Would you rather take a fun job or boring job

Would you rather take a job doing a passion of yours knowing that the pay is low and almost not worth it, or take a job where you want to shoot your brains out everyday because of being a cog in the wheel, bad co-workers, work overload, ect, but you make decent money?

Basically starve being happy, or miserable swimming in a pool of money.

Boring job 17
Fun job 23
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Comments ( 25 )
  • charli.m

    I do a job I love and (mostly) have fun at. I get paid less than I probably should, but I also set my own hourly rates. I have always said, I'd rather work for good people who I like and who appreciate me, than for people I can't stand or who don't respect me.

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  • LloydAsher

    Boring job because any hobby or passion will have the fun sucked out of it as soon as it becomes a job. I can then reinvest the boring money to make my hobbies awesome.

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    • where do you draw the line with a boring job? how much are you willing to take/ sacrifice for money? just curious.

      And I do sort of agree. there are a few hobbies I "could" make a money off of, but wont for the sake of having my hobby not be ruined by deadlines/guidelines and cliental critique ect...

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      • LloydAsher

        I have the kind of personality where ANY hobby if turned into a job would suck the fun out of it.

        My passion essentially is being a jack of all trades which really doesnt constrain that well into a defined job. It's a personal quest and lifelong passion. Having a stable job 40 hour job with weekends off gives me enough freetime to explore new ideas and work on the dream homestead when I have enough money.

        So the money isnt the major issue it's the time. Obviously the best jobs for me would he the ones that make extraordinary amounts of money in short periods of time. Though I lack the fine expertise to do said jobs, plus they tend to be the extremely dangerous jobs. So a standard white collar job is good enough for my needs.

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        • Right now Im doing both, minus swimming in pools of money. I work for a corporation that drains my soul for the low low price of 14/hr. But the trade off is that I get to build my portfolio so I can GTFO and find more meaningful work elsewhere

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          • LloydAsher

            I chose the job that would be the most stable and that is less likely to be replaced by a robot.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Boring job because its not just about me anymore I have kids

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  • ellnell

    I already made that choice and picked the one that would be fun for me. I've never had lots of money so I know how to survive without making a ton of it. As long as I can afford necessities and treating myself sometimes i'm happy and I don't need to treat myself to anything expensive. I like thrift shopping and being able to buy lots of snacks on the weekends. That's all I need and maybe go out to eat with a friend sometimes.

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  • freakyman69

    Take the boring job and save up the money wiht the plan to retire as soon as possible.

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    • LloydAsher

      Hey if you have a 401k match at your company if just invest 7% of your middle class income for retirement and you are 25 by the time you are 60 you would have 2.4 million.

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  • Sanara

    If my biggest problem was the job is boring and it paid better I would choose the boring one unless the fun one offers okay living standards. After all most people aren't working for fun

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  • sillygirl77

    Any job can be some of both. The people at the top can affect it

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  • I'd do both jobs.

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  • Billy24

    Bruh I'm trying to get that bread.

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    • Same. But I dont want to do a daily grind for that bread. I want to feel purposeful

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  • notaserialkiller

    id take the boring job mostly because im already measurable but now i can buy more shiny things and anti depressants

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  • wigz

    I almost always had independent-ish jobs that were (mostly) fun and paid good. Then I just worked for myself which is hard but super rewarding. I'm 42 and do whatever the fuck I want every day now.

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    The entire point of funds in excess of what's necessary for your survival is pleasure, so if earning it is causing you intense displeasure the entire purpose is defeated.

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  • Hmmmmm22

    Definitely a job I’m passionate about. I can’t imagine spending every day doing something I don’t care about!

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    No money is worth the stress and possible physical side effects of a job you hate. There’s an old saying, “Do what you love and the money will follow”. I know,I’ve done both.

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    • Thanks for the words of encouragement

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      • DADNSCAL

        YW Good luck!

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  • a-curious-bunny

    I'd just work both

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  • Somenormie

    So remember kids: Apply for a job you'll know you'll realistically enjoy and not feel stressed.

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    • LloydAsher

      My opinion is a job that you can reasonably do for a career where you arent going to kill yourself over it mid career.

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