Yep, beauty fades

I am on another forum that has a lot of trolling similar to this one.
In a couple threads, women my age (close to 50) posted photos of when they were young and attractive. Today, it is like "Ugh, what happened?"

When I was younger I always got rejected by the pretty ones and had to settle for the lard butt women.
It is satisfying to see them older and haggardly.
Back then I would have given anything to have something beautiful under my arm but today the only way I would "smash it" would be with a brick.

Yes kids, it is true. Those good looking ones that are rejecting you now will someday be fat, ugly, worn out, and it is SO sweet to see that happen.

What do YOU think, IIN'ers?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • bbrown95

    I find that what comes around often goes around, and I'm already seeing it six and a half years after graduating high school.

    I was an overweight, poorly dressed, dorky teen who was made fun of a lot. I was on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds that did nothing but cause issues for me, struggled socially and in school, and a lot of people said I'd never make it in life.

    Well, one of the best things that ever happened to me was leaving high school. I got off of the meds, lost the weight, worked towards improving my social skills, and have been working my ass off and doing great in my career. As for the people who made fun of me and thought they were better than me? Most of them are twice as big as I was at my heaviest weight now, have kids they can't afford and have already been through a divorce, can't hold a job, and don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. A lot of these were people who were considered "cool" and "most likely to succeed" when we were in school.

    With that being said, I don't wish harm on anybody and realize that young people can do stupid things, and people can grow and change over time. However, I have no sympathy for the ones who never changed and are still high school bullies even as adults, and I have to say the look on my biggest bully's face when she saw me two years out of high school and I had lost the weight and she had gained a bunch was priceless. She got a pure look of jealousy on her face, then proceeded to point and laugh at me with her friends like a child, lol.

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    • Wait til you get over 40. Those "cool" kids and the bullies will really be a mess. Of course by then many will finally realize they are middle-aged nobodies but a few will still think they are hot shit.

      One thing that we soon discover when we leave high school is that unlike during school, the real world doesn't care how popular we are/were, what kind of car we drive, about our athletic abilities, who knows who. Not even our GPA means jack shit the moment we graduate.

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      • bbrown95

        Very true! There are still a lot of people my age clinging into their high school "glory days" and trying to relive it, and A LOT who haven't outgrown the mentality. For some reason, some of them are still concerned with being popular with those who were popular in high school, but like, why? High school is over!

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    • RoseIsabella

      Okay you asked for it!

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      • bbrown95

        Lol! Love it!

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  • SwickDinging

    Would you tell us which forum? I love weird, small internet forums. Much more interesting than the big ones that everyone goes on.

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    • It is called similar worlds.
      Kind of a different version of this place but things move a lot faster, more at a "chat room" speed so posts and topics just don't last.

      Of course like here, there are a few dick heads but par the course.

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      • SwickDinging

        Sounds interesting, I'll check it out. Thanks

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