Would you date someone who lost their teeth due to a medical condition
They wear dentures and other than their teeth problem, they are healthy and very attractive to you.
Yes | 44 | |
No | 6 | |
Not sure | 19 |
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They wear dentures and other than their teeth problem, they are healthy and very attractive to you.
Yes | 44 | |
No | 6 | |
Not sure | 19 |
For me, bad teeth are the only physical deal breaker, but with dentures, I don't see much of a problem. I'd much rather date somebody with nice dentures than somebody with rotting, discoloured teeth. I'm a kisser, and I just can't get over "gross" teeth. I feel shallow because of it, but I just gag when I see messed up teeth. My "phobia" is based on something that happened to me as a kid.
You already said they are attractive to me, that means the teeth thing doesn't even mater.
Assuming their teeth issue is as a result of an accident rather than a genetic problem.