Wrong number

I am so frustrated with people today. I work in a call center and mistakes happen. But today I have had a dozen people call me thinking I am some other company. These people have all been rude and blame me for their mistake and insist that I still help them find the correct number to call even though this is not my job, and they are absolutely undeserving of any favors after treating me like shit. Even worse, they are too busy having a conversation with someone else in the room that they don't pay attention to what I have to say. I'm not shocked they got the wrong number, they really have no fucking clue.

I weep for humanity. The world is full of idiots and assholes.

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Comments ( 3 )
  • ospry

    I feel like employers should be required to provide or pay for mental health services for anyone working in a call center, considering how much abuse you guys have to put up with on a daily basis

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    • AsterBean

      I think, as a society, we need to think about how we treat people in general. A couple days ago a seemingly average human told me it was my job to take abuse simply because I answered the phone. Ironically this is the same person who is grateful for a human to answer and not a robot. Fuck him. And fuck people for thinking they can treat others this way.

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      • ospry

        That's why, no matter how frustrated or annoyed I am, I always make sure never to take it out on the call center person. They're not the cause of the problem and they're trying to help me out even if their ability to help is limited

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