Yorkies, yappers, little dogs, chihuahuas? their owners are demented.

What is wrong with people who have these little dogs as pets, on purpose? Napoleon syndrome? Little dog = substitute infant? They like weak little yapper turds? I don't hate small animals. Hamsters, for instance are quite little creatures. But, small dogs? All I think is, WTF is wrong with that person!?!? WHYYYYY would they have one of these screw up canine mutations? They're pretty much useless handbag filler. That's all I ever see. No wonder they have atrophied legs. I can understand someone adopting one. Nice of you. But they're useless. They're prey. They can't be housebroken. They're yappers. No, no, noooooooooo. Stop breeding these defect things!

I know people with these heinous creatures, or I have met them. The shit all over the house? That's disgusting. The yapping? Abnormal noise only the demented could love. They're not real dogs. Real dogs are about 2 foot in height of various variety. Little dogs are not at all normal. IIN? I don't think so.

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70% Normal
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Comments ( 24 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Oh dear, you've got it ALL wrong. These little 'yappers' as you call them, and quite rightfully, too, are absolutely FABULOUS when roasted over an open fire or bar b q!
    They are so well fed by adoring owners; most eat better than the family's children. Yum, yum. Just nick one when you have a hankering for a lil roast, then you only have to put up with the yapping for an hour or two.

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    • Rocketface

      I let my neighbours rat yorkie into my yard and killed it with a hedge trimmer.

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    • I wouldn't do that. Cruel. I hate these dogs. Its not their fault they were created for idiots! That mental defect human would replace it with another yapper. Better option? I'd bag the large rotund owner instead. Mwahaha. Case closed.

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      • thegypsysailor

        I never said anything about roasting them alive. I agree, that would be cruel.
        I hadn't thought about replacing them; perfect, I'll not have to buy meat ever again!

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        • I figure most people on IIN say things they wouldn't REALLY do IRL. So, I understand. Funny comments!

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          • thegypsysailor

            Now you're on the train to Tibet. Good boy.

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            • Tibet? Now a part of China. The recognition of Tibet's independent status is kind of a rocky relationship in that high altitude, very cold, dry region of the world.

              Train you say? Something like the Qinghai–Tibet Railway? I know what you say though? Its just a creative figure of speech. Greeeaat stuff.

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        • Rocketface

          I'm going to have a fire in my backyard chuck my idiot neighbours yorkie rat into the fire and say it ran in there by itself when my dog was chasing it.

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  • CheyChey


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  • golden_showers

    If you teach your dog to behave, it's not a problem.

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  • charli.m

    Yeah. Generalisations are smart.

    And this is from a person who isn't overly fond of many small dogs.

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    • dynamohumm

      I agree with Charli, I am not fond of small dogs myself but some small dogs ARE cute and have lots of personality.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I'm not a fan.
    I like medium sized quiet dogs. My aunt has a mini pin and it's the most annoying thing ever.

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  • Legion

    Honestly, i cant stand small dogs either.

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  • pastor_of_muppets

    I know this woman who is obsessed with small "dogs"

    Her newest addition is this miniature toy pom rat thing. It's like this stupid little tiny thing that fits in your palm :/

    Real dogs are as big (and bigger) as sheep! And they will effortlessly MAUL any intruder that dares to tread in their way. They shall rip out the flesh of the aforementioned intruder and effortlessly bathe in their guts whilst feasting on the ribs.
    They bring down buildings with their almighty barks and shake the very ground we step on.
    Real dogs go RAAAAAAWwWWWWRRRRR!!!! and protects us.

    And what do small dogs have as a counter argument? "Smalls durgs are sooo kewt and you cans carries them and dress thems and call thems Muffin"

    The only good thing small dogs do is they are an alarm. An alarm that poops on your carpets. But the nice thing is that they have a built in tracking system - top of the line. It comes in the form of the line of pee it left on your floor as it ran away from the axe wielding murderer that is waiting to kill you in the living room.
    So you can follow the pee trail, grab Muffin, tuck him in your pocket and run away whilst your place gets ransacked

    Who's a good boy

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    • Rocketface

      Does she let it outside? You dig a small hole under the fence and lure it into your yard with meat, then kill it with a hedge trimmer. Fucken idiot neighbour got 2 more.

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  • noid

    In defense of small dogs I will say that I have a Pomeranian who is housetrained. Perhaps those that go all over the house were never properly trained or were just spoiled by their owners. Also I've seen large dogs that bark every bit as much as small dogs. I generally prefer cats to dogs. Small dogs are less inconvenient than large dogs when you have to bathe them or when they won't go where you want them to though- you can just pick them up and move them.

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    • thegypsysailor

      A Pomeranian, huh? Very tasty, much, much better than those skinny Pekes. Yum, yum.

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      • Rocketface

        I set my boyfriends parents one on fire in high school, when I was baby sitting his sister, they burn real and I mean REAL good with all that hair, stinks though. I chucked what was left into the river at the back of his house and said it was eaten by a snake.

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    • Wait, wait, you might need a brain examination! You have a Pomeranian. I'm sure you love this little dog so it is pefect in your eyes. Not to everybody else. I cannot for the life of me see the appeal of one. Then, again I don't find human infants that shit, vomit, and cry very appealing either. To want to keep a cat is an even worse sign that you need your brain examined. Do you truly enjoy your time cleaning a litter box? Cat urine/poop is a biological hazard that should be handled by people wearing level IV CDC biosafety suits. Ewww! Cats wreck homes with urine that is impossible to remove. I hate walking into a home that has cats. The owners go nose blind. Its health hazard gross. I was forced to grow up in a house with cats. I have seen the destruction they do. I would never have one. Noooo.

      Big dogs? In my observation... granted this is just my own observation/experience.... People that have big dogs are more mainstream normal. Little dogs? Tend to be kept by people I guess wanting a perpetual useless infant? I cannot see the appeal. You can't go hiking with an itty bitty dog. You surely cannot walk a little dog (prey) into a crowd of large dogs. It is always at risk of being eaten.

      Nonetheless, you're an anomaly for house training your Pom. There are always exceptions to generalizations. Thanks for that!

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      • noid

        Wrong again. My Pom does go hiking. My cats are indoor outdoor so they aren't always using the litter box and I clean it out often unlike many people apparently. They don't pee in other places in the house. That would certainly be gross!

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        • You take your Pom hiking? Ok, that's kewl! :-) That means you exercise your Pom. Good, very good. That pretty much solves yapper dog syndrome, lol. Of course, I doubt I will ever see a Pom do more than 5+ miles on a non-groomed trail. You don't typically see a Pom as the first choice for a search and rescue dog. They can go hiking, but they're not designed to be the ultimate outdoorsy dog. They're a lap dog. They can be notorious yappers. If exceptions make me eat my words, brilliant.

          Before you make claims about the cats, please inquire with your neighbors. Ask if the cats are crapping in their gardens or spraying their house. It does indeed happen. Worst thing ever. Highly discourteous. This is experience I'm venting or I would blindly agree that kitties are LOL cute, precious clean creatures. They're not! Not saying you do this. Its common though. But, I'll take your word for what you say. Praise halleluiah you're a wonderful exception. People should follow your fine example.

          Ok ok, I couldn't ever truly look at a cute Pom and say no. I'm a sucker for cuteness as much as anybody else. Just not when someone is letting their yapper dog cause noisy chaos on end! Ugh.

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          • noid

            I do wonder what's appealing about chihuahuas. They don't look "cute" and can be irritable to people that aren't their owner. Maybe some poms are too but mine loves people. I don't know much about Yorkies except they're so tiny. I lived in a place with stairs for awhile and was glad I didn't gave a dog so small it would have to be carried up/down!

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            • Rocketface

              They are ugly can't stand them.

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