Zombie apocalypse
I know this is going to sound stupid.
Or like I'm joking, or maybe a little crazy.
Am I the only one who has seriously considered/planned for the zombies?
No, I'm serious.
It isn't as unlikely as one might think. There are truly a number of ways by which humans truly could turn into zombies. Given, not all of these would truly turn us into shambling, cannibalistic corpses... but there are parasites, for example, that can control one's actions. Research looking into bringing life back into a body, which would result in brain functions being limited to the "reptilian" brain, which controls only basic functions like hunger. (So that would REALLY be a hungry, re-animated corpse.)
I'm not making myself sound any saner here, I know... but really, I'm not trying to say I have a bunch of complex theories. I'm just saying I think about this pretty often. Like, once or twice a week. And I have plans for what I would do if there was a sudden zombie take-over.
I know the first househould items I would grab as weapons.
How I'd manage to get gas for the car without being eaten.
Who I'd check on first; who I'd try to get to.
Where we would go to be safe.
How bad-a** it would be to be able to kick some zombie face in without fear of infection.
And at least every month, I get scared that it's happening. Not severely scared, but just a little freaked out. Not enough to scream or run around telling people or anything.
So, uh...
Anyone else?