Your biggest lie or secret
This is just for fun, we all have our little secrets or lies that we hope never come out. Some live a life of lies.
What's your biggest secret or lie to someone of importance. I'm not talking about telling a cop you weren't speeding. Most of what I'm thinking about are sexual because they seem to be the ones we want to hide the most or can do the most damage coming out.
I'm talking about things like current or past affairs, had a same gender sexual encounter, desire to, or have played with a family member, hidden camera on parents or others ie. roommates, putting stuff in food or drinks such as body fluids or drugs. Of course there are extremes, I used to be the opposite sex, I've hurt or killed someone on purpose, or have a child that they don't know of.
What are you hiding, go ahead let it out. You want to tell somebody!