Would you kill someone to save your pet?


I love my dogs, i dont consider myself a crazy by any stretch of the imagination.

HOWEVER, here's a scenario.

You wake up in your house because you hear strange noises in the house.
You stand up and sneak outside your room to see what the problem is.
The crazy burglar/intruder man is choking your beloved family pet!!!

You see a knife on the table...

is it normal i would stab someone to save my dogs from dying a slow horrible death?

Kill the crazy man straight up 88
Watch your pet die 3
Call the police 17
Try and wrestle him, even if he's bigger than you by far 27
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Comments ( 23 )
  • jeebley

    I would throw a steak and hope that the burglar went for it. If that didn't work, I'd try a little reverse psychology. I'd shout "Keep choking. You're doing a good job". If that didn't work I'd hold a fork up to the burglars eye to make him think he had already been caught and was in prison, looking out through the bars. As there's no pets allowed in prison this would throw his mind into utter confusion and his brain would have a kind of meltdown. If none of these worked....my pet would probably be dead by this time. So I would cook the steak and eat it with the knife and fork in front of the hungry burglar and I wouldn't share any. That would teach him.

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  • Nokiot9

    I'd kill them. I was at the park with my chihuahua tied to my backpack and some asshole hobo walked up to him and kicked him really hard for barking at him. My dog was all messed up and I was over digging with my metal detector and unfortunately for that asshole I had a 3 foot spade made from aircraft steel and I hit him with it in the face and cut his face open with its edge. I'd never seen so much blood in my life before that. It was crazy. Luckily there were witnesses that told the cops that the guy started it and that I was defending myself and my dog and my property. They guy survived I guess. But I'm sure he is permanently disfigured because of it. Piece of shit...

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  • dirtybirdy

    I doubt it would come to that but yes I would murder the fuckin life right out of a motherfucker for that shit. Plus givin me a case of the burgles. That ain't cool.

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  • handsignals

    I'm assuming the intruder is a smokin hot female:)

    So I would threaten her with the knife so she let the dog go then I'd make her suck me off in exchange for not calling the cops.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I'd probably kill him not so much because he's choking my pet but more over because he's a burglar in my house.

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    • JimbobJumpbak

      Yep in a heart beat. Call the cops! You're nuts. The cops will be here in minutes while seconds count. Nope fill the bastard full of holes. Any calibre you choose just fill him full of them.
      Here the cops usually get lost and have to call me for directions. So I sleep with a semi auto inside a holster inside my belt.
      After it's all over I'll feed the bastard to the wild hogs. In a few months I'll eat the damned hog.
      So Mr. intruder come on by. The hogs are hungry.

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      • Zetawolf

        That's nice.....(:->).....but the question didn't include a gun. Here's another scenario for you (and the other gun nuts): Your son unexpectedly comes home from Collage very late one night after you have had a L-O-N-G day at work and maybe had few drinks, and lets himself into your house. You wake from a sound sleep to some "asshole intruder" walking up your staircase! Not being one to be "all wimpy" and a faithful follower of Chuck Heston, you have your loaded pistol at the ready under your pillow......and....well, you can guess the rest.

        You are right, this reply had NOTHING to do with the asked question....but neither did your answer.

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  • JaxX

    Lol. At that point i dont give a shit.about the dog. Dudes gonna die because hes a crazy burglar man in my house.

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  • LessieTheDurkenInvader

    Yes, I would try killing him to save my pet. My kind values our pets a great deal. You could say that we Durkens are more attached to and protective of our pets than the average Homo Sapien is. To us, our pets are a part of ourselves even though they're not related to us and we're different creatures. For many, if someone threatens to off our pets, then we intend on being offed together.

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  • TheGodThatFailed

    Teh Five Cats of the Apocalypse would kill him before he got within ten feet.

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  • Pika-girl

    "Tribute to the Dog"
    -George Graham Vest

    Read it!

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  • Zetawolf

    I had a "LOL" at some of the answers to this one: All the way from testosterone besotted gun nuts giving different versions on how they would kill an intruder with their "psudo-penis" in a holster (even though the scenario had a KNIFE available and NOT a gun).....all the way to those who tried again and again to split hairs how they'd do anything to save their pet EXCEPT kill the intruder (and I think it is aggravating that there are a couple of people who chose that they'd let their pet die, since if THAT is your answer....then WHY do you have a pet???!).

    The simple and CORRECT answer for this one is if you have a pet and someone is killing that pet, then you must use all necessary force to stop that from happening....so pick up the knife and kill him or at least do enough damage that they let go of who SHOULD BE thought of as a family member!

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  • Animegirl

    I have 2 dogs of my own. if that was happening I wouldn't think at all I would just luanch myself at the person and try to bite them...I have sharp teeth.

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  • Incomplet

    The burglar has got to be something if he goes into my house to choke my tropical fish.

    In all seriousness, calling the cops then slicing at the intruder's arms without fatal intent is probably a good way to go at it.

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  • Gamzeee

    I am so happy nobody would let their pet die if so you don't need to have a pet. I'd stab the shit out of that bitch.

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  • Ilovewinter12

    If someone broke into my house, and I had the option to kill them to protect my pet, then I would.
    Although, I would try to defeat them without killing them,
    maybe call the police.

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    • JimbobJumpbak

      Yeah, me too. I hurt him about four to six shots of 9mm lead.
      I sleep with a semi auto in a holster inside my belt in my cut off jeans. Shoes right beside the bed by the time I have them on I have the 9mm in my hand.
      The shoes are right beside my 97 lb Pitt Bull.
      Never mind she would only like him all over but then he doesn't know that!
      So never mind the dog. Beware the owner!

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      • Zetawolf

        That's nice.....(:->).....but the question didn't include a gun. Here's another scenario for you (and the other gun nuts): Your son unexpectedly comes home from Collage very late one night after you have had a L-O-N-G day at work and maybe had few drinks, and lets himself into your house. You wake from a sound sleep to some "asshole intruder" walking up your staircase! Not being one to be "all wimpy" and a faithful follower of Chuck Heston, you have your loaded pistol at the ready under your pillow......and....well, you can guess the rest.

        You are right, this reply had NOTHING to do with the asked question....but neither did your answer.

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  • Riddler

    I would grab a bat or some sharp blunt item and smash it over there head and than take my animal to the vet. Yes I would go to jail for them.

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  • dascombe

    You asked an absolute question and we can all argue the conditionals. Or we can answer the question as it was asked.

    Yes, I would.

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  • Tommythecat.

    I would hurt him first, if that didn't work then I would kill him.

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  • noid

    Hurt but not kill him.

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  • Aliceee93

    Well, we have dogs to kill the intruders. So I'd be hoping.. they'd save me. ;)

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