Would you travel somewhere with no comforts for a year to $ave $$$?

Imagine giving up all of your modern conveniences to live and work someplace without even Internet access or movies, say a very religious foreign nation. And you'd have to be there from 1 to 2 years. You'd make really good money to help pay off bills, but you'd be mostly alone, no friends, no phone, no Internet, not even a movie theater or DVD rental store.

Could you do it? HOW would you cope?

Voting Results
58% Normal
Based on 19 votes (11 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • RamenNoodleMaster#3

    wouldn't do it, if you live somewhere that is so expensive, i say try another city or state rather than sacrificing hundreds of opportunities to live in a a abandoned h*ll.

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    • AB1234

      Thanks for commenting, but the question isn't linked to the expenses of living in a particular (Western) city.

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  • I would if it didn't mean compromising my beliefs too much. Different religion is one thing, but if it was a country where I could be killed for acting or even looking differently.... Fuck no. Being cut off from the internet and modern technology though, I'd like to believe I can handle. ;P

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  • lordofopinions

    Go to North Korea or Iran.

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  • Allergictofun

    Dang, I haven't seen a DVD rental store since I was a little kid.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't think I could do that whole mess, but what country? I'm curious.

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    • AB1234

      I don't want to offend anyone from this particular country, so let's just say the Middle East...

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      • RoseIsabella

        No, because it would be too oppressive to me, and my two X chromosomes.

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        • AB1234

          I'm a girl and I'm very strongly considering it. I could earn more in a single year there than I could in my first three years after graduating here in the States. The tax incentives alone... If I can just find a way to entertain myself for two years I very likely would give it a go.

          But, you're right that it's not for everyone.

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          • RoseIsabella

            It sounds scary! Which Middle Eastern country?

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            • AB1234

              One of my ex's dad is a senior partner with an engineering firm in Saudi Arabia. They're recruiting engineers in specific fields for a decade+ infrastructure revamping plan. I know it would be awkward having to work apart from most of the rest of the teams who're almost exclusively guys, but I would really like to pay off all my bills by the time I'm 23 or 24. And taxes in the US eat up so MUCH of our income, making that an impossibility if I stay here like nearly every other graduate. Plus, I've seen pictures of some really pretty burkas! They make them in different fabrics and colors and patterns now! I think I could do it for 2 years...

              What would you do if you couldn't go to the movies or if Internet was very limited?

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  • Tealights

    Yeah. Just meet new people and make new friends in that country; no doubt they will know some interesting ways to pass the time, and you may learn something new if you give it a chance.

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    • AB1234

      Provocative. ;)

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