Would you die for world peace?

Imagine this scenario:

You're walking along the street like normal when suddenly a genie appears. He tells you that he can cast a spell that will make every country in the world have peace with each other and accept each other forever. But, at the cost of YOUR life, and with NO possibility of reincarnation or an afterlife.

Would you do it? Please explain why as well, regardless of Yes or No.

Yes (explain) 102
No (explain) 117
Other (Add a comment) 11
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Comments ( 72 )
  • howaminotmyself

    No, I don't trust genies.

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  • stzzla

    Depends. I'm thinking, yes. Here is the explanation as to my thinking: It seems I am living in a universe in which it is normal for small dudes to pop out of thin air. There's a good chance that if this little dude can pull that off, he can pull off world peace with nobody needing to martyr themselves. Failing that, I'd pull out the piece and threaten the little shit to bring in world peace or HE dies. Arrogant little fucker to think I wouldnt turn the tables on him.

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    • stzzla

      So hang on, in that case, no, the answer is no I wouldnt die for world peace, he would.

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  • Faceless

    Id do it only if there was a book made of the miracles i performed while i lived and of my sacrifice for all humanity. Oh and every body has to worship this book.

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    • TehColo

      u just turned an honorable sacrifice into greed
      That's pretty childish if u ask me

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      • mitch777

        @TehColo "a book wrote about all i did" .. "everyone worship it"? sounds like he's talking about the Bible.. Jesus must have been greedy

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        • Kiddles9

          but jesus didn't ask for anything, he just gave up his life. He was hated but then he was noticed after his death. He didn't care if he was recognized

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      • don't_hate_just_rate_<3

        no not realy cuz if u were to give up ur life for eva wouldnt u want summet in return

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  • technicallyhuman

    i think i would because i don't seem to enjoy this life as much as everyone else so i figure might as well let my life go to benefitting those who can appreciate life.

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  • guuurl33

    i would do it- its my life for a million lives, and if i was given that power it would be the sense of my life to give my life for peace.also, i couldn`t live with the thought that i might have saved everybody.everytime there`s war in the news i would feel horribly guilty.

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  • omglookitsagoat

    I think in order for world peace to really be achieved, it would require the sacrifice of all life on earth. that is the only way things will ever stop fighting. Sometimes I wish everything would die so there could be world peace. If I and everything else was dead, we wouldn't be able to care that we were dead anyway. Sometimes I wonder if humanity is really worthy of life anyway.

    I am against altruism and self sacrifice in almost all occasions and I think selfishness is a virtue. I would not sacrifice myself to save the world from destruction, but sometimes I think it would be worth sacrificing myself to destroy the world in a quick and painless way.

    I think saving the world is morally equivalent to destroying it, so sometimes it seems weird to me that superheroes always want to save it.

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  • dappled

    I'd need to read the small print, but potentially yes.

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  • I would. My life might be done but I'd live for time immemorial in the minds of the people who owed their peace to me. It would be an honor to be made immortal.

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  • Jiovanie

    Yes, I would gladly do it simply because that is a dream I've had since little(minus me dying) however a world where the people I love can be at peace even if I'm no longer in it is good enough for me. I'm happy knowing all of the world is at peace at my expense. Plus what's one death to the world?

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  • magicsupermilk

    Yes, but only because it's such a killer bargain.

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  • jmfmrocks

    i would get torchured for world peace !

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  • Nope.
    Wrong answer, I know, but let's be honest-- there is no one-size-fits-all definition for "world peace".
    Also, I happen to love the perfectly balanced, unbiased, give-and-take universe that we live in.

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  • Memox

    I guess I'm good with sacrificing myself for the greater good.. But couldn't I switch it up and make someone else take my place so I can live another day and eat another corndog?

    If not, then it's all good.

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  • TieDiedSuperstar

    If that thing with the genie happened to me I'd ask my shrink to up my anti-psychotics.

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  • wigsplitz

    The only way to have world peace would be to remove from us everything that makes us human and distinct individuals. What kind of life would that be?

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  • TehColo

    peace can't be achieved without understanding; sharing thoughts and feelings and that's impossible cuz everyone is an individual and everyone won't come to understand eachother and that leads to war. So would I? Hell yeah

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  • GermiaJohnson

    Right, so my death ushers in world peace? I take it then that there is some sort of faustian catch to this. War is a byproduct of human choice, and to remove war requires power to do so. Ergo, the likely end to this scenario is either the complete end of all human choice, or some sort of evil and absolute dictator taking complete and utter control of the world. TO top this all off my dead body becomes the symbol of this repression and I fall out of existence completely.

    I'm tempted to say no, but fuck the world I say yes!

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  • another_shade_of_death

    i wouldnt in the beiginning u might think ur doing something inportant at the end nothing matters

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  • pinkylo

    If it truly guaranteed world peace I would. We are all just animals anyways. Would you kill a rat if it guaranteed world peace? Than why not me? solders die all the time while trying to create peace. So again I ask, Why not me?

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    • NothingRecognizable

      How do soldiers die to create peace exactly? If soldiers are fighting, that's war.

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  • Dricey

    No. Wouldn't die for anything. Too selfish and afraid of death.

    Sue me.

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  • Ihatejesus

    Fuck the world

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  • ThisIsNotMe

    No. I would not. Why? Because I am (actually not) selfish. Though I think that killing myself is more selfish in a manner. One death is a tragic, a million deaths are statistics.

    Also mankind needs to be cropped. And I HATE religion and they should all just die

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  • There is always more money to be made in conflict than in peace, so definitely not.

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  • Otaku

    No.I wouldn't trust some magical genie that it would actually go as it was supposed to.Cant you promote peace simply by being a peaceful person?

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  • Beerminator1

    Everybody who voted 'no' should beat up their own parents for raising a kid terribly

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  • Wambo37

    i would if its 100% sure that word peace will be...1 person less wont matter if everyone gets along :)

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  • blackalica

    let me get this straight....... magical genie pops out of nowhere on a street and asks you to die for world peace...why the hell, would a magical genie need to kill someone to do that? also, asking for world peace is like taking up money for bill gates, ....never gonna happen.

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  • gopitah

    yes. two rights, you can't go wrong.

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  • StrangeDuckDude

    If a genie existed, it would indicate that spirits exist, therefore an afterlife exists. There's no sex or beer in the afterlife, so I'm in no hurry to get there.
    Add that to the fact that war is necessary for technological advancement. If everybody "lived in harmony" we'd probably still be herding goats (if not living in caves) and dying at the age of 25 on average. So no, I wouldn't give my life for world peace!

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  • nerdypartyboy

    No, because its pointless. If i was dead, i wouldnt be able to experience world peace. I would have no emotions because im dead. It's like destroying all the water in the world to turn the (non existent) water into rum.

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  • Kiddles9

    People are so greedy they would rather see hunderds and hundreds of people die each day then to give up there own life for all those people to be saved. Yes I know a natural death is different and there would still be people dying but a lot less if there was piece and no war not anger no violence. You would give up your life to save hundreds of millions of people in the future. I would do it in the blink of an eye.

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  • UliNalaMansae

    how is my dying saving the world?

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  • disthing

    No, because I wouldn't be around to appreciate it. I'd rather live in an imperfect world with the opportunity to find personal happiness than not live in a perfect word, with no knowledge of whether or not my sacrifice made a difference, with no chance of thought or joy or physicality ever again. Reduced to nothing.

    The true bastard is that genie for proposing the spell to me.

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  • LightDani

    If there is world peace human nature will turn it around again. The genie thing is probably a scam artist/serial killer.

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  • Tehboss

    why would i do it is there any real reason? world peace is but a dream not something real because even if you take the wars out you will not remove all conflict (a father that yells at his son for being late) so eventually it would be back at the same situation and even if by some weird magic all conflict were to cease so would evolution so once again no point to it

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    I was in the military. I think that says it all.

    Instead of just saying "I'll die for world peace", I joined an organization that could have very well demanded it of me.

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    • DiscoDuck

      I think the goal of the military is to KILL for world peace not die for world peace....other wise you would go out there without weapons.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        Freedom isn't free.

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        • DiscoDuck

          So why not "Die" for peace instead of killing for peace. If you want it so bad give your life for it, any coward can pull a trigger. It takes a real strong person to actually give their life [literally] for what they believe in....

          Whats even worse is someone who always uses old cliches and kill people. What do you say when you kill someone...Asta-la-vista-baby

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          • StrangeDuckDude

            Actually - it takes guts, cool nerves, and quick wits to survive a firefight and "pull a trigger" (a coward being someone who is so emasculated and sheep-brained that he can't even kill in self-defense IMHO.) So be careful who you call "cowards", chief.

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            • DiscoDuck

              Would a coward kill me for saying what I said?

              As far as the guts thing...what ever helps you to sleep at night I guess.

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            Because evil cannot be stopped by just lying down in front of it and saying "kill me". You cannot stop evil by trying to hug it and hold it's hand.

            Do you think Hitler would have been stopped by someone just lying down in front of him saying "kill me"? ... Obviously not. He would have just killed you and kept on going.

            Now if dying is necessary to achieve this peace then yes that will happen. However in reality... you don't die to save your country. You make the enemy die in the attempt to take yours.

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            • DiscoDuck

              This convo could go on and on....here, I will lie down and let you kill me so it will be over.

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  • TreePeek

    Arent genies from Afghanistan? I dont trust them

    Lol jk no i wouldnt though

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  • Flowers

    World peace is impossible. Unless everyone rids themselves of emotions.

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  • timberwolves03

    Would you die for a fairytale? I wouldnt.

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  • no, just so they except each other? so the US should except mexican imagrants and 9/11? thats bull crap

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  • DaydreamBeliever

    Suspicious genie is suspicious.

    It's a nice thought, but I don;t believe that world peace could exist. And if it did, and life was perfect and utopian, wouldn't that be too boring?

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  • littlemsEMOtional

    So many people have given their lives for me and the least I could do is make sure no one else would ever have to so yes I would die for world peace.

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  • Storm

    I wouldn't bet my life on it. Call me selfish, but it's human instinct to want to survive. I think wars are stupid. We should just talk about it, and people should stop killing people!

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  • peelover

    if it is a spell then its not real and therefore meaningless. free will should be the most cherished gift mankind has.

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  • flyinhigh

    What good would it do anyone? Since you can no longer experience the world when dead then the world does end with you in a sense doesn't it?

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  • welcome_to_nightmare

    fuck world peace im waiting for a the next world war then i can laugh at all the idiots who dies LOL :D

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  • cortex

    i don't want peace without myself!others die for my peace

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  • someperson123

    that would be boring.

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  • Mr-Time

    I would wish to unite the world under me. Yes thats right i'd turn my back on peace to be a tyrannical dictator. But seriously i wouldn't do it because peace is dull, boring an repediative. The universe would become even more boring.

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  • xxxMissFitxxx

    I would prefer to live.

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  • Mr._Bojangles

    No, i wont sacrifice myself for any1, i could care less about wat happens with the world and i believe that fighting and wars is human nature, and without it, the world would b boring and bland

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  • glassesguy9119

    i wouldnt die for world peace. Killing your self for the world? your life would be done. so this is basically saying. a baby would get killed for world peace?

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