Would you dare travel in time if...

You have the power to go any distance into the future and, after 1 year, return to the present with any knowledge you have gained from your experience but with no physical objects. Would you make the journey if it carried a 50 percent risk of death?

yes 16
yes! 28
no 21
no! 13
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Comments ( 27 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Only in a DeLorean.

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    • shuggy-chan

      With the doc

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  • megadriver

    Yes! I'm off to the future!
    *car engine cranking*
    Fuck! Delorean won't start...

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    • jeebley

      The plot of every bttf movie...lol

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  • linchpin

    the past yes. The future no.

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  • Short4Words

    I think knowing the future and coming back is trauma enough.

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  • scratch_card

    So far 37 people have agreed meaning 18.5 give or take of you are now dead.

    Sky Diving has safer odds then this yet...

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    • tony36619

      Why compare the very objective odds of sky diving death to the risk defined within this extremely trivial question. . . Is that necessary or even relevant.

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  • TheGodThatFailed

    First I'll create a spare clone of me to posess in case I die.

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  • Lilbit2much

    Only if when I went back to the present I would have no memory of what my future holds. I'd like my future to be as much a mystery as it is now.

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  • I've already done that several times with no consequences.

    Unfortunately you are correct that you cannot transport items and also you cannot change your current timeline.

    It only creates a new one that everyone here will be unaware of.

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    • LovelyMay


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      • I can see why someone would think that. I do not disclose most of my adventures because most people would not believe the glitches I have found in the matrix.

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        • LovelyMay

          See a doctor. There are no glitches. Only in books and phones, my friend.

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          • You would be surprised.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Only if I was already dying of a terminal illness.

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  • Dib

    Yes! #Yolo

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  • pacinoharmon

    Sure why not? I'd go into the past too.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Of course. Anything but the status quo, which would lead to me eventual suicide anyway.

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  • LilyAmongTheThorns

    I don't understand the objections to knowing what happens in the future. I would LOVE to know, and I wouldn't consider it a burden or anything.

    My issue is that 50% chance of death is way too high. I wouldn't do anything that has a 50% chance of death unless I had a terminal disease. Even if it was a 5% chance of death I'd have to sit there and think real long and hard on it. If I had a kid of my own, I wouldn't even go if it was a 1% chance.

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    • Dad

      Lily seriously?

      I'm not the OP, but I'm thinking worth it Yes!
      EVERYone else lives their life and dies. You could go anytime in the future think of it:

      1 day ahead - Multimillionaire, you know ALL the winning numbers.
      or 1 year ahead - Seriously you'll know ALL the news, you may be seen as a God.
      or 1 Thousand years ahead - You could interact with aliens from other planets, you could fly through the nebulae, you can visit other galaxies!!!!
      Or 5 Billion years ahead - You could see the end of our galaxy. Looking up, there could (actually likely) be planets as big as the moon easily seen. You could be the LAST human to see actually exist, THAT would make you feel pretty important, the ENTIRE of humankind inevitably just for YOU.

      But you are going to 'think real long' about this? Are you mad! OF COURSE you will go, people would say yes even if the chances were 99% death on return.

      Anyway, I'm ready to go, I'll take the 5 Billion years in the future one, I'll literally see the end of the world. Then come back :)

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      • LilyAmongTheThorns

        Well, "death on RETURN" makes a big difference.. it wasn't phrased that way, necessarily...

        But still, I like being alive. What good is it to have seen these amazing things, but only for 1 year and then you die? In our own lifetime, we are experiencing increases in longevity, discovering other planets, planning colonization of Mars, discovering new species, unlocking mysteries in all fields of science... and who knows about space travel? There's a chance that by the time I'm 60, humans will live on average to be 250, and I'll end up getting to see another planet anyway.

        And all that aside, while 1 year of something amazing is great and all, what about the other things I can experience in my life? I want to fall in love again, and maybe again and again after that, learning who people are. I want to have amazing, wild sex while doing it! I want to feel what it's like when I find the person I know I want to be with in the long run. I want to feel the rush, the oxytocin surging through me, when I hold my own child. I want to watch them grow, to instill my values and personality into them, immortalizing a small part of who I am. I want to see my sister raise her kid, I want to learn - to go to college again, to travel the world, to walk on the Great Wall of China and to see Machu Picchu, to go visit Klong Toey where I grew up and connect with anyone who I used to know that might still be living there.

        I think our own life, today, right now - has SO MUCH amazing potential and wonder and awe-inspiring things for us to experience. I understand the allure of more, but I think being alive right now is one of the most underrated things ever. When I was a kid I never even owned a calculator, now I can hold something in my hand that gives me TV, internet, GPS, music, a camera, a video camera... and I operate it by touching the screen. I can rocket through the air at 600mph all over the globe. I could even apply (and not get in xD) for the Mars colony crew!

        The future IS really fucking amazing. We're living in it!

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  • Paradiddle

    Noooooope. Knowing the future is not good enough to play around with life chances to me. Maybe if there were no drawbacks like in Chrono Trigger.

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  • Yes.

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  • Karmasbitch

    Nope. I'm content with the present more or less.

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