Would you ever consider living in australia?
Yeah, would you ever consider living in Australia?
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Yeah, would you ever consider living in Australia?
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Not for the normal reasons.
It's for the authoritarian goverment reasons.
Lloyd you’re raising my blood pressure we need to find a common ground on something or I’ll be dead by December
Why? Is australia setting up camps for good reasons?
Because the goverment shouldnt be setting up camps for their own citizens.
The Australian government is not forcing unvaccinated Australian citizens into camps.
I don’t know how many times Australians have to tell Americans that that isn’t happening. It’s literally been fact-checked a zillion times
What about mandatory lockdowns for only the unvaccinated? No red flags there?
I dont like the camps. The fact that they just drop you a food tray off at your door. They arent in prison. The walls imply otherwise.
Mandatory lockdowns for the unvaccinated - isn't that AUSTRIA (that's in Europe, next to Germany)
Having a 9 PM curfew is a far cry from “Australia is forcing its citizens into camps”.
People are trying to understand the virus, it will take time to understand what is safe and what isn’t. God forbid you have to stay home instead of slamming beers at the bar like a fool.
Again, what camps ? The only articles I’ve been able to find are “camps” for travelers and immigrants looking for refuge. You’re falling for propaganda.
Every country in the world lumps their refugees together, all illegals are held in facilities. I sure as shit don’t want randoms walking around my neighborhood carrying god knows what diseases
Australians are fine. They aren’t sitting in concentration camps with guns to their heads
Well they do have a pretty bad government in terms of privacy invasion and control (they're part of the 'Five Eyes'). But then they do have one of the highest minimum wages in the world. But none of my game consoles would work there due to the different tv formats and plug sockets. Plus it'd be strange living on the southern hemisphere, where the seasons are the opposite and there are different constellations in the sky. They do have the good weather, but then if I had the choice I could just move to somewhere like Spain. Still though, I think it would be an overall good place to live.
Doesnt Spain have it's fair share of political drama and debacles? As well as a good chance at a seperation if not a civil war due to a more independent territory within their borders?
Spain has lived in the political drama stage for at least 50 years. At least since Franco died.
It kind of seems normal, and it doesn't destroy our lives like the political divide in the USA.
Although there are differences and even Catalonia declared it's independence a few years back, it always seems to be just more kept in the political arena and not people hating people. That being said there does seem to be those leaning towards a civil war, we've been there before. Hopefully the federal leaders realized this would not be a good thing for any of us.
Over all a pretty good place to live. We don't have some of the freedoms that the US enjoys, (even though you're trying to give them away), but we have the Mediterranean, and the Beaches. I'm easy to please!
I don't know, I haven't really looked into it tbh. If I was going to actually move somewhere though, then I obviously would do all the research.
Authoritarian government, no guns, high taxes, liberals everywhere. No thank you. Sounds like a nightmare to me.
Only if I get full ride. They have big spiders, Bad government , and talk only slightly better than the british
This thread is proof that Americans are educated by borderline retarded people they grab off the street instead of actual teachers...😂
Hit yourselves, hard.
I think I might like to visit Australia, but I'm not entirely sure, as I do not have arachnophobia, and I'm afraid I might develop the affliction if I were to live in Australia.
I'd love to live in a country where the government cracks down on antivax people
I have nothing against Australia, but I am allergic to spiders. And personally, I hate the things. Fascinating but disgusting. Having snakes, crocodiles and other animals in the house is not really my goal either.
hell nah mate, my homeboy jayquawn live in australia fo 2 dayz and he don did got eaten by a spidah (it was this big) dawg :3
i live in australia tho i don't really like it the hot weather bothers me the most. everyone worried about snakes/crocs/big spiders honestly you only mostly see them if you literally go out in the middle of nowhere/the outback, cities/towns you don't see them.
the only time i ever saw venomous snakes was when i lived in rural nsw on a farm, living up in more populated places it's pretty rare to see a snake or big spider like that
Maybe, but only if I get to live in a big city, and preferably really high up so a fucking snake or crocodile won't enter my house.