d probably go once I had a cancer diagnosis

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  • Boojum

    By all accounts, the Moon is a pretty boring place. I think the only slightly amusing thing about a visit would be the low gravity, but I imagine the novelty of that would wear off pretty quick.

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  • If it were cheap.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Im more of an earth type person.
    The Van Allen radiation belts would be abit risky to get through. You could easily die from radiation poisoning

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    • Boojum

      Oh, please. šŸ™„ More of this moon landing hoax BS. You're clearly not a stupid guy, but on some things you do seem determined to ignore easily accessible, well-established scientific facts and keep on guzzling down the KookAid.

      OSHA says a dose of 300 Rads in an hour is fatal. Since the NASA scientists planning the Apollo missions weren't idiots, they planned the trajectory of the missions to avoid the worst of the Van Allen belt radiation. Dosimeters carried by the Apollo astronauts indicated that thanks to their path and the shielding on their spacecraft, they actually received an average of less than 2 Rads over 6 days. Any rational person would take the fact that none of them suffered from radiation poisoning or had any other problems later in life that could be directly linked to radiation exposure as proof that the problem isn't that big.

      But of course conspiracy wingnuts do their usual, flip the facts on their head, and say that this only proves that they didn't get anywhere near the Van Allen belts, and they would have returned to Earth looking like Hiroshima survivors if they had. A lack of knowledge and understanding can be fixed, but there's no cure for wilful ignorance.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        3.6 roentgen

        not great not terrible

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