Would you date a girl who couldn't have sex unitl she's married
Yes | 567 | |
No | 344 | |
I would date her, but wait a while and see how it goes | 414 |
Ask Your Question today
Yes | 567 | |
No | 344 | |
I would date her, but wait a while and see how it goes | 414 |
Sure would. kinda am with my girlfriend now but I'll see how things turn out. but then again I'd wait an eternity for her
I would wait, I have no desire into getting a relationship for the need of just satisfying my manhood and not worrying about the feelings of my partner.
If you can't wait till she's ready what you are looking for is not love but just sex, which is not bad either but I believe a relationship should be for the love and comprehension and not sex.
hell ya ill wait! if i really love that girl, then ill prove it to her by waiting for her. impulse i am not just going to ask to have sex! i will only have sex just to make the kid. thats all i care about. but if a girl wants to have sex out of marriage then thats up to her. i really dont care either way. ill do it cause she may or may not want to know if i really love her. also to leave on a lighter note, sex is a game now, and a girl who waits, is showing how much she really cares about herself and values her body. so hell ya ill wait!
Abstaining from sex is NOT just a religious thing. I'm an atheist. And a female. I just happen to be waiting to give myself to someone who loves me unconditionally-and marriage is the ultimate sign of commitment. Plain and simple.
hell yeah i'd wait on her cuz if i did and she stuck around long enouph for me to want to marry her she must be one hell of a catch, and that is a sign of morals. :P lol
wow. boys are so desperate for sex. imma girl and i believe that when im ready, im ready. my boyfriend and i have never had sex before and we have been dating almost 2 years. we are simply in love for eachother, not sex.
no offense but all u boys who will only date a girl to sleep with and move on, r idiots. none of u will ever really fall in love for real. and what kind of a girl would trust you to when your a player?
i understand some girls only want sex, but i dont. i want a guy who loves me for who i am and only wants me to be happy. but thats just my opinion, so boys; next time ur fucking a girl, think of how u wod feel in her shoes if the guy u really loved was just gonna sleep with u and move on. you wod be depressed and heart broken.
I am not haveing sex untill I am married. My boyfriend has had sex in the past with previous relationships, but says he respects my values and is willing to wait because he loves me so much. I have losened up on some things in my relationship with him and I wonder if he thinks I will eventually losen up in this. Not happening. Though I believe he will respect me either way. We are eventually getting married. I believe he will ask me before basic training in the army.
No way. I certainly don't want a Lady that screws everything in sight but on the other hand, if she insists on waiting (maybe years) before having sex it usually means one thing....She has ZERO sexual drive which means your marriage is going to be B0RING.
(Gee, Honey..we just had sex 2 weeks ago...and you want to do it now??)
NO thank you.
Just because a girl (and some guys) wait to have sex until they are married doesn't mean they don't have a sex drive! It could just be a religious or personal choice good piss... Me, for example, this is weird to share for me but my personal choice is to wait until I'm married, I also have a boyfriend and I'm not lacking in the um 'drive' department. So yeah, ignorance goes both ways :)
"I would date her, but wait a while and see how it goes"
By choosing this option, you admit you would want, and expect, to have sex with someone who didn't. Think about that long and hard. Expecting sex from someone against their will. Have you fully considered that thought? Their a legal term for what you are desiring.
To me, that shows that you believe that sex is not the entire point, and thats awesome, i live in a small town, and most of the people that ive met that are close to my age care more about sex than a stable relationship, so for me, hearing about someone wanting stability first is a good thing, stand by what you believe not just what the majority believes i always say, and to that point my answer is YES.
Why is it: a man who likes sex is a "stud", while a woman who likes sex is labeled a "Whore"?
A persons' sex is an accident of birth, neither is better than the other, only the "accoutrements" are different, and have no inherent value, over the other.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
There is no question I would wait. I've dated a number of girls who are uncomfortable with sex. I've waited for all of them. Each time they've moved on and decided things didn't work out. And my slut whore girl friends, who were showing me their gorgeous pussies, didn't get my meaty corntube into their gash. So the question really is whether girls who are waiting for sex are good for whores, or are they taking men away from whores? I think they're evil goddamn virgins that are taking away the meaty and veiny cobs from the most glorious of whores.
I think if a girl told me that I would want to marry her.
I'd love to marry a virgin.
Yes! Its Human Rights. If we love her we need to do what her said except SEX!
Why? Even im Korean Buddhist and i respect her religion or her thingking rights.
This is unbelievable atavism. I feel sorry for you and, above all, sorry for that girl who has been brainwashed into believing in such unnatural prejudices.
what if you get married then realize you guys have NO chemistry? And you have to spend the rest of your marriage having really bad sex? Don't buy a car without taking it for a test drive hahaha
if I truly love her, then I'd be willing to wait. as it is I wouldn't want to sleep with her until we've been together for more than a year, possibly more.
There is nothing wrong with that. Me and my girlfriend find lots of ways to have fun. You just can't focus on sex. If you really loved her. You can probly wait
Took my GF 3 months to change her mind. No pressure, just endless turn ons.
You have to have sex before marriage. It's the prime coefficient of any relationship. If the sex isn't good or worked on to be good, kiss the marriage good bye.
Haha, I couldn't stop laughing at the ignorance that people instantly read this thread and started to fill in with offense in the name of religion, thinking that religion itself is the answer to the number of women who want to have sex until they are married. Its not just religion that some women save sex until marriage, there are others who decide to save it at that time for many other personal reasons that by their expectations we have to agree with when they tell us sometime that they can't share their reasons. If a woman told me that I'd understand and have all the patience and time of my life. Besides, I'd rather give that woman the chance to be loved rather than today's most iconic asshole, walking pussies of boyfriends who bitch about this sort of thing to their girlfriends and break up for that reason.
Now my answer is yes, I would give that girl THE CHANCE to acquire my heart than for some other girl who may (notice I said may, but not WILL DO before any girl will blast her words towards me) take the relationship to a speed-date.
She would have to be the most amazing girl in the world and I would want to sleep with her before getting married. Who buys a car without taking it for a test drive. Now conversely never marry a girl who is too good at sex, it means she has f*cked every guy there is and she is a HO.
I'm 17 I'm ready for a relationship but I'm not ready for sex yet so I'd say yeah as long as I can at least kiss her
If I am looking for a girlfriend yes. If you want a hooker go buy a hooker.
That's what I want. One who values herself enough to not just give it away. Where is commitment now? Is it only a thing of the past? I am looking for a girl who wants love and commitment in marriage first.
No way. Waiting until marriage for sex is fucking stupid. How else are you going to know if youre sexually compatable either. I never want to get married anyways. Marriage is pointless.
Is she dead?
alright, trolling aside, though -
yeah, I would. Physical attraction and sex are very important in any relationship, however they are NOT the only reason people date each other. And I have no intention of getting married.
If the girl's virginity is more important than me...it's a problem. It all depends on the circumstances.
i just dont believe in dating or that one on one type of stuff...it just doesnt work for the majority....now lions.....theres an animal that figured it out....one male,a bunch of females....but the girls have all the real power...........yyyeaahhh
There is really only 2 reasons she would want to do this.
Religion - In which case I wouldn't be interested as devout religious people annoy me.
Old fashioned - Highly unlikely but if so I would consider it only if I thought the relationship had real potential to be something amazing.
I did before. She was wonderful. She was one of the best girls i have ever met. she wasn't stupid like these other tricks
Absolutely not. Barlow Girls are a complete turn-off for me.
Besides which, even if she wasn't religious, I'd find it diffiult - AND BORING - waiting around for someone whose views on sex are incompatible with mine.
I'd just leave them to force their next partner into waiting before getting into a carcrash marriage before the age of 25.
maybe that person is really awesome to hang out with, and you develop a deep intimate relationship. Too many relationships are built on sex, and when the couple isn't having sex, the relationship starts to get strained. If you build a real relationship with someone that is completely due to compatibility, then the sex could be mediocre and you would still love them.
While I respect people who wait, as it is their decision, I don't think abstaining from sex until marriage is the best of ideas. My reasoning behind it is because there is always the possibility that it will not be up to your standards. An unhappy sex life often leads to an unhappy marriage. While there are other reasons to be with someone, a good sex life is a major plus.
Yes, Who would anyone not, do you only want to date girls who have no self respect or morals
lol...meh. Sex is so inconsequential in the bigger scheme of life once you have cryogenically frozen your eggs!
Well, girls, in opposition to women, are inexperienced and have illusions of sex as extremely intimate, even sacred. Waiting for someone you love is Good but arbitrarily abstaining from vaginal sex while engaging in all other forms should be considered a neurosis. I'll date these girls if they are young but women I expect to have dropped these illusions and have a healthy view on sex.
I have to much self respect and morals to give myself up before marriage. It's not that I'm afraid of sex, or that I think I will be bad at it, but simply because the person who takes my virginity should be the person who loves me for who I am. Not how good I am in bed. And I'm not afraid of being bad in bed, because as far as I know, sex is supposed to feel amazing! How could it possibly feel bad?
I'm waiting until marriage for sex and nothing is changing my mind.