Your thoughts on people assaulting their teachers on tiktok?

What are your thoughts on this trend on TikTok?

They want attention obvs 8
Who even assaults their teacher anyways? 5
Those people are dumb 5
It's horrible 6
Eh 2
Other opinion ( please explain in the comments ) 1
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Comments ( 16 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    They are assaulting teachers and creating and sharing evidence of it on their phones? At least back in my day we would tell people *not* to film on their “camera phones” when we did something fucked up. That’s awful but they should have shot themselves in the foot by recording themselves in the act.

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  • darefu

    You forgot the choice all the above!

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  • BleedingPain

    That is so dumb. I guess kids dont care that what they put on the internet lives forever

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  • Cable4nerds

    Absolutely zero house training.

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  • MonteMetcalfe


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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Ill fuck those little dudes up like theri daddy should have if they do that shit to my sister

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  • Boojum

    So you're saying that people are filming themselves committing a crime and then posting the video where anyone can watch it?

    If that is indeed what's going on, then I wish that I could say that I'm shocked by the sheer idiocy of it. Unfortunately, I'm not. I imagine the fools who do this are too dimwitted to have actually learned anything the teacher was trying to teach them, but I hope their moment of TikTok fame is soon followed by them learning the valuable lesson that their actions always have consequences. Still, I doubt if anyone posting anything on TikTok is capable of learning anything.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Some guy in New Zealand live streamed himself shooting up a mosque. You can find the video online. Its terrible.

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      • Boojum

        I have no interest in watching that, thanks.

        But I can actually understand him livestreaming his mass-murder more easily than I can comprehend what the OP describes. I imagine the asshole saw himself as a hero, he went into that mosque not expecting to come out alive, and in his tiny, twisted mind, this was a spectacular political gesture that would set the world ablaze or some such shit.

        What the OP talks about is kids being so fucking dumb that they don't realise it's stupid to film yourself committing assault.

        These TikTokers should go back to doing more positive things like chowing down on Tide Pods, overdosing on Benadryl, balancing on the top of a pyramid of plastic crates 30 feet high or seeing how many marshmallows they can cram in their mouth before they block their windpipe. You know, things that actually help improve the quality of the gene-pool.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Theyre probably all no daddy having kids. What do you even do with a teenager when they're already grown physically and they're violent? If its a single mom how could she even discipline him?

          "Son you're grounded go to your room"

          "Fuck you mom I do what I want"
          **PUSHES HER ASIDE**

          Should just send them to military school and give the male teachers permission to smack them. Theyre cowards they wont do it to someone that can fight back.

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  • bbrown95

    I wasn't aware of this trend, but if this is true, the answer is all of the above (besides "eh"). It's horrible, they want attention, and who does that?

    I hope the video evidence comes back to bite them in the ass.

    Another instance of "I'm glad I'm not on TikTok" for me. It seems all I hear about it these days are cruel and idiotic viral trends.

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  • jethro

    Break their friggin heads open.

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  • Tommythecaty

    I think it’s ok.

    They will eventually pull some shit like that with a stranger in public and get hurt so bad 🤣

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  • Irizu3748392746483938

    They're dumbasses, but who cares?

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  • cumlordvegeta

    I think it's great .

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    • harkosv

      In a way, you're kind of right. It's great that the dumbass degenerates are making it obvious who they are, so when they end up broke and on the streets there'll be evidence enough to say that it's their own fault since they obviously have abysmal decision-making skills

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