Would you date someone with abondonment issues?

Abondonment issues affect people who have been left by someone they loved.. Like one of their parents in childhood or in a relationship.. Google it to.know their symptoms

Yes,why not? 18
Hell no! 10
I love them,Hell yes! 7
May be.. 18
Only if they are rich 1
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Comments ( 7 )
  • dom180

    So long as they're not still in love with an ex-partner I would, definitely. If they were still in love with an ex-partner, I think having a relationship would be destructive to her recovery and would only end up bring us both down. Someone in that situation would need a friend to help them, not a new boyfriend. But if it was a parent or an old friend or a sibling or even a pet I would absolutely date that person. As howaminotmyself said, everyone has issues.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Yes, everyone has issues of some sort.

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  • Avant-Garde

    Yes. Everyone has their issues and I don't think it's fair to treat people badly because of them. I'd date them if I loved them.

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  • KingTermite

    Is that like someone that doesn't know how to use spell check? I would have to fuck her first and if she was good at that then we could date regardless of her bad spelling or grammar, I'm not prejudice I just like women that fuck well.

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  • SeverusFan23

    No i wouldn't. I have my own problems to contend with (I'm a female with Asperger's for one). I would like to be with someone without issues like that. I may sound cruel but i'm only being honest. If the both of us have emotional/mental problems then the relationship won't work. The female must be emotionally stronger/better off than I. There must be balance. Balance is a large factor that keeps a relationship together.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Of course you should if you are both in love things like that shouldn't matter.

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  • Unimportant

    How rich are we talking about?

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