Writers, do you prefer writing in first person or third?
First (why?) | 21 | |
Third (why?) | 27 |
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First (why?) | 21 | |
Third (why?) | 27 |
It's third.
In my experience, writing in the first person really limits the perspective that you can give to the reader. I like to create imagery and give a good explanation of the emotional reactions of all of the characters involved in the story so writing in the first person really limits my ability to do that.
I prefer to write in first person for the same reason I prefer to read in third person. I like to see things through the character's eyes.
Its not that I prefer anything. It is just impossible for me to write in anything beside third person. In English class we were made to do first person. I started in first person and somehow ended up going back to third person in the middle. So it is impossible for me to do anything beside third person. It might be the fact that my strength is description when I write.
I wrote some stories with me as protagonist or well an optimized "Me" rather to write my own fantasy story I can follow in my head... It just seems way better to imagine things if you write or read in 1st person...
Third. Even when I'm writing about personal experiences actually. It just sort of makes my emotions pour out in a way writing in first person can't.
You forgot second but to answer your question third. Whenever I wrote anything it always ended up in third person. Not really sure why but generally I would always imagine everything I was writing playing out in my head. Like a movie would.
Yeah. I think you're the same as me. I always see my novels as a movie in my head before I start writing it, but I prefer to write in first person, still. For me, I enjoy being able to get into the character's head and see things through his eyes. Same reason why I enjoy reading in first person.
depends. in a novel thats mysterious or pertains to events in history like war or such, i prefer the first person. for novels that are a bit straight forward, i prefer the 3rd person.
When I write here, it's virtually always in first person singular or second person singular (occasionally first person plural).
If I'm writing fiction, second person is just weird (although my current profile has a lot of second person, but that's for the specific reason of me trying to be conversational to unknown strangers). I wouldn't want to write first person fiction, either, apart from as an experiment. Pretty much always third for me.
First person, simply because I prefer to really get to know a single protagonist. Not to mention, more suspense can be added since the reader is only aware of what the protagonist thinks and knows. Also, my mind just automatically writes "I" instead of "he" or "she". Whenever I attempt to write in third person, I always mess up my pronouns.
It all depends on what I'm writing. Obviously, when I'm writing a reply to an IIN question or a forum post, I use first person. :) For non-fiction, I write in second person a lot, especially for sales copy; second person brings the reader in a little, makes it more engaging. I generally write in the third person for fiction and formal/academic non-fiction.
There's no one best, right way to write, only what's most appropriate for your purpose.