Appearance & Clothing
Newest Posts in Appearance & Clothing
100%Is it normal to be 7 feet 3 inches?
100%I wear a wizard hat for motivation?
50%IIN i feel like a show off whenever i use accessories
NewWould you rather be ugly, or attractive but look like opposite gender
79%Is it normal that i want my wife to wear revealing clothes?
100%IIN for a guy to wear toe rings and an ankle bracelet?
82%IIN to only wear flip flops all summer long, everywhere?
100%I’m stuck being a 2000s emo
57%As a woman, i like feminine men
64%I think bald people are so funny
50%Is it normal for a 12 year old girl to weight 145
71%I really dislike fake tits. is this normal?
NewIs there a way for me transplant hair at home free of charge?
25%Is it normal that i like to wear short shorts and completely shave my legs?
40%To wear pantyhose/tights in public without a skirt?
50%IIN to get food in beard
Call and response
44%I'm a boy but i want boobs
56%Why do i see more men and boys wearing nail polish?
50%IIN my earlobes itch when i use earrings
67%My head is shaped like the rock's
NewEye color preference
NewWhat's is the cutest thing that big girls wear?
Wearing a stripy jersey, a coat, a blue scarf, beanie, a wristwatch & pants
NewIs it sexually acceptable to have butthole hair
Have you ever had your appearance compared to a famous person?
Wife bought a cupless black leather corset
NewHow common are gray eyes?
88%Long-hair or short-haired men?
Men what part of a woman's face do you mind most attractive?