Newest Posts in Observations
38%IIN for military vets to act like this?
100%IIN my shrink hears me vent for one hour with little advice?
55%IIN that bold personalitys are often shut down?
NewWhy do women live a delusion
NewWas i flirting with her without realizing it?
NewSteamboat willie; cruelty to animals?
47%Why are the attractive people, generally a holes?
48%I hate gen z
50%Poor, low class people like colorful plastic
31%IIN to think a shapeshifter is eating people at my job?
84%Is it normal to only have strong opinions when anonymous?
What the last thing you just said?
50%Seeing eerie large dark brown smudge in the corner of rooms?
NewDo you hate it when iin post have
80%Is it normal to wnat to be a hermit
NewPoll on average intelligence of iin users
NewIs your house/room generally clean or is it generally messy?
62%Is it normal i think most of the people on here are
20%IIN everyone jumps on the politically correct
25%Wtf is up with some people?
88%Why do i crush on people i cant have?
33%Are guys with a tan hotter
67%Op is this normal?
38%I wish the absolute worst for incels
45%Is it normal to think we need less posts on iin?
NewIIN i wonder why black people in the us are called african-americans?
89%Is america too divided
64%Why has it become normal to be intolerant of others viewpoints?
43%Why do people love dogs
68%IIN i just realized # is the pound sign so now..