Would you spank your kid if she/he bad mouth you?

No, I'll just give them what they want. 14
No, because i don't have kids 209
No, I'll just let them talk! 101
Yes, I believe in spankings 287
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Comments ( 77 )
  • Schythl

    Where's the "No, I don't believe in spanking" option? This poll seems a little bit prejudiced.

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    • AzMommy

      i agree. is there is an option for believing in spanking there should be one for those who do not believe in spanking

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      • Alexei1

        Sorry, but I do actually AGREE

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  • DiscoDuck

    I have kids and have never ever hit them.

    They are now 18 and 15.

    The best way is to actually talk and listen to your kids, know what is important to them and know what they are thinking about. Let them know what behavior is expected of them and show them by example what behavior is acceptable.

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  • It's been proven, with empirical evidence, that spanking leads to higher levels of aggression in children. It teaches children that violence is a good way to deal with issues that are upsetting. If it's wrong to assault people, then it's wrong to assault children (they are little people too).

    Discipline is a far better and more effective alternative to spanking.

    Who would I rather believe: professional, educated people who have dedicated their careers/lives to finding the best way to raise & parent children,
    or some idiot that was beat by their parents and figures it's the best way to raise their kids too.
    I'll take the professional's advice, thanks.

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    • i like this advice

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    • Alexei1

      Totally Agree

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    • kissybella-and-weirdos?

      givemepeace is wrong If my kid got rude I'd spank it's so quickly I got beating when I was younger I got beats and I'm not aggressive or anything

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    • Alexei1

      If you want to know, i can tell you, cos iv got a brother who is 10, and he is a very good example of his behaviour, i can tell u if u want me to

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  • iowagirl3

    normally, if you do the discipling correctly, you won't have to spank them more than a few times. when I was growing up, I got maybe 3 or 4 good spankings & I never acted up after that because I knew what would happen next. it's not bad at all & it's not beating your kids. not saying that people who go too hard on their kids when it comes to spanking... don't hit your kid. SPANK. there's a difference.

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  • wiip100

    Violence and failure are facts of life. Ones that childhood is fast losing sight of.

    In the past, children would run about all over, on train tracks, over roads, in abandoned quarries... Dangerous places. It's places like these that young kids are now kept from for their safety- meaning that they don't truly learn about them until they're too old. As children, hurting yourself heals much faster (due to a youthful metabolism), and it teaches you a permanent lesson.

    As responsible parents, you people (and I in the future (hopefully)) have to teach your children properly. My own parents are very rarely violent; only when I'd done something SERIOUSLY bad would be dad hit me. This may seem like a bad memory, but looking at this responsibly and retrospectively, it's got right and wrong clear in my mind.

    Nowadays, parents are very scared of disciplining their children. They know about abuse and all that sort of thing, and are terrified of being bad parents. What really makes you a bad parent is being scared to say no. No, you can't have that hamburger. No, you can't get that big fluffy teddy bear two weeks after your birthday. No, you can't go out to your friend-who-is-reputable-for-his-misuse-of-alcohol-and-drugs' house.

    But it's really down to you. Do you want some fair-minded, clever children to grow up from your house and go out, telling when prompted of their firm-but-fair parents who set them on the right track? Or do you want a slob to wander out of the house at sixteen, running back a year later to their cushy house from the strange and scary outside world? It's make your mind up time.

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  • Friend2Squirrels

    It depends on the severity of their behavior. A quick slap on the behind or their hand when they're young will teach them enough so that later on in life all one needs to do is talk sternly and they'll listen and behave.
    Beat a child... NEVER!!!!
    Belittle a child .... NEVER!!!

    Train them to behave correctly... Every chance I get.

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    • Alexei1

      Thank you for agreeing

      That is probably the only good comment or somthing, so far iv read

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  • shadowgeyser

    It depends on the situation. I prefer it as a LAST resort. That is, reasoning and talking with a child can only work so far. Children can be smarter than we think or credit them for sometimes, and when they are being manipulative, sometimes reasoning with a child does not work. That said, it would be a pure last resort and not hard or anything. Usually a gentle tap on the bum is humiliating/establishes dominance enough!

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  • taggy

    Different strokes, different folks. Each of my 4 children were disciplined in different ways as they were all different ages and unfortunately 2 of my children had real problems.

    what boils my blood is that people lump all parents who smack their children into the same pot.
    Yes I smacked my children BUT never ever in temper AND always on the bum. they were always told clearly why they were being smacked but it was always a last option and it worked.

    My son who is now 24 is not aggressive in anyway shape or form nor is my 19 year old son.

    I've know other parents that can say they never smacked their children but they humiliated, isolated them and generally made their life hell, but never smacked them. I am sure they are parents out their that have never done anything like that and never smacked their kids but they are not put all into the same pot.

    I guess what I am trying to say it really makes no difference what discipline you meter out to child, as long as it is done with thought not out of anger and as long as you are consistent.

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  • Kids were so much better behaved a long time ago when they were actually punished for acting badly but now there are so many bratty little kids because so many parents give them everything they want.

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    • chewy

      its true but what are you gonna do?

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  • thegirlwhoislost

    I WAS HIT as a child and it is awful. It has horrible effects and I believe affected my self esteem as I grew up. Never, people don't realize what it does to kids when they are little.

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  • chewy

    thats just stupid there are other ways to deal with it

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    • Alexei1

      Yay, thanks


      There are other ways to deal with that

      THANK YOU!!

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  • greyatlas

    I would let them talk so I can find out the reason they are badmouthing me in the first place. Spanking or shutting them up is not going to prevent the incident from happening again and it's not really disciplining them.

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  • envy_wrath

    beat the sh*t out of them

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  • I would never spank my kids because I don't want to cause anyone let alone my children pain. I'll punish them but I won't hit them!

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    • Alexei1

      ok, sorry if im going to be i dont know, but if u wont hit them, wat do u do instead, im not saying that there is another alternative or something

      im just wondering

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      • Kiddles9

        Hi, this was my account but it got taken down and I just saw your comment now. There so many other options to disapline your kids with, get creative. Like an example is my sister didn't like her grades on her report card and didn't want to get in trouble for her marks so she put her report card in the incinerator, my dad found out nod instead of yelling at her or hitting her like some people think is appropriate way to handle that kind of situation he had her go into the principle ask for a new report card and explain why she needed a new one. She never did that again and it got the point across better then hitting ever would've.

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  • phullofit

    givemepeace is right. just teaches em violence.

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  • Melly

    I don't have children yet, but I would never dream of spanking a child. I'm so glad that hitting children is illegal in Sweden.

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    • Alexei1

      Wow is it actually illegal in Sweden, so if what happens, if a child gets spanked or beaten up, what would happen then,

      Im not saying that that is such a good idea, but im just wonderin, because in NZ, they do hav it illegal, sort of, but the thing is in NZ, the parents dont do anything, they beat their child/ren up and leave them to die, because they cant be botherd takin their child/ren to the hospital or something

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      • Melly

        It probably depends on how severe it is, but I'm pretty sure you could lose custody of your child or go to prison, etc.
        I'm no expert on our laws, though. I just knows it's illegal since '79.

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  • golden-sunflower

    No, spanking children is abusive and there are other ways of dealing with children misbehaviour. When my daughter steps out of line it is discussed and she's told not to do it again, if she does it again then her pocket money is reduced... she hates that. I usually get an apology very quickly. Her behaviour is pretty good.

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    • Alexei1

      Yay, thanks


      There are other ways to deal with that


      And Fair Enough

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  • usernametaken?

    beat that arse, make them learn some respect for the hand that feeds them.

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    • Alexei1

      Sorry what does that mean

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  • imadragon

    I don't believe in spanking, how dumb can a person be.

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  • I use it as last resort, I have a 16 month old stepson who has unfortunately already learnt how to have tantrums and misbehave, sometimes telling him off is enough but if he persists he usually gets a slap on the wrist, obviously not hard as he's only little I'm not stupid enough to hurt him but enough to give the impression that it's a consequence of his actions, I feel at his age he doesn't fully understand being told off, even with the tone of your voice sometimes it works others it doesn't and therefore a slap on wrists gives the best impression of consequence. Sometimes we just put him to bed but obviously you can't always do that if you're out etc.

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  • DhGlory

    I wouldn't hurt them a lot but my dad used hit me if I was being a dick and I deserved it, my dad used to playfully push me around ever since I could walk, every family video I'm being pushed over; I find it really funny and strongly believe I was brought up so by the time I went to school I had a thick outer shell. I was taught to not take shit from anyone but to follow the rules. A child will only learn not to do something if there are bad consequences associated with doing it. Being yelled at doesn't do a thing, I was a little tyrant as a child and when my mum yelled at me I would say sorry and do the exact same thing that made her angry five minutes later. A strong hand from my father made me fully aware what the consequences of my actions were, for all of you who think spanking is brutal, it is natural, animals do it ALL the time as a method of teaching. And for all those that say 'but we're not animals', yes we fucking are.

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    • Alexei1

      Im sorry about that,

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  • XxKushNinjaxX

    I don't have kids

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  • misamisa654

    Spanking only makes things worse in the end. Just scold them without repeating the bad words yourself.

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  • shellyshelly

    I feel that the punishment should fit the crime. I also believe in spanking reason being that at a certain age thats all that a child understands. Once they get to a age where you can talk to them, then spankings are not as needed. I have a 4 and 8 yr old and the 4 yr old mostly understands spanking. The oldest hardly ever have to have one I just talk to him and practice what I preach. They dont come with a book you just have to trust god and pray and raise them they best that you can.

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  • let them do it spanking wont stop them from saying the prophanities when they are older but when they do just take their dinner away or when they are young just say santa wont bring them any presants or say that you will cancell their birthdays or somethinf and remember that verbal is more effective and physical

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    • Alexei1

      Yes Yes Totally AGREE

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  • time2time

    Being a man and It may sound wet,BUT I slapped my little girl one and left a print on her leg. I was so upset at not knowing my own strenght I went up the garden to hide my tears.

    However from that day I only had to raise my voice or give a certen look and she backed down or pipe down. If ever she upset her Mum it was wait until your Daddy come,s home.

    She is 21 years old now and we are great freinds and I would give my life for her. the respect remains she live,e at home just Graduated from university and we are immensely proud of her and She is well mannered and polite. What I'm saying is that in my experience once boundaries are set everyone knows were they are and how far they can go.

    I do think that some children need a slap BUT i have herd some young mothers Chastise children as if they were adults and make awful derogatory comments to them, I brought my daughter as my mother and farther did me with the same kind of boundaries. I did me no harm and it's done my daughter no harm, But the last 3 decades has shown that parenting skill now need to be thought as young families struggle to bond and grow together.

    Good Luck to you all

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  • BrutallyHonest

    Children must get a hiding when they dont respect and obey their parents.
    If you dont , then you are contributing to the sad state that the world is in.
    Because your child will grow up thinking that there are no consequences for their bad behaviour, if your child cant talk to their parent with respect ,how do you think they are going to speak to strangers in public.
    And think how they will treat their future partner.
    Also ,remember that not every person they disrespect will just walk away.
    I AM NOT SAYING ''BEAT YOUR CHILD''. But you must know that 'time-outs' and taking their things away DOES NOT WORK.
    Kids like being alone, because they have their own things to do. And they get used to not having things ,eventually.
    Then they get older and they dont have anything you can take from them. And then guess what, they resent you and hate you.
    Spank your child ,emmediately when they do something wrong ,so that they know and comprehend that they have done something wrong.
    Twenty minutes later your child is no longer upset with you and may even apologize for their transgression.

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  • mariox402

    Man, my mom punished me for almost everything, of course my kids will get punished as well. Thats how we latinos do it.

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  • ellaisrad

    spanking children is disgusting and perverted.

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  • Webbster

    My father spanked me. Anyone who knows me will tell you that despite my short temper, I am a very gentle person at heart.

    I don't excel in martial arts (nor did I in football) because I couldn't go hard enough to do well where I also wasn't running the risk of injuring others.

    Spanking or hitting your kids in and of itself doesn't cause violent behavior, you having a violent personality and it rubbing off on them does.

    As long as you don't enjoy it or overdo it, spanking or hitting your children is fine. But only for big things, in my opinion.

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  • norcalbuddha

    I flick my kids if they are on the verge of hurting themselves like sticking a fork in a electrical socket or reaching thier hand up to touch the burner on the stove...I flick the back of their hands hard...it makes a point as they have never done it again.

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  • mr.M

    talk back to me and i will beat that ass

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  • SandsOfTheMind

    I'd punch them in the face. That seems to be my answer to everything.

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    • Alexei1

      How dare you!!!



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  • harrypotters

    Spanking can be used as an effective form of punishment. I remeber being spanked as a child it did not have any long lasting affects or cause me to be violent. Alot of the time some kids can not be dealt with just by talking and a little spanking helps get the message across. Like someone said studies are only done on a small percentage so they do not apply to all area's.

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  • edcrfv

    of course.i would talke down his undies and shorts, put a chair in the living room .i sit on the chair and make the child go over my knee. i would spank himinfront of his or her siblings so they wont do it

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  • jimbob101

    he'll YES I would. my parents did it to me and I'd do it to them. except if I had a daughter I wouldn't.

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    • wiip100

      biased much?

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    • Alexei1

      Excuse me, Im sorry


      WAIT, WHO WOULD U do to,

      sorry i think i just misread the reply, comment


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  • Adam_6996

    hell yea!

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  • fuckin rights I would give my kids a licken, (spank.)

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  • Allyster_Nightwind

    Hell yeah I'd get that ass. My parents where tough on me, I didn't talk back and if I did oh it was bad. lets just say I was a good kid growing up.

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    • golden-sunflower

      You may have been a good kid growing up, but was that due to fear or respect of your parents. I prefer to bring my children up to respect themselves and others. I don't see that you can achieve tht through physical abuse.... spanking!

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    • kissybella-and-weirdos?

      I respects you your the gospel

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  • Somenormie

    It depends what they did.

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  • KacyWatson

    No. I don't believe in spanking kids. Taking to your kids works, tell them what they did wrong and explain why it's bad.

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  • flamer180

    I believe in discipline. You may not like to, but discipline is important. You cant let your kids grow up to be spoiled brats.

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  • fab4ever2.

    Lol why am I here, I don't have kids

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  • college

    I did get swats as a young kid, I grew up well and I have loving parents. However, it also instilled fear in me and I didn't feel I could be honest with them about some things. So I'm not sure whether corporal punishment is right or wrong, perhaps it depends on how it's done, and who it's done to.

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  • megadriver

    I don't have kids. I'm still a university student, but I do know that a slap should be enough of a tip (to get the message. Not to badmouth me or their mother). Badmouthing parents is one of the worst things a child can do. I would never even think of badmouthing the people that gave birth to me, raised me, gave me love, food, a home and everything i've wanted.
    So badmouthing yeah - slap in the mouth!

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  • michaels4p5

    Its not legal here anymore you spank a kids ass you'll end up sitting in the courtroom i guess you'd have to put them in the corner if there being bad and tell them to shut-up.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Sometimes the threat of the spank is more effective

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  • Lynxikat

    I think it depends on how old the kids are. If the kid was twelve, probably not. If they were five or six, I think I might.

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  • trollbaby

    luvz it

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  • assh0le

    In the good old days when kids got regularly hammered by their parents you never heard of them gunning down their schoolmates, raping old ladies etc, now every second day we read about that shit.

    Even the Bible said "spare the rod and spoil the child".

    Parents don't enjoy having to spank but your child will grow up to respect boundaries and have a better life because of it.

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  • Umm, hello? It's called time-out! Oh, and sometimes just talking about right and wrong is better. Time-out isn't a very good thing either. It teaches kids nothing. Spankings are terrible.

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  • BackwardEx

    NO, that does not teach your child anything except how to be scared of you. I know because I was spanked as a child and you must learn to teach them without physical abuse, which I believe spakings are.

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  • fuckevery1

    yea i spank would spank them now a days is wrong an they could call child protect service but that is bs now the y do what ever they want cause they aint being spank no more

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  • Tony47

    Pssh. I would spank them if they said something really bad about me or anyone else. But probably not, because spanking in itself isn't a solution. This survey is biased towards spanking, because 2 of the no's say my kid's are out of control, and one of the no's say my kid's are non-existant!

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  • assh0le

    Saw a great post on IIN yest about a mother who smacked her kid's testicles when he got outta line. Really effective stuff for bad boys!

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