Would you date, sex or neither?

Ok so 32 yrs old female who hasnt dated all that much.. now I dont think I'm "ugly" but I'm not the "prettiest" person out there and I'm currently 140kg (308 pounds)

Was wondering if anyone would date or have sex with someone who is obese like I am..
If you're one that does either/both I'd like to know the appeal (specially you're a skinny person) Reason why I ask is cause i have massive body issues..

And fyi I have tried and failed losing weight and maintain that weight

Date & sex - yes 4
Date - yes 0
Sex -yes 0
Date & sex - none of them 11
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Comments ( 9 )
  • litelander8

    The girl I work with is like 300lbs and she super confident and gets laid ALL THE TIME. I joke her for being a lil hoe. To be fair, she does prefer black men and they do tend to also prefer larger women.

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  • raisinbran

    No, be assured you are being used and the person hates himself. Lower self esteem for everyone involved.

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  • Ok everyone take a bloody chill pill here! I was asking if anyone would do this not for some personal thing.. I do see a few skinny guys date bigger girls like me and I wanted to know why


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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    I like going on hour long walks through nature. How would we go out together? I'm not carrying you.

    Yes you can lose weight. It is possible. There are many healthy ways to do so: gradually, step by step, with diet and exercise and breaks. You just don't want it bad enough.

    If you actually wanted to lose weight for yourself, to feel better, to be healthier, to feel better about yourself, ...then you would have already done it. All you are looking for is a partner who would accept you the way you are. While you're unwilling to do anything about your problems.

    Wanting to lose weight for love or for a partner is ridiculous. Because you are staking personal development and self improvement on a relationship with another person. This leads to codependency. You don't want to be this dependent on another person. That you would need their validation just for you to feel good about working on yourself.

    No girl. Do it for you. Improve your life for yourself, to make it more fun to live for yourself. Don't lose weight just to get validation or attention from a lover. That's silly and will make you competitive and resentful of other women who are more fit than you and get more attention than you. When losing weight has nothing to do with getting attention. You need to focus on you now.

    Get healthy first. Then you can date when you feel good about you!

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  • 1WeirdGuy


    You'll never look in a fat person's shopping cart at walmart and not see it loaded with junk food. But then every fat person will turn around and say its their thyroid and they've tried everything as if its some kind of mystery why theyre fat. Instead of telling fat ppl theyre beautiful we need to call them out on their bs and convince them to lose weight.

    If you dont want to lose weight and want to die young I will give you the comfort of knowing that theres a lot of guys who fetishize fat chics. So if you dont want to change there ya go. But you are lying to yourself. You can lose weight and its actually pretty friggin easy. You're fat because you're weak and you're weak because you're lying to yourself that you cant do it.

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    • If you see my shopping cart it wont be full of junk food as I do try not to go down those aisles.. I have lost weight in the past but gained it back due to the fact that my situation changed (and yes there is a part of me which is lazy BUT that is not always the case)

      Now I'll call you out on you're bs because there actually are people who want to lose weight but struggle with doing so. I want to lose weight but I haven't found a way to that works for me and my body type. And no it isn't always easy to lose weight but agrees to the point that I am weak as I dont try harder BUT again that was not the point of my post. I was asking if you'd date/fuck a fat fuck like me

      And might I add it's people like you who say shit like this and it does affect out mentality and HELPS (not directly) to give up

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        I wouldn't fuck someone who describes themselves as "a fat fuck". The low self esteem is unattractive. The desperation of "would anyone fuck me" is equally unattractive. I'm just being honest. Even if you were cute, especially if you were cute, I don't understand why you would intentionally harm yourself by eating more than your body can handle.

        If you were just passing me by in real life I wouldn't say anything to you. But you asked a question here, and I gave you an answer. If you don't like my answer, that's how it is. But I'm not changing my dating preferences just to please you because you feel left out. A lot of people feel left out. The whole point of dating is narrowing down the number of people you consider being with. I'm only looking for one partner. I don't need to be with everyone sexually...

        If that is something you want, good for you. But don't be surprised when you feel excluded from someone's dating pool. Just means you weren't the one for them.

        Thing is, as this poll shows, you will always find someone. Regardless what you look like. But it's best for you to prioritize your health.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Meanwhile I occasionally eat junk food and I'm normal weight by BMI. I think junk food can be alright in moderation. It's also about portion size and meal frequency. If you only eat a small amount of junk food, that will never lead to obesity. At one point I did nearly get overweight. Then went on a diet. Now I'm back to normal weight.

      Weight is something that you monitor and can adjust by adjusting meals and physical activity.

      I agree with you that OP could make more of an effort to improve their own life.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Yeah I mean junk food isnt gonna kill you if you eat it every now and then. Mother nature gives us sugar through fruit. But historically we could only eat the fruit when it was in season. Your body isnt in its optimal shape eating sugar year round. Taking breaks is good. Its better to give up all together but id be lying if I said I never consumed it. I wish I didnt.

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