Is it normal not religious?

I've been to church, but I don't feel anything. They say being in touch with God. But all I feel is boredom. Is it normal not to believe in God?
The truth is, being an atheist isn't easy. I'd like to believe in God if I could.

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84% Normal
Based on 37 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 64 )
  • Fugazi,again

    Going to church is very different from actually believing in god. Most people just go to church because it's a tradition. I believe in God but any time I go to a church it just feels like some sort of weird cult.

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    • RodeoGal27

      My thoughts exactly

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    religion & spirituality are two different things

    religious people use slimy psychological tricks to tryn make people feel the spiritual love

    so do cults so congratulations for not bein susceptible and dodgin a landmine

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  • TerriAngel

    Religion is complicated.
    I'm struggling too.
    I read the bible.
    I get the message.
    But I don't see that in a church: That supports the republican party.
    Humpty trumpty,
    A ban on abortion.
    Unfair justice systems.
    Different laws for the super rich.
    Environmental, and animal abuse.
    None of those are biblically correct.
    A church that supports them, has lost it's bearings.

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    • BlackButler

      God actually has no opinion on that stuff at all 🤣

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    • Inkmaster

      Would you mind elaborating on these issues? What about them do you find un-Biblical?

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      • TerriAngel

        Have you read the bible?
        If you read nothing but a new king james and only the red words of jesus.
        There's your answer.
        In black and white...
        Opps, Red and White.
        If you cant see that, I wont waist my breath.
        Jesus would not have liked trump, border walls, cuts to healthcare, cuts to help for the poor.
        His arrogance, multiple wifes, lust, greed, ignorance, animal cruelty, Athiesm, lies, probably wouldnt like his fake tan comb over, or his manipulation of others.

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        • BlackButler

          Actually Jesus would love Trump in spite of all that 🤣
          Jesus said he would not change a thing from the original law found in the first five Books of Moses. You know what that means? Death penalty is L E G I T and borders are legit. Love is not about being a door mat. Unconditional love means you might even have to kill an enemy but not with hate in your heart. It means surrender to life without judgment of it. Gita explains this well.

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        • Inkmaster

          Jesus was a friend to the sinners. He anointed a prostitute. God chooses who does and doesn't come into His Kingdom, why would He be against the border wall? What cuts to healthcare? What animal cruelty? What cuts to help for the poor? Trump's not an atheist. God doesn't judge people based on outward appearance, so how dare you. What manipulation? Trump hasn't banned abortions, and if He did, I'm sure Jesus would support it. What about the justice system is unfair? The only laws different for the super rich is that they have to pay more in taxes.

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          • TerriAngel

            You are welcome to your opinion.
            I could get into an argement.
            But its not worth my spit.
            believe whatever you like.

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    • BlackButler

      And the Democrats are saints or what? Do you know how much of welfare goes to their pockets and not to people? The GOP sucks, but the DEMS are sooo corrupt. Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day is a Democrat move... teach him how to fish and he will eat forever is a republican value. I don’t think you can easily divide current politics up biblically so easily. Plus, who is trying to tear down statues of Jesus right now? Destroy churches? Progressive Trump haters. I reallly don’t think we can measure our politics by the Bible and come up with good on one guy and bad on another. I don’t think people, life or politics are that simple. I get that it’s easy to hate trump but what? Everyone else is a good guy? Did you know other Democrats wanted a wall prior to trump in office? They just didn’t get around to it. I have lived most of my life in the Southwest and the border violence due to illegal crossings is very real. What is so unholy about requiring legal immigration and securing your border? Everyone else does it. Anti police is the New Democrat trend but these people have paid security for their homes, private paid security. Yet they want average Americans to be welcome their homes And Tax money to illegal immigrants? And we are supposed to just open our arms to them no matter what? So then we are no longer a nation? What is the point if there are no borders and border enforcement? Does the Bible also say we should have one world government with no borders?

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  • howaminotmyself

    You feel bored because you are not connecting with the energy of the place or people. Church is a social gathering, usually of like minded individuals who want to celebrate their faith together. It probably feels like going to a party with people you don't want to party with. And that is okay. Find somewhere you do.

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  • jodi1955

    going to church is a religious tradition, having a personal relationship with God is different. Perhaps you feel bored because God is not there. Just because it is a church and people gather and pray does not mean God shows up.

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    • Dan13309

      God is everywhere at all times even if you dont beleave in him he is there and he loves you so much more then anyone of us could imagine.

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  • BlackButler

    Read the Rational Bible, Genesis version. It’s by Dennis Prager. Read The Power of Love by Fran Grace. Read Love Poems from God by Daniel Ladinsky. Study the mystics of all religions and find the common thread. You likely need something deeper to draw you into the Truth of your Divine being. Whatever you do, avoid the new age 🤪

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  • Xvid

    God exists. It is a concept created by humans. That’s it. At the current rate of cultural evolution it is forecasted that it will take 10,000 years for humanity to become all atheist (no religions and no gods). I was hoping I could see it happen in 10 years instead...

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  • BlackButler

    “non denominational-devotional-non-duality“

    Your experience with divinity will come about by persistent efforts to be more like it. That is, to emulate the qualities of love, compassion, forgiveness and gratitude towards others and yourself at all times. Jesus is an advocate. You don’t have to be concerned with religion to be concerned with divinity. Maybe read “transcending the levels of consciousness” by David Hawkins.

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  • BlackButler

    It’s normal. However, atheism is the ultimate intellectual narcissism. It’s assumes reality can only measured by your mind. At least be an agnostic and admit you don’t know. Anyway, church isn’t for everyone. Just pray to your higher power. The eternal nature of love that is life and is within you.

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  • cupcake_wants

    What religion you are is a result of what you were raised into. What culture, what language, etc that you were born into. Because of this, I don't think God cares what religion you are, or even if you're religious at all. It's psychology and culture. What matters is what's in your heart.

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    • Inkmaster

      I would disagree with this. People convert to other religions. Muslims become Christians. Christians become atheists. Buddhists become Hindi. This can happen regardless of what religion you were raised as. As to God not caring what religion you are, I would also disagree with this.

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      • cupcake_wants

        Yes, people do leave their religions sometimes. However, have you ever tried to talk somebody out of their religion? They are brainwashed into it. Is God going to judge you for being raised from childhood to believe it as fact, if it's wrong? If you were God would you judge a person for being brainwashed and following a "wrong" religion because that's what your family taught you?

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        • Inkmaster

          You don't give people enough credit. People aren't "brainwashed" into their religions. Again, not everyone who follows a religion is raised from childhood to do so. Many people raised atheists become Christian, or Buddhist, etc. People choose what to believe and what not to believe. there have been multipe times where I questioned my own faith, but I always chose to have faith in the end. People are resistant to change, but that has nothing to do with "brainwashing". People hate change regardless of what faith they are.

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  • olderdude-xx

    The biggest difficulty that I found in my eventually successful multi-decade religious quest is that most churches have little to do with actual religious spirituality.

    My experience tells me that there is some kind of "infinite intelligence" whom I personally use the name Yahweh as that is as best as I can determine actually the English version of the name used in the biblical texts over 4000 times (which many modern bibles have replaced with the generic word "god"). Note that since the bible itself says there are other "gods" - I'm not sure who or what people are referring to when they say "god"... Which one and with what values?

    I have also met some obviously very spiritual and religious people from other faiths... and we talk about similarity in spiritual values and expectations. The bible does say that there are other gods for other people... so there is no conflict with that.

    I wish you best on your search. I looked at many different religions; and spent years reading different things. Eventually I found the evidence I needed for Yahweh and spiritual peace when hiking trails and sitting on hillsides away from the bustle of civilization.

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  • There are Christians, there are Muslims. They were very lucky to have a god

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    • JustAHuman

      They don't have a god. They just think they do.

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      • Dan13309

        Wrong, God IS there and he loves you so much

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        • JustAHuman

          Then why is he sending me to hell?

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          • Dan13309

            You don't have to go there.
            Repent, do some praying and ask for forgiveness. God is mercifully, if you are sorry for what you have or may have done, he will forgive you ;-)

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            • JustAHuman

              But if I don't do any of that, he'll send me to hell even though he loves me, right?

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    • Dan13309

      Yes they where, but you have God also, if you want him, just open the door to your heart and let him in. God is always there for everyone just waiting for you to let him in.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Arrogant human. God is not a "he."

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        • BlackButler

          You sound like a superior robot when you say “arrogant human.”
          Gender and god is such a petty thing to get hung up on. Give it a rest.

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          • howaminotmyself

            You missed my point entirely. God is energy and should never be viewed as humanlike, it makes us think we are better than nature. It, I believe, is why people justify destroying our world. Too many people think we are above it.

            It isn't a petty detail. Great if you don't care what gender your god is, but I guarantee most religious people do care. It should be a non issues, but it clearly is.

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        • BlackButler

          The male is the word spoken into the void / potential female. They are both God and both correct. They are qualities, concepts of understanding, not genders. God is non duality. why do you cherry pick such petty things to correct people on? So lame. Would you just as easily correct someone with a female deity? These types of conceptualizations help people connect to the divine. You are arrogant to correct them on technicalities. You sound foolish and eager to show off your intellect.

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        • Dan13309

          Well to put it that way, God is not a she either.

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          • howaminotmyself

            Correct. It is arrogant to make god a humanlike entity in the first place. It is neither male nor female.

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  • leggs91200

    Church is pretty boring. Kind of uptight also.

    I sometimes wonder what these religious people do when they get bored of being holy.

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